mybatis裡面的if語句需要加上(但是有時不需要 但是(又是在if語句中的
案例一 不完善
<select id="selectRechargeInfoChainCount" resultType="int">
select count(*) from t_group_card_recharge_info
<if test="cardNo!=null and cardNo!=''">
and card_no =#{cardNo}
<if test="mobile!=null and mobile!=''">
and mobile =#{mobile}
<if test="null!=beginDate">
and back_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{beginDate}
<if test="null!=endDate">
and back_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{endDate}
<if test="clinicId!=null and clinicId!=''">
clinic_id =#{clinicId}
<if test="sysId!=null and sysId!='' and sysId != -1">
or sys_id =#{sysId} )
案例二完善 案例一
<select id="selectRechargeInfoChainCount" resultType="int">
select count(*) from t_group_card_recharge_info
<if test="cardNo!=null and cardNo!=''">
and card_no =#{cardNo}
<if test="mobile!=null and mobile!=''">
and mobile =#{mobile}
<if test="null!=beginDate">
and back_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{beginDate}
<if test="null!=endDate">
and back_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{endDate}
<if test="clinicId!=null and clinicId!=''">
<if test="sysId!=null and sysId!='' and sysId != -1">
</if> //這樣不會因為下面不滿足而多出括號
clinic_id =#{clinicId}
<if test="sysId!=null and sysId!='' and sysId != -1">
or sys_id =#{sysId} )
關注微信公共號 戒色專家 擁有健康的生活態度。