阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-10
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // 自定義字串類MyString // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <malloc.h> using namespace std ; // 宣告 class MyString ; // 宣告 ostream& operator << ( ostream& os , const MyString& str ) ; istream& operator >> ( istream& is , const MyString& str ) ; // define of class class MyString { public: // 預設建構函式 MyString( char* str = "" ) ; // 拷貝建構函式 MyString( const MyString& str ) ; // 過載賦值運算子 MyString& operator = ( const MyString& str ) ; // 過載輸入運算子 friend istream& operator >> ( istream& is , const MyString& str ) ; // 過載輸出運算子 friend ostream& operator << ( ostream& os , const MyString& str ) ; // 過載等於運算子 bool operator == ( const MyString& ) ; // 返回字串的長度 int length() const { return strlen( ch ) ; } // 過載+運算子 MyString& operator + ( const MyString& str ) ; // 在字串中查詢某個字元 char* findChar( char* start , char* last , char ch ) ; public: char ch[1000] ; } ; // implement of class // 預設建構函式 MyString::MyString( char* str ) { int i = 0 ; while( str[i] != '\0' ) { ch[i] = str[i] ; i++ ; } ch[i] = '\0' ; } // 拷貝建構函式 MyString::MyString( const MyString& str ) { int i = 0 ; while( str.ch[i] != '\0' ) { ch[i] = str.ch[i] ; i++ ; } ch[i] = '\0' ; } // 過載賦值運算子 MyString& MyString::operator = ( const MyString& str ) { if( &str != this ) { int i = 0 ; while( str.ch[i] != '\0' ) { ch[i] = str.ch[i] ; i++ ; } ch[i] = '\0' ; } return *this ; } // 過載輸出運算子 ostream& operator << ( ostream& os , const MyString& str ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < strlen( str.ch ) ; i++ ) { os << str.ch[i] ; } return os ; } // 過載輸入運算子 istream& operator >> ( istream& is , MyString& str ) { char c ; int i = 0 ; while( 1 ) { is >> noskipws ; is >> c ; if( c == '\n' ) { break ; } else { str.ch[i] = c ; i++ ; } } str.ch[i] = '\0' ; return is ; } // 過載等於運算子 bool MyString::operator == ( const MyString& str ) { bool is_OK = true ; if( strlen( this->ch ) == strlen( str.ch ) ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < strlen( ch ) ; i++ ) { if( ch[i] != str.ch[i] ) { is_OK = false ; } } } else { return false ; } return is_OK ; } // 過載+運算子 MyString& MyString::operator + ( const MyString& str ) { int size = this->length() + str.length() ; char* s = ( char* )malloc( sizeof( char ) * size ) ; for( int i = 0 ; i < this->length() ; i++ ) { s[i] = this->ch[i] ; } for( int j = 0 ; j < str.length() ; j++ ) { s[i+j] = str.ch[j] ; } s[i+j] = '\0' ; // 字串結尾,必須要注意 return MyString( s ) ; } // 返回指向要查詢的字元的指標,找不到返回NULL char* MyString::findChar( char* first , char* last , char ch ) { while( first != last && *first != ch ) { ++first ; } if( first == last ) { return NULL ; } else { return first ; } } //測試程式 int main() { MyString str( "hello World!" ) ; cout << "str=" << str << endl ; cout << &str.ch ; cout << endl << endl ; MyString str1( str ) ; cout << "str1= " << str1 << endl ; cout << &str1.ch ; cout << endl << endl ; MyString str2 ; str2 = str ; cout << "str2=" << str2 << endl ; cout << &str2.ch ; cout << endl << endl ; MyString str3 , str4 ; cin >> str3 >> str4 ; if( str3 == str4 ) { cout << "str3 == str4 " << endl ; } else { cout << "str3 != str4 " << endl ; } MyString str5 = str3 + str4 ; cout << "str5 = " << str5 << endl ; char ch ; cout << "輸入要查詢的字元:" ; cin >> ch ; char* pChar = str5.findChar( str5.ch , str5.ch + str5.length() , ch ) ; if( pChar != NULL ) { cout << "查詢到的字元為:" << *pChar << endl ; } else { cout << "未找到!" << endl ; } return 0 ; }