If people in the communications only think about gains and losses of interest, then the pleasure of knowing each other will cease to exist.
If people in the communications only think about gains and losses of interest, then the pleasure of knowing each other will cease to exist.
If people in the communications only think about gains and losses of interest, then the pleasure of knowing each other will cease to exist.
res san other 如果 ffffff -c -s ros soft If people in the communications only think about gains and losses of interest, then the pleasure o
Head of MIT-IBM Watson Research Lab on How AI Will Get to the Next Level
David Cox is director of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Research By David Cox, Director, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab Industry and academi
Internets of interest #0: The future of Microprocessors
This weekend I’ve been freshening up the introductory material for a workshop that Francesc Campoy and I are teaching at GopherCon¬†this month. As part
PG cannot execute UPDATE in a read-only transaction | How to add column if not exists on PostgreSQL
PG cannot execute UPDATE in a read-only transaction出現這種情況時,說明SQL語句可能是執行在一個PG叢集中的非master節點上。檢視data/pg_hba.conf。 SELECT pg_is_in_recovery(); &nb
Voting Determines the Conversation: How to Think About Staking Tokens
Voting Determines the Conversation: How to Think About Staking TokensWhy has democracy left us more divided than ever? As we in the cryptocurrency industry
Artificial intelligence will lead to a 'positive shift in the work people do'
The Bank of England and the World Bank Chief are only two voices, in a growing network, that are concerned by the rise of AI and the loss of jobs. This con
Why social media platforms and the Harry Potter universe have more in common than you think
Why social media platforms and the Harry Potter universe have more in common than you thinkThere’s a particular scene in the first Harry Potter film which
TED - How To Get Better At The Things You Care About
things idea cte model ora through phi som 但是 TED01 - How To Get Better At The Things You Care About 昨天我發布了攻克英語口語的宣言,今天就行動。TED是我們學習口語的好地方,
vue-cli3 的 [Vue warn]: You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template compiler 的問題解決
最近使用vue-cli3的腳手架生成專案,發現從配置完後vue-router的出現一個錯誤, [Vue warn]: You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template compiler is not avai
hibernate查詢報 Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction
WARN [http-bio-8604-exec-1] org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper$StandardWarningHandler.logWarning(232) | SQL
People in your life 你生活中的人們
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each p
Error :spark-shell模式報錯:java.sql.SQLException: A read-only user or a user in a read-only database
1.問題描述: 啟動spark-shell local的模式 bin/spark-shell --master local[2] 報錯: [[email protected] spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.6]$ bin/spark-she
前端構建失敗,報錯:ERROR in :"let-" is only supported on ng-template elements
報錯資訊: 原因:@ ngx-bootstrap 如果應用在 Angular5的時候,需要版本為2.X.X 進行升級: npm uninstall --save ngx-bootstrap npm
每日TED How to get better at the things you care about? Working hard but not improving?
How to get better at the things you care about? Working hard but not improving? Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we
[CareerCup] 11.7 Tower of People in Circus 馬戲團的人塔
11.7 A circus is designing a tower routine consisting of people standing atop one another's shoulders. For practical and aesthetic reasons, each person m
Ask HN: How to give cryptocurrency to people in need
My name is Joe Waltman and I a recently started working with GiveCrypto.org, a non-profit that was started by Brian Armstrong. I somewhat stumbled into thi
Forget About Artificial Intelligence for a Minute: Consider the Possibilities of Augmented…
Forget About Artificial Intelligence for a Minute: Consider the Possibilities of Augmented IntelligenceI will resist the urge to write a couple of paragrap
Presidential alert: Why did Trump just text me about a 'test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System' and how does it wo
Donald Trump is texting everyone in the US the exact same message. "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System," the message will begin
Ask HN: What do you think about my agency's new website and how can I improve it
We had to retire our old website, and move to something more modern and simplistic. However i feel that i spent a lot of time over thinking this project, s
How to use AI in the insurance value chain: customer service and policy administration
How do you approach customer service and policy administration within your organization? In this blog post, I'll demonstrate how artificial intelligence (A