1. 程式人生 > >Grid Control的啟動及關閉步驟

Grid Control的啟動及關閉步驟

實際上官方的文件上有詳細的介紹,但是對於Grid Control不太熟悉人來說,不僅文件位置不好找而且總被那些通用$ORACLE_HOME變數所迷惑。還是決定在此做個備忘及分享。
一、Stopping Grid Control and All Its Components

[[email protected] ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[[email protected] db10g]$ cd ..
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ ls
agent10g db10g oms10g
[[email protected]

OracleHome]$ cd oms10g/
[[email protected] oms10g]$ cd bin/

[[email protected] bin]$ ./emctl stop oms
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 
Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Management Server is Down.

2、停止Application Server Control Console

[email protected] bin]$ ./emctl stop iasconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 
Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Stopping Oracle 10g Application Server Control ... ... Stopped.

3、切換目錄至OPMN並停止Application Server components
[[email protected] bin]$ cd ..

[email protected] oms10g]$ cd opmn/bin/
[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl stopall
opmnctl: stopping opmn and all managed processes...

[[email protected] bin]$ cd ..
[[email protected] opmn]$ cd ..
[[email protected] oms10g]$ pwd
[[email protected] oms10g]$ cd ..
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ pwd
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ cd agent10g/bin/
[[email protected] bin]$ ./emctl stop agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 
Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Stopping agent ... stopped.

[[email protected] bin]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 12 05:17:22 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

[[email protected] bin]$ lsnrctl stop

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 12-DEC-2012 05:18:11

Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

The command completed successfully

二、Starting Grid Control and All Its Components

如果伺服器上有兩個或以上的資料庫,則需要通過export ORACLE_SID=abc 等語法制定Repository資料庫所對應的SID。

[[email protected] ~]$ lsnrctl start

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 12-DEC-2012 05:35:39

Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting /u01/app/oracle/OracleHome/db10g/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/OracleHome/db10g/network/admin/listener.ora
Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/OracleHome/db10g/network/log/listener.log
Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=ocm2)(PORT=1521)))

Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date 12-DEC-2012 05:35:39
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/OracleHome/db10g/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/OracleHome/db10g/network/log/listener.log
Listening Endpoints Summary...
The listener supports no services
The command completed successfully
[[email protected] ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 12 05:35:47 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 448790528 bytes
Fixed Size 1219904 bytes
Variable Size 276824768 bytes
Database Buffers 163577856 bytes
Redo Buffers 7168000 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

[[email protected] ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[[email protected] db10g]$ cd ..
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ ls
agent10g db10g oms10g
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ cd oms10g/bin/
[[email protected] bin]$ ./emctl start oms
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 
Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
opmnctl: opmn started
Starting HTTP Server ...
Starting Oracle Management Server ...
Checking Oracle Management Server Status ...
Oracle Management Server is Up.

3、切換路徑啟動OracleAS Web Cache
[[email protected] bin]$ cd ..
[[email protected] oms10g]$ cd opmn/bin/
[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl startproc ias-component=WebCache
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...

[[email protected] bin]$ cd ..
[[email protected] opmn]$ cd ..
[[email protected] oms10g]$ cd ..
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ pwd
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ ls
agent10g db10g oms10g
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ cd agent10g/
[[email protected] agent10g]$ cd bin/
[[email protected] bin]$ ./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 
Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting agent ........ started.
[[email protected] bin]$ cd ..
[[email protected] agent10g]$ cd ..
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ ls
agent10g db10g oms10g

[[email protected] OracleHome]$ cd oms10g/opmn/bin/
[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: EnterpriseManager0.ocm2
ias-component | process-type | pid | status 
DSA | DSA | N/A | Down 
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 4816 | Alive 
LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down 
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 4783 | Alive 
OC4J | home | N/A | Down 
OC4J | OC4J_EM | 4858 | Alive 
OC4J | OC4J_EMPROV | N/A | Down 
WebCache | WebCache | 4935 | Alive 
WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 4927 | Alive

以上輸出中,status為down的說明沒有正常啟動完畢,採用 ./opmnctl startall命令啟動所有元件,從結果看,還是部分元件未啟動成功

[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: EnterpriseManager0.ocm2
ias-component | process-type | pid | status 
DSA | DSA | N/A | Down 
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 4816 | Alive 
LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down 
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 4783 | Alive 
OC4J | home | 6172 | Alive 
OC4J | OC4J_EM | 4858 | Alive 
OC4J | OC4J_EMPROV | 6171 | Alive 
WebCache | WebCache | 4935 | Alive 
WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 4927 | Alive


[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl startproc ias-component=DSA
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl startproc ias-component=LogLoader
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...

