1. 程式人生 > >PCL視覺化概述(PCL Visualization overview)

PCL視覺化概述(PCL Visualization overview)




◆通過改變pcl::PointCloud<T> 的格式,對任何n維點雲資料集,都能夠描述和設定視覺化屬性(顏色、點大小、透明性等等);













#include <pcl_visualization/cloud_viewer.h> //... void foo () {   pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> cloud;   //... populate cloud   pcl_visualization::CloudViewer viewer("Simple Cloud Viewer");   viewer.showCloud(cloud);   while (!viewer.wasStopped())   {   } }

PCD Viewer

使用pcd_viewer可以快速的視覺化PCD檔案。對於pcd_viewer 0.2.7,幫助文件如下文:

Syntax is: pcd_viewer <file_name 1..N>.pcd <options>where options are:   -bc r,g,b        = background color   -fc r,g,b        = foreground color   -ps X            = point size (1..64)   -opaque X        = rendered point cloud opacity (0..1)   -ax n          = enable on-screen display of XYZ axes and scale them to n   -ax_pos X,Y,Z       = if axes are enabled, set their X,Y,Z position in space (default 0,0,0)    -cam (*)                 = use given camera settings as initial view (*) [Clipping Range / Focal Point / Position / ViewUp / Distance / Window Size / Window Pos] or use a <filename.cam> that contains the same information.   -multiview 0/1     = enable/disable auto-multi viewport rendering (default disabled)    -normals 0/X      = disable/enable the display of every Xth point's surface normal as lines (default disabled)     -normals_scale X      = resize the normal unit vector size to X (default 0.02)     -pc 0/X       = disable/enable the display of every Xth point's principal curvatures as lines (default disabled)     -pc_scale X      = resize the principal curvatures vectors size to X (default 0.02)(Note: for multiple .pcd files, provide multiple -{fc,ps} parameters; they will be automatically assigned to the right file)

Usage examples

<span style="font-size:18px;">$pcd_viewer-multiview 1 data/partial_cup_model.pcd data/partial_cup_model.pcd data/partial_cup_model.pcd</span>

上面的程式碼將會載入partial_up_model.pcd三次,並將引數多檢視角度(multiview 1



| Help:-------    p, P   : switch to a point-based representation    w, W   : switch to a wireframe-based representation (where available)    s, S   : switch to a surface-based representation (where available)    j, J   : take a .PNG snapshot of the current window view    c, C   : display current camera/window parameters    + / -   : increment/decrement overall point size    g, G   : display scale grid (on/off)    u, U   : display lookup table (on/off)    r, R [+ ALT] : reset camera [to viewpoint = {0, 0, 0} -> center_{x, y, z}]    ALT + s, S   : turn stereo mode on/off    ALT + f, F   : switch between maximized window mode and original size    l, L         : list all available geometric and color handlers for the current actor map    ALT + 0..9 [+ CTRL]  : switch between different geometric handlers (where available)          0..9 [+ CTRL]  : switch between different color handlers (where available)


<span style="font-size:18px;">List of available geometry handlers for actor partial_cup_model.pcd-0: xyz(1) normal_xyz(2)List of available color handlers for actor partial_cup_model.pcd-0: [random](1) x(2) y(3) z(4) normal_x(5) normal_y(6) normal_z(7) curvature(8) boundary(9) k(10) principal_curvature_x(11) principal_curvature_y(12) principal_curvature_z(13) pc1(14) pc2(15)</span>


<span style="font-size:18px;">$ pcd_viewer -normals 100 data/partial_cup_model.pcd</span>


<span style="font-size:18px;">$ pcd_viewer -pc 100 data/partial_cup_model.pcd</span>

上面將會載入partial_up_model.pcd,然後將會在螢幕上找色每100個主曲率(+surface normal)。


<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">$ pcd_viewer data/bun000.pcd data/bun045.pcd -ax 0.5 -ps 3 -ps 1</span></span>

對於已下載的bun000.pcd和bun045.pcd的利用,下面圖片中,用u和g能分別展示the lookup table和on-grid display。


Range Image Visualizer


<span style="font-size:18px;">$ tutorial_range_image_visualization data/office_scene.pcd</span>
