1. 程式人生 > >netty 4.0.24版本Direct Memory Leak

netty 4.0.24版本Direct Memory Leak



top顯示常駐記憶體已經達到14G,而JVM本身的記憶體佔用不高 -XMX 配置的是4096M.


jmap -heap pid


記憶體報警.因為這個應用使用了netty,因為初步分析應該是有Direct Memory 沒有回收處理。


採用pmap 檢視程序記憶體情況

pmap -x pid


發現有大量的131072k 即128M。這樣的記憶體地址有77個,應該這就是為什麼記憶體一直高的原因了。

接著找到是誰怎麼建立的這些堆外記憶體,首先懷疑的重點物件就是netty了。netty 這個高效能的nio框架



gdb --pid pid


dump binary memory result.bin 0x00007f2908000000 0x00007f2910000000

會有一個result.bin的檔案,然後通過hexdump 進行檢視發現如下資料



Error while read (...): Connection reset by peer.




在讀取資料的時候傳送斷連線斷掉了。檢視netty原始碼,checkout 4.0 reset到4.0.24 final版本

全文search Error while read (…): Connection reset by peer。然後在io_netty_channel_epoll_Native.c中看到如下程式碼

jint read0(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint fd, void *buffer, jint pos, jint limit) {
    ssize_t res;
    int err;
    do {
        res = read
(fd, buffer + pos, (size_t) (limit - pos)); // Keep on reading if we was interrupted } while (res == -1 && ((err = errno) == EINTR)); if (res < 0) { if (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK) { // Nothing left to read return 0; } if (err == EBADF) { throwClosedChannelException(env); return -1; } throwIOException(env, exceptionMessage("Error while read(...): ", err)); return -1; } void throwIOException(JNIEnv *env, char *message) { (*env)->ThrowNew(env, ioExceptionClass, message); }

問題很可能就是在ThrowNew這個異常這裡了 google下,發現如下

fixing small leak on exception on the transport-epoll-native allocation
the JNI function ThrowNew won’t release any allocated memory.
The method exceptionMessage is allocating a new string concatenating 2 constant strings
What is creating a small leak in case of these exceptions are happening.
Added new methods that will use exceptionMessage and free resources accordingly.
I am also removing the inline definition on these methods as they could be reused by
other added modules (e.g. libaio which should be coming soon)
No more leaks in case of failures.

同時在netty 的issuse中也能找到對應的記錄但作者似乎說這是個優化改進


出現這個問題的場景是在開啟epoll而且有特別多的這種connection reset的現象




地址 作者通過優化glibc的環境變數能優化一些堆外記憶體的佔用,但個人覺得這個應該不是解決問題的根本點

  • Garbage collection. As you might recall, Java is a garbage-collected language. In order for the garbage collector to know which objects are eligible for collection, it needs to keep track of the object graphs. So this is one part of the memory lost to this internal bookkeeping. G1 is especially known for its excessive appetite for additional memory, so be aware of this.
  • JIT optimization. Java Virtual Machine optimizes the code during runtime. Again, to know which parts to optimize it needs to keep track of the execution of certain code parts. So again, you are going to lose memory
  • Off-heap allocations. If you happen to use off-heap memory, for example while using direct or mapped ByteBuffers yourself or via some clever 3rd party API then voila – you are extending your heap to something you actually cannot control via JVM configuration
  • JNI code. When you are using native code, for example in the format of Type 2 database drivers, then again you are loading code in the native memory.
  • Metaspace. If you are an early adopter of Java 8, you are using metaspace instead of the good old permgen to store class declarations. This is unlimited and in a native part of the JVM.