1. 程式人生 > >add new node 時執行 rootaddnode.sh 出錯"Connection refused" (PRKC-1044)

add new node 時執行 rootaddnode.sh 出錯"Connection refused" (PRKC-1044)

Oracle on Oracle Linux 5.8

Important: As documented in Metalink Note 392415.1, the rootaddnode.sh script (which is run in this section) may error out at the end with "Connection refused" (PRKC-1044) when trying to trying to add a new node to the cluster. The reason this error occurs is because the "oracle" user account on the node running the rootaddnode.sh script is setup with SSH for remote access to the new node and has a non-empty SSH passphrase. Note that for obvious security reasons, the "oracle" user account is typically setup with a non-empty pass phrase for SSH keys and would thus succumb to this error. The rootaddnode.sh script uses SSH to check remote node connectivity from linux1 to linux3. If it gives any prompt, it will consider ssh is not configured properly. The script will then use rsh instead. If rsh is not configured, then it will error out with "Connection refused". If you are using SSH for user equivalency (as I am in this article), you will need to temporarily define an empty rsa passphrase for the "oracle" user account on linux1 as follows:

[[email protected] ~]$ ssh-keygen -p
Enter file in which the key is (/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter old passphrase: [OLD PASSPHRASE]
Key has comment '/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [JUST HIT ENTER WITHOUT ENTERING A PASSPHRASE]

Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

Afer temporarily defining an empty rsa passphrase for the "oracle" user account, navigate to the/u01/app/crs/install directory on linux1 and run rootaddnode.sh as the "root" user account. The rootaddnode.sh script will add the new node information to the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) file using the srvctl utility.

After running the rootaddnode.sh script from linux1, you can set your passphrase back to the old passphrase using the same "ssh-keygen -p" command.


add new node 執行 rootaddnode.sh 出錯"Connection refused" (PRKC-1044)

Oracle on Oracle Linux 5.8 Important: As documented in Metalink Note 392415.1, the rootaddnode.sh script (which is run in this

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