[[email protected] bin]$ ./opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: EnterpriseManager0.ocm2
ias-component | process-type | pid | status 
DSA | DSA | 6279 | Alive 
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 4816 | Alive 
LogLoader | logloaderd | 6315 | Alive 
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 4783 | Alive 
OC4J | home | 6172 | Alive 
OC4J | OC4J_EM | 4858 | Alive 
OC4J | OC4J_EMPROV | 6171 | Alive 
WebCache | WebCache | 4935 | Alive 
WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 4927 | Alive

[[email protected] bin]$

如果忘記grid control 的URL地址,則可以插敘如下檔案:

[[email protected] bin]$ cd ..
[[email protected] opmn]$ cd ..
[[email protected] oms10g]$ cd ..
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ ls
agent10g db10g oms10g
[[email protected] OracleHome]$ cd agent10g/sysman/
[[email protected] sysman]$ ls
admin config emd install j2ee jlib lib log opmn setupinfo.txt
[[email protected] sysman]$ more setupinfo.txt 
See below for information pertaining to your Enterprise Manager Installation:
1. Use the following URL to access the Enterprise Manager Grid Control:



Grid Control啟動關閉步驟

實際上官方的文件上有詳細的介紹,但是對於Grid Control不太熟悉人來說,不僅文件位置不好找而且總被那些通用$ORACLE_HOME變數所迷惑。還是決定在此做個備忘及分享。一、Stopping Grid Control and All Its Components

Oracle RAC啟動關閉步驟

Oracle RAC的關閉及啟動,需要嚴格按照步驟來執行,以下就以一套實際的系統為例,來介紹RAC的關閉及啟動過程: 環境說明 主機名 例項名 監聽埠 字符集 db-node1 orcl1


關閉 strong 是否 amp fault /tmp success app1 tro MHA啟動及關閉 #masterha_manager --global_conf=/etc/masterha/masterha_default.conf --conf=/etc/mas


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1. Hdfs (v 2.7.3) 1.1.啟動叢集 sbin/start-dfs.sh 注:這個啟動指令碼是通過ssh對多個節點的namenode、datanode、journalnode以及zkfc程序進行批量啟動的。 1.2.啟動NameNode sbi

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Oracle 10g RAC的啟動關閉步驟

在運維過程中,需要重啟資料庫服務,步驟如下: 1、在終端執行  su - oracle   ,切換至oracle使用者。在終端執行 su 命令 ,切換至root 使用者  ,但此時保留了 oracle 使用者的環境變數,並且得到了root使用者的許可權。 2、在終端執行


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轉自:https://blog.csdn.net/veryisjava/article/details/72917894 nginx常用命令 啟動: cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin ./nginx nginx服務啟動後預設的程序號會放在/usr/local/nginx


很多時候應用服務啟動或關閉會做一些預載入(比如快取,定時任務啟動等)或收尾處理工作(比如程式失敗記錄等) 1. 首先看下Spring框架服務啟動載入操作實現,直接上程式碼 繼承實現介面ApplicationListener就可以實現: import com.today.service.financere

Linux Centos7關閉防火牆關閉開機啟動防火牆

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  一、資料庫例項啟動的三個階段 啟動資料庫分為三個階段: Startup nomount;  --startup預設為startup open Alter database mount; Al


安裝環境: CentOS 6.5 Redis 3.0.7 下載安裝: 下載檔案到 /usr/local 目錄下 解壓檔案 tar zxvf redis-3.0.7.tar.gz 切換目錄到 redis-3.0.7 目錄下 cd redis-3


1、(ORACLE)檢視叢集中的資料庫執行狀態,最後接著是RAC名,不是例項的名稱。 srvctlstatus database -d tax Oracle@svrtrpc001:~>srvctl status database -d tax Instanc

啟動和停止所有Grid Control 元件 示例

啟動和停止所有Grid Control 元件 1 停止順序 -- 停止中心

Mac App 最好的快速啟動切換工具:Manico 2.0

閱讀 enter 區域 提示 aca 頁面 進行 版本 喜歡 本文標簽: Mac效率工具 Mac小工具 Manico2.0 MacApp快速啟動 MacApp切換工具 在 OS X 下,我們想要啟動或切換應用時,通常有以下三個選擇: 對於常用應用,將鼠標光標移動到屏幕下方


ext awt extends apt tla event border etl you import java.awt.*;import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.Button;import java.awt.Frame;

查看 SELinux狀態關閉SELinux

lin href inux ive target 參數 etc 查看 selinux 查看SELinux狀態: 1、/usr/sbin/sestatus -v ##如果SELinux status參數為enabled即為開啟狀態 SELinux status:

Oracle 11gR2 RAC集群服務啟動關閉命令匯總

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source app var copy time lac started success let 一、啟動監聽與數據庫 1、啟動監聽: [html] view plain copy [[email protected]/* */ oracle]# s