C++ 基礎題(一)
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-11
輸入格式: Xi’an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications is co-designed and implemented by the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The Institute is located in Xi’an, a historic city in Northwest China, famous for its magnificent ancient culture. end (表示結束) Institute (第一個字串,要求用第二個字串替換) University (第二個字串) 輸出格式: Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications is co-designed and implemented by the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.The University is located in Xi’an, a historic city in Northwest China, famous for its magnificent ancient culture.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; int replace_string(vector<string> &str,const string &str1,const string &str2) { for(int i=0; i<str.size(); i++) { if((str.at(i)).compare(str1)==0) { str.at(i)=str2; } } return 0; } int replace_str(string &str,const string &str1,const string &str2) { int p=str.find(str1);//-1 pos while(p!=-1) { cout<<p<<endl; str.replace(p,str1.length(),str2); p=str.find(str1,p+1); } } int main() { /* vector<string> str; str.clear(); string str1; string str2; string input; cin>>input; while(input.compare("end")!=0) { str.push_back(input); cin>>input; } cin>>str1; cin>>str2; replace_string(str,str1,str2); for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++) cout<<str.at(i)<<" "; */ string str; string str1,str2,str3; getline(cin,str1,'\n'); while(1) { if(str1.compare("end")==0) break; str+=str1; getline(cin,str1,'\n'); } cin>>str2; cin>>str3; replace_str(str,str2,str3); cout<<str<<endl; }
c:\windows (目錄路徑)
winhelp.exe (檔名)
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int spa(const string & str,string & dec,string &name) { int f=str.find_last_of('\\'); if(f==-1) { f=str.find_last_of('/'); if(f==-1) return -1; } name.append(str,f+1,str.size()-f+1); dec.append(str,0,f-1); } int main() { string str,dec,name; cin>>str; spa(str,dec,name); cout<<dec<<endl<<name<<endl; return 0; }