1. 程式人生 > >向HTCondor叢集提交LS-DYNA任務



  # Example 1 - LS-DYNA                                                            
  # Simple HTCondor submit description file                                    
  Executable    =  E:\\LSDYNAR7\\program\\ls-dyna_smp_d_R700_winx64_ifort101.exe   
  universe      = vanilla 
  input        = input.txt 

  should_transfer_files = YES
  transfer_input_files = LSTC_FILE

  when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
  output       = output.$(cluster).$(process).txt
  log          = log.$(cluster).$(process).txt


 I=I:\\HTCondor\\foo\\foo-airbag.k   O=I:\\HTCondor\\foo\\result.txt 

或者上述兩個檔案的內容合併為一,   則submit檔案為:

  # Example 1 - LS-DYNA                                                            
  # Simple HTCondor submit description file                                    
  Executable    =  E:\\LSDYNAR7\\program\\ls-dyna_smp_d_R700_winx64_ifort101.exe   
  universe      = vanilla 
  input        = 'I=I:\\HTCondor\\foo\\foo-airbag.k   O=I:\\HTCondor\\foo\\result.txt'

  should_transfer_files = YES
  transfer_input_files = LSTC_FILE

  when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
  output       = output.$(cluster).$(process).txt
  log          = log.$(cluster).$(process).txt

抑或將foo-airbag.k作為transfer files,則submit檔案為:

  # Example 1 - LS-DYNA                                                            
  # Simple HTCondor submit description file                                    
  Executable    =  E:\\LSDYNAR7\\program\\ls-dyna_smp_d_R700_winx64_ifort101.exe   
  universe      = vanilla 
  input        = 'I=foo-airbag.k   O=I:\\HTCondor\\foo\\result.txt'

  should_transfer_files = YES
  transfer_input_files = LSTC_FILE, foo-airbag.k

  when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
  output       = output.$(cluster).$(process).txt
  log          = log.$(cluster).$(process).txt

 執行結果 result.txt 檔案內容

 Executing with LSTC local workstation license

*** termination time reached ***
   19862 t 3.0000E-02 dt 1.51E-06 write d3dump01 file          11/18/15 08:24:40
   19862 t 3.0000E-02 dt 1.51E-06 write d3plot file            11/18/15 08:24:40

 N o r m a l    t e r m i n a t i o n                          11/18/15 08:24:40

 Memory required to complete solution   :       760534
 Linear Alg dynamically allocated memory:           42
 Additional dynamically allocated memory:      1826921
                                   Total:      2587497

 T i m i n g   i n f o r m a t i o n
                        CPU(seconds)   %CPU  Clock(seconds) %Clock
  Keyword Processing ... 0.0000E+00    0.00     6.0000E-02    0.12
    KW Reading ......... 0.0000E+00    0.00     2.2000E-02    0.04
    KW Writing ......... 0.0000E+00    0.00     2.4000E-02    0.05
  Initialization ....... 0.0000E+00    0.00     1.6800E-01    0.33
    Init Proc Phase 1 .. 0.0000E+00    0.00     7.3000E-02    0.14
    Init Proc Phase 2 .. 0.0000E+00    0.00     1.8000E-02    0.04
  Element processing ... 3.5000E+01   68.63     2.9185E+01   56.83
    Shells ............. 3.5000E+01   68.63     2.9129E+01   56.72
  Binary databases ..... 0.0000E+00    0.00     2.5900E-01    0.50
  ASCII database ....... 0.0000E+00    0.00     3.5000E-02    0.07
  Contact algorithm .... 1.1000E+01   21.57     1.5327E+01   29.84
    Interf. ID         1 1.1000E+01   21.57     1.5270E+01   29.73
  Rigid Bodies ......... 0.0000E+00    0.00     4.4500E-01    0.87
  Other ................ 5.0000E+00    9.80     5.8790E+00   11.45
  T o t a l s            5.1000E+01  100.00     5.1358E+01  100.00

 Problem time       =    3.0000E-02
 Problem cycle      =     19862
 Total CPU time     =        51 seconds (   0 hours  0 minutes 51 seconds)
 CPU time per zone cycle  =       676 nanoseconds
 Clock time per zone cycle=       678 nanoseconds

 Number of CPU's    1
 NLQ used/max     136/  136
 Start time   11/18/2015 08:23:49  
 End time     11/18/2015 08:24:40  
 Elapsed time      51 seconds(   0 hours  0 min. 51 sec.) for   19862 cycles

 N o r m a l    t e r m i n a t i o n