阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-09
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-jpa</artifactId></dependency>
server.port=8081spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/student?characterEncoding=UTF-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull spring.datasource.username = root spring.datasource.password = root spring.datasource.driverClassName = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver# Specify the DBMS spring.jpa.database = MYSQL # Show or not log for each sql query輸入sql語句 spring.jpa.show-sql = true # Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update # Naming strategy spring.jpa.hibernate.naming-strategy = org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy# stripped before adding them to the entity manager) spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
注:spring.jpa.show-sql =true 是在控制檯輸入sql語句
對spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto 這個屬性,主要作用 是:自動建立、更新、驗證資料表結構,該引數的幾種配置如下:
@Entity @Table(name = "t_bank_account") public class BankAccount extends JpaRepositoriesAutoConfiguration{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private String cardno; private String name; private Long id; private BigDecimal money; public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } public String getCardno() { return cardno; } public void setCardno(String cardno) { this.cardno = cardno; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public BigDecimal getMoney() { return money; } public void setMoney(BigDecimal money) { this.money = money; } }
public interface BankAccountDao extends CrudRepository<BankAccount, Long> { //根據編號查詢 public BankAccount findById(Long id); @Query(value = "select * from t_bank_account where name like %?1%",nativeQuery = true) @Modifying public List<BankAccount> findByNameLike(String name);//NotLike --- 等價於 SQL 中的 "not like",比如 findByNameNotLike(String name); public Page<BankAccount> findAll(Pageable pageable); //聯合查詢資料 @Query(value = "SELECT b.id,a.name as name,b.name,a.age,b.cardno,b.money from user a LEFT JOIN t_bank_account b on a.id=b.id and b.id=?1",nativeQuery = true) @Modifying public List<BankAccount> findOrderById(Integer id); //源生sql插入 @Query(value = "insert into t_bank_account(cardno,name,money) value(?1,?2,?3)",nativeQuery = true) @Modifying @Transactional public void insertBank_account(String cardNo, String name, BigDecimal money); //源生sql修改 @Query(value = "update t_bank_account set name = ?2 where id=?1",nativeQuery = true) @Modifying @Transactional public void updateOne(Long id,String name); //源生sql 刪除 @Query(value = "delete from t_bank_account where id = ?1",nativeQuery = true) @Modifying @Transactional public void deteteBankAccountById(Long id); }
public class BankAccountController{ @Resource BankAccountDao accountDao; @ApiOperation(value = "查詢銀行使用者") @RequestMapping(value = "/findById" , method = RequestMethod.GET) public Object findById(@RequestParam(value = "id",required = false) Long id){ Iterable<BankAccount> bList; if(id!=null){ BankAccount user = accountDao.findById(id); if(user == null){ return "該資料項不存在"; }else{ return "cardNo:" + user.getCardno() + " , name:" + user.getName()+",money:"+user.getMoney(); } }else{ bList = accountDao.findAll(); } return bList; } @ApiOperation(value = "姓名查詢銀行使用者資訊") @RequestMapping(value = "findName",method = RequestMethod.GET) public List<BankAccount> findName(@RequestParam(value = "name")String name){ List<BankAccount> bList = accountDao.findByNameLike(name); return bList; } @ApiOperation(value = "查詢銀行使用者資料") @RequestMapping(value = "findIds",method = RequestMethod.GET) public List<BankAccount> findIds(@RequestParam(value = "id")Integer id){ List<BankAccount> bList = accountDao.findOrderById(id); return bList; } @ApiOperation(value = "新增銀行資料") @RequestMapping(value = "saveBankAccount",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String addBankAccount(@RequestParam(value ="cardNo") String cardNo, @RequestParam(value = "name") String name, @RequestParam(value = "money")BigDecimal money){ BankAccount account = new BankAccount(); account.setMoney(money); account.setName(name); account.setCardno(cardNo); accountDao.insertBank_account(cardNo,name,money); //accountDao.save(account); return " Add success!";// } @ApiOperation(value = "修改銀行資料") @RequestMapping(value = "updateBankAccount",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String updateBankAccount(@RequestParam(value ="id") Long id, @RequestParam(value = "name") String name){ accountDao.updateOne(id,name); return " update success!"; } @ApiOperation(value = "刪除銀行資料") @RequestMapping(value = "delAccountId",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String delBankAccount(@RequestParam(value = "id") Long id){ BankAccount user = accountDao.findById(id); if(user==null){ return "該資料項不存在!"; }else{ // accountDao.delete(id);//jar自帶的刪除方法 accountDao.deteteBankAccountById(id);//源生的刪除方法 } return "success!"; }