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NodeMCU教程 不斷重啟問題解決


Since  the execution of  "init.lua" at the time of NodeMCU booting, once there are any bugs in it, the NodeMCU may restart over and over again.Luckily, the Lua is asynchronous.At the same time of booting,we can run the order "file.remove('init.lua')" to delete the file.After fixing the bugs,upload it and run it on the NodeMCU.The problem will be solved.



由於NodeMCU在啟動時會執行"init.lua" 檔案,一旦這個檔案中存在漏洞,NodeMCU可能會不斷地重啟。幸運地是,Lua是非同步執行的,在重啟的同時,執行"file.remove('init.lua')"命令即可刪除"init.lua" 檔案,下次啟動時就不會執行這個檔案了。修復漏洞後,再將"init.lua" 檔案上傳執行就行了。