1. 程式人生 > >Python mysql獲取主鍵id

Python mysql獲取主鍵id


author_id = cursor.lastrowid
相等於 : author_id = conn.insert_id()




我們將name , plat(平臺)為唯一主鍵,

因為name 在不同platform上可能相同,所以對於不同platform的name,我們都要將name存進去,是同一platform的name 就不再進行第二次存入


# 1 先進行查詢是否存在
# 2 再進行更新操作(其實這一步可以不用的) # 3 對資料進行插入 author_id = None ## (一)insert into mysql try: # 查重處理 self.cursor.execute("""select author_id from tb_author where name = %s and platform = %s """, [item['name'], item['platform']]) # 是否有重複資料 repetition = self.cursor.fetchone() # 重複
if repetition: if len(repetition) > 0: author_id = repetition[0] else: # 更新 result_code = self.cursor.execute( "UPDATE tb_author set avatar=%s,type=%s,fans_count=%s,scan_count=%s,collect_count=%s,is_delete=%s where tb_author.name = %s and tb_author.platform = %s"
, [item['avatar'], item['type'], item['fans_count'], item['scan_count'], item['collect_count'], item['is_delete'], item['name'], item['platform']]) # 第一次插入 if not result_code: self.cursor.execute( "insert into tb_author (name,platform,avatar,type,fans_count,scan_count,collect_count,is_delete,gmt_create,gmt_modified) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (item['name'], item['platform'], item['avatar'], item['type'], item['fans_count'], item['scan_count'], item['collect_count'], item['is_delete'], item['gmt_create'], item['gmt_modified'])) author_id = self.cursor.lastrowid print('author_id ==== > ',author_id) except Exception as e: print('inser mysql error ---> ',e) self.conn.commit() self.cursor.close() self.conn.close()