1. 程式人生 > >設計模式筆記之Decorator Pattern

設計模式筆記之Decorator Pattern

裝飾模式: Decorator Pattern

概括: 動態地給一個物件新增一些額外的職責。單從增加功能來說,用裝飾模式比簡單使用子類繼承的方式來的靈活。

關鍵字: Has-a,

重點: 每個裝飾類都要實現定義好的實現功能的純虛裝飾函式。各個裝飾類都has-a一個擁有基本功能的類,通過對介面的實現,給has-a關係的基礎功能增加新的功能



// The Coffee Interface defines the functionality of Coffee implemented by decorator
public interface Coffee {
double getCost(); // returns the cost of the coffee public String getIngredients(); // returns the ingredients of the coffee } // implementation of a simple coffee without any extra ingredients public class SimpleCoffee implements Coffee { public double getCost() { return 1; } public
String getIngredients() { return "Coffee"; } }



// abstract decorator class - note that it implements Coffee interface
abstract public class CoffeeDecorator implements Coffee {
    protectedfinal Coffee decoratedCoffee; // has-a一個待裝飾的基類
    protected String ingredientSeparator =
", "; public CoffeeDecorator(Coffee decoratedCoffee) { this.decoratedCoffee = decoratedCoffee; } public double getCost() { // implementing methods of the interface return decoratedCoffee.getCost(); } public String getIngredients() { return decoratedCoffee.getIngredients(); } }



// Decorator Milk that mixes milk with coffee
// note it extends CoffeeDecorator
public class Milk extends CoffeeDecorator {
    public Milk(Coffee decoratedCoffee) {
    public double getCost() { // overriding methods defined in the abstract superclass
        return super.getCost() + 0.5;
    public String getIngredients() {
        return super.getIngredients() + ingredientSeparator + "Milk";



public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Coffee c = new SimpleCoffee();
        System.out.println("Cost: " + c.getCost() + "; Ingredients: " + c.getIngredients());
        c = new Milk(c);
        System.out.println("Cost: " + c.getCost() + "; Ingredients: " + c.getIngredients());
