Opencv Python版學習筆記(三)模板匹配
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-10
#decoding:utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env python ''' [-i path | --input path: default ./] Demonstrate using a mouse to interact with an image: Read in the images in a directory one by one Allow the user to select parts of an image with a mouse When they let go of the mouse, it correlates (using matchTemplate) that patch with the image. ESC to exit ''' import numpy as np from math import * import sys import os import glob import argparse import cv2 as cv drag_start = None#全域性變數取方塊滑鼠拖拽時使用 sel = (0,0,0,0)#全域性變數 長方形左上頜右下定點座標儲存 def onmouse(event, x, y, flags, param):#滑鼠事件響應函式 global drag_start, sel if event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:#左鍵按下時記錄當前初始座標,並初始化矩形sel drag_start = x, y sel = 0,0,0,0 elif event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:#滑鼠左鍵嘆彈起時響應 if sel[2] > sel[0] and sel[3] > sel[1]:#判斷右下角座標是否大於左上角 patch = gray[sel[1]:sel[3],sel[0]:sel[2]]#取矩形區域內畫素作為patch影象 result = cv.matchTemplate(gray,patch,cv.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)#返回遍歷後匹配值矩陣,這裡選擇歸一化相關係數匹配 result = np.abs(result)**3 val, result = cv.threshold(result, 0.01, 0, cv.THRESH_TOZERO)#將低於0。01的值賦值為0 result8 = cv.normalize(result,None,0,255,cv.NORM_MINMAX,cv.CV_8U)#將result轉化到0-255區間 cv.imshow("result", result8) drag_start = None elif drag_start: #print flags if flags & cv.EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON:#取當前座標與初始座標較小的為矩形座標左上,較大的為右下 minpos = min(drag_start[0], x), min(drag_start[1], y) maxpos = max(drag_start[0], x), max(drag_start[1], y) sel = minpos[0], minpos[1], maxpos[0], maxpos[1] img = cv.cvtColor(gray, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv.rectangle(img, (sel[0], sel[1]), (sel[2], sel[3]), (0,255,255), 1) cv.imshow("gray", img) else: print "selection is complete" drag_start = None if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Demonstrate mouse interaction with images') #命令列輸入引數 -i 輸入影象路徑 預設為E:/imagetest parser.add_argument("-i","--input", default='E:/imagetest', help="Input directory.") args = parser.parse_args() path = args.input#獲取影象路徑引數 cv.namedWindow("gray",1) cv.setMouseCallback("gray", onmouse) '''Loop through all the images in the directory''' for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(path, '*.*') ):#遍歷資料夾下的圖片檔案 ext = os.path.splitext(infile)[1][1:] #get the filename extenstion if ext == "png" or ext == "jpg" or ext == "bmp" or ext == "tiff" or ext == "pbm": print infile img=cv.imread(infile,1) if img == None: continue sel = (0,0,0,0) drag_start = None gray=cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv.imshow("gray",gray) if (cv.waitKey() & 255) == 27: break cv.destroyAllWindows()