1. 程式人生 > >ESP8266 SDK學習筆記(四):Makefile分析

ESP8266 SDK學習筆記(四):Makefile分析







  • ar:用於建立或修改備存檔案,或是從備存檔案中抽取檔案
  • nm:用來列出目標檔案的符號清單
  • objcopy:將目標檔案的一部分或者全部內容拷貝到另外一個目標檔案中,或者實現目標檔案的格式轉換
  • objdump:檢視目標檔案或者可執行的目標檔案的構成


首先我們來看看ESP8266 SDK的目錄結構以及Makefile:

LicenseMakefile # 主目錄下的Makefile
│   │  Makefile
│   ├─ driver
│   └─ user
│       └─ Makefile


  • 主目錄下的Makefile
  • app目錄下的Makefile
  • app/user/的Makefile



#  copyright (c) 2010 Espressif System
ifndef PDIR


# 編譯工具配置
# ESP8266 主要使用的編譯器是 xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc

ifeq ($(COMPILE), gcc)
    AR = xtensa-lx106-elf-ar
= xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc NM = xtensa-lx106-elf-nm CPP = xtensa-lx106-elf-cpp OBJCOPY = xtensa-lx106-elf-objcopy OBJDUMP = xtensa-lx106-elf-objdump else AR = xt-ar CC = xt-xcc NM = xt-nm CPP = xt-cpp OBJCOPY = xt-objcopy OBJDUMP = xt-objdump endif ############################################ # 引數預設配置 # =none - 不使用boot # =old - 使用老版本的boot_v1.1+ # =new - 使用新版本的boot_v1.2+ BOOT?=none # =0 - 不使用遠端升級FOTA # =1 - 使用FOTA,生成user1.<flash_map>.<BOOT>.bin # =2 - 使用FOTA,生成user2.<flash_map>.<BOOT>.bin APP?=0 # SPI速率和模式,一般不用改動 SPI_SPEED?=40 SPI_MODE?=QIO # SPI_SIZE_MAP flash對映方式 # 4MB Flash使用 SPI_SIZE_MAP?=4 SPI_SIZE_MAP?=4 ############################################ ifeq ($(BOOT), new) boot = new else ifeq ($(BOOT), old) boot = old else boot = none endif endif ifeq ($(APP), 1) app = 1 else ifeq ($(APP), 2) app = 2 else app = 0 endif endif ifeq ($(SPI_SPEED), 26.7) freqdiv = 1 else ifeq ($(SPI_SPEED), 20) freqdiv = 2 else ifeq ($(SPI_SPEED), 80) freqdiv = 15 else freqdiv = 0 endif endif endif ifeq ($(SPI_MODE), QOUT) mode = 1 else ifeq ($(SPI_MODE), DIO) mode = 2 else ifeq ($(SPI_MODE), DOUT) mode = 3 else mode = 0 endif endif endif addr = 0x01000 ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 1) size_map = 1 flash = 256 else ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 2) size_map = 2 flash = 1024 ifeq ($(app), 2) addr = 0x81000 endif else ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 3) size_map = 3 flash = 2048 ifeq ($(app), 2) addr = 0x81000 endif else ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 4) size_map = 4 flash = 4096 ifeq ($(app), 2) addr = 0x81000 endif else ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 5) size_map = 5 flash = 2048 ifeq ($(app), 2) addr = 0x101000 endif else ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 6) size_map = 6 flash = 4096 ifeq ($(app), 2) addr = 0x101000 endif else size_map = 0 flash = 512 ifeq ($(app), 2) addr = 0x41000 endif endif endif endif endif endif endif ############################################ # 選擇連結工具 # 這裡選擇了主目錄下的 ld/eagle.app.v6.ld LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.ld # 如果boot!=none,才進入這裡 ifneq ($(boot), none) ifneq ($(app),0) ifeq ($(size_map), 6) LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.$(boot).2048.ld else ifeq ($(size_map), 5) LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.$(boot).2048.ld else ifeq ($(size_map), 4) LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.$(boot).1024.app$(app).ld else ifeq ($(size_map), 3) LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.$(boot).1024.app$(app).ld else ifeq ($(size_map), 2) LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.$(boot).1024.app$(app).ld else ifeq ($(size_map), 0) LD_FILE = $(LDDIR)/eagle.app.v6.$(boot).512.app$(app).ld endif endif endif endif endif endif BIN_NAME = user$(app).$(flash).$(boot).$(size_map) endif else app = 0 endif ############################################ CSRCS ?= $(wildcard *.c) ASRCs ?= $(wildcard *.s) ASRCS ?= $(wildcard *.S) SUBDIRS ?