1. 程式人生 > >Android Recyclerview判斷是否已經到底部或者頂部

Android Recyclerview判斷是否已經到底部或者頂部


// 垂直方向的判斷

  1. /**

  2. * Check if this view can be scrolled vertically in a certain direction.

  3. *

  4. * @param direction Negative to check scrolling up, positive to check scrolling down.

  5. * @return true if this view can be scrolled in the specified direction, false otherwise.

  6. */

  7. public boolean canScrollVertically(int direction) {

  8. final int offset = computeVerticalScrollOffset();

  9. final int range = computeVerticalScrollRange() - computeVerticalScrollExtent();

  10. if (range == 0) return false;

  11. if (direction < 0) {

  12. return offset > 0;

  13. } else {

  14. return offset < range - 1;

  15. }

  16. }




    // 水平方向的判斷

  17. /**

  18. * Check if this view can be scrolled horizontally in a certain direction.

  19. *

  20. * @param direction Negative to check scrolling left, positive to check scrolling right.

  21. * @return true if this view can be scrolled in the specified direction, false otherwise.

  22. */

  23. public boolean canScrollHorizontally(int direction) {

  24. final int offset = computeHorizontalScrollOffset();

  25. final int range = computeHorizontalScrollRange() - computeHorizontalScrollExtent();

  26. if (range == 0) return false;

  27. if (direction < 0) {

  28. return offset > 0;

  29. } else {

  30. return offset < range - 1;

  31. }

  32. }

  33. 這個是View裡面的方法,經過使用未發現BUG,使用的時候直接呼叫這個方法就好了,

    比如:判斷是否滑動到底部, recyclerView.canScrollVertically(1);返回false表示不能往上滑動,即代表到底部了;

                判斷是否滑動到頂部, recyclerView.canScrollVertically(-1);返回false表示不能往下滑動,即代表到頂部了;