= $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(wildcard */Makefile))) ODIR := .output OBJODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/obj # 設定 OBJS 變數 OBJS := $(CSRCS:%.c=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) \ $(ASRCs:%.s=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) \ $(ASRCS:%.S=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) # 設定 DEPS 變數 DEPS := $(CSRCS:%.c=$(OBJODIR)/%.d) \ $(ASRCs:%.s=$(OBJODIR)/%.d) \ $(ASRCS:%.S=$(OBJODIR)/%.d) # 設定 LIBODIR 庫資料夾 LIBODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/lib OLIBS := $(GEN_LIBS:%=$(LIBODIR)/%) IMAGEODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/image OIMAGES := $(GEN_IMAGES:%=$(IMAGEODIR)/%) # 設定 BINODIR 二進位制資料夾 BINODIR := $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR)/bin OBINS := $(GEN_BINS:%=$(BINODIR)/%) ############################################################# CCFLAGS += \ -g \ -Wpointer-arith \ -Wundef \ -Werror \ -Wl,-EL \ -fno-inline-functions \ -nostdlib \ -mlongcalls \ -mtext-section-literals \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections \ -fno-builtin-printf # -Wall CFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(EXTRA_CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) DFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS) $(DDEFINES) $(EXTRA_CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) ############################################################# # Functions # define ShortcutRule $(1): .subdirs $(2)/$(1) endef define MakeLibrary DEP_LIBS_$(1) = $$(foreach lib,$$(filter %.a,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(lib))$$(LIBODIR)/$$(notdir $$(lib))) DEP_OBJS_$(1) = $$(foreach obj,$$(filter %.o,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(obj))$$(OBJODIR)/$$(notdir $$(obj))) $$(LIBODIR)/$(1).a: $$(OBJS) $$(DEP_OBJS_$(1)) $$(DEP_LIBS_$(1)) $$(DEPENDS_$(1)) @mkdir -p $$(LIBODIR) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),mkdir -p $$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1)) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),cd $$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1); $$(foreach lib,$$(filter %.a,$$?),$$(AR) xo $$(UP_EXTRACT_DIR)/$$(lib);)) $$(AR) ru $$@ $$(filter %.o,$$?) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),$$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1)/*.o) $$(if $$(filter %.a,$$?),$$(RM) -r $$(EXTRACT_DIR)_$(1)) endef define MakeImage DEP_LIBS_$(1) = $$(foreach lib,$$(filter %.a,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(lib))$$(LIBODIR)/$$(notdir $$(lib))) DEP_OBJS_$(1) = $$(foreach obj,$$(filter %.o,$$(COMPONENTS_$(1))),$$(dir $$(obj))$$(OBJODIR)/$$(notdir $$(obj))) $$(IMAGEODIR)/$(1).out: $$(OBJS) $$(DEP_OBJS_$(1)) $$(DEP_LIBS_$(1)) $$(DEPENDS_$(1)) @mkdir -p $$(IMAGEODIR) $$(CC) $$(LDFLAGS) $$(if $$(LINKFLAGS_$(1)),$$(LINKFLAGS_$(1)),$$(LINKFLAGS_DEFAULT) $$(OBJS) $$(DEP_OBJS_$(1)) $$(DEP_LIBS_$(1))) -o $$@ endef $(BINODIR)/%.bin: $(IMAGEODIR)/%.out @mkdir -p $(BINODIR) ifeq ($(APP), 0) @$(RM) -r ../bin/eagle.S ../bin/eagle.dump @$(OBJDUMP) -x -s $< > ../bin/eagle.dump @$(OBJDUMP) -S $< > ../bin/eagle.S else mkdir -p ../bin/upgrade @$(RM) -r ../bin/upgrade/$(BIN_NAME).S ../bin/upgrade/$(BIN_NAME).dump @$(OBJDUMP) -x -s $< > ../bin/upgrade/$(BIN_NAME).dump @$(OBJDUMP) -S $< > ../bin/upgrade/$(BIN_NAME).S endif @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .text -O binary $< eagle.app.v6.text.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .data -O binary $< eagle.app.v6.data.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .rodata -O binary $< eagle.app.v6.rodata.bin @$(OBJCOPY) --only-section .irom0.text -O binary $< eagle.app.v6.irom0text.bin @echo "" @echo "!!!" # 預設是 app==0 # 下面是輸出列印資訊 ifeq ($(app), 0) @python ../tools/gen_appbin.py $< 0 $(mode) $(freqdiv) $(size_map) $(app) @mv eagle.app.flash.bin ../bin/eagle.flash.bin @mv eagle.app.v6.irom0text.bin ../bin/eagle.irom0text.bin @rm eagle.app.v6.* @echo "No boot needed." @echo "Generate eagle.flash.bin and eagle.irom0text.bin successully in folder bin." @echo "eagle.flash.bin-------->0x00000" @echo "eagle.irom0text.bin---->0x10000" else ifneq ($(boot), new) @python ../tools/gen_appbin.py $< 1 $(mode) $(freqdiv) $(size_map) $(app) @echo "Support boot_v1.1 and +" else @python ../tools/gen_appbin.py $< 2 $(mode) $(freqdiv) $(size_map) $(app) ifeq ($(size_map), 6) @echo "Support boot_v1.4 and +" else ifeq ($(size_map), 5) @echo "Support boot_v1.4 and +" else @echo "Support boot_v1.2 and +" endif endif endif @mv eagle.app.flash.bin ../bin/upgrade/$(BIN_NAME).bin @rm eagle.app.v6.* @echo "Generate $(BIN_NAME).bin successully in folder bin/upgrade." @echo "boot.bin------------>0x00000" @echo "$(BIN_NAME).bin--->$(addr)" endif @echo "!!!" ############################################################# # Rules base # Should be done in top-level makefile only # ############################################ # make all執行的方法 all: .subdirs $(OBJS) $(OLIBS) $(OIMAGES) $(OBINS) $(SPECIAL_MKTARGETS) ############################################ # make clean執行的方法 clean: $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d) clean;) $(RM) -r $(ODIR)/$(TARGET)/$(FLAVOR) clobber: $(SPECIAL_CLOBBER) $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d) clobber;) $(RM) -r $(ODIR) .subdirs: @set -e; $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d);) #.subdirs: # $(foreach d, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(d)) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clobber) ifdef DEPS sinclude $(DEPS) endif endif endif # “$<”表示所有的依賴目標集(所有.c字尾檔案),“[email protected]”表示目標集(所有.o字尾檔案) $(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.c @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); $(CC) $(if $(findstring $<,$(DSRCS)),$(DFLAGS),$(CFLAGS)) $(COPTS_$(*F)) -o [email protected] -c $< $(OBJODIR)/%.d: %.c @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); @echo DEPEND: $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< @set -e; rm -f [email protected]; \ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< > [email protected].$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\.o\)[ :]*,$(OBJODIR)/\1 [email protected] : ,g' < [email protected].$$$$ > [email protected]; \ rm -f [email protected].$$$$ $(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.s @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o [email protected] -c $< $(OBJODIR)/%.d: %.s @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); \ set -e; rm -f [email protected]; \ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< > [email protected].$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\.o\)[ :]*,$(OBJODIR)/\1 [email protected] : ,g' < [email protected].$$$$ > [email protected]; \ rm -f [email protected].$$$$ $(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.S @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__ASSEMBLER__ -o [email protected] -c $< $(OBJODIR)/%.d: %.S @mkdir -p $(OBJODIR); \ set -e; rm -f [email protected]; \ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $< > [email protected].$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\.o\)[ :]*,$(OBJODIR)/\1 [email protected] : ,g' < [email protected].$$$$ > [email protected]; \ rm -f [email protected].$$$$ $(foreach lib,$(GEN_LIBS),$(eval $(call ShortcutRule,$(lib),$(LIBODIR)))) $(foreach image,$(GEN_IMAGES),$(eval $(call ShortcutRule,$(image),$(IMAGEODIR)))) $(foreach bin,$(GEN_BINS),$(eval $(call ShortcutRule,$(bin),$(BINODIR)))) $(foreach lib,$(GEN_LIBS),$(eval $(call MakeLibrary,$(basename $(lib))))) $(foreach image,$(GEN_IMAGES),$(eval $(call MakeImage,$(basename $(image))))) ############################################################# # Recursion Magic - Don't touch this!! # # Each subtree potentially has an include directory # corresponding to the common APIs applicable to modules # rooted at that subtree. Accordingly, the INCLUDE PATH # of a module can only contain the include directories up # its parent path, and not its siblings # # Required for each makefile to inherit from the parent # ############################################ # 設定標頭檔案路徑 # 把主目錄下的 include標頭檔案包含進來 INCLUDES := $(INCLUDES) -I $(PDIR)include -I $(PDIR)include/$(TARGET) -I $(PDIR)driver_lib/include PDIR := ../$(PDIR) sinclude $(PDIR)Makefile



# Required variables for each makefile
# Discard this section from all parent makefiles
# Expected variables (with automatic defaults):
#   CSRCS (all "C" files in the dir)
#   SUBDIRS (all subdirs with a Makefile)
#   GEN_LIBS - list of libs to be generated ()
#   GEN_IMAGES - list of object file images to be generated ()
#   GEN_BINS - list of binaries to be generated ()
#   COMPONENTS_xxx - a list of libs/objs in the form
#     subdir/lib to be extracted and rolled up into
#     a generated lib/image xxx.a ()


TARGET = eagle
# 選擇debug工程還是release
#FLAVOR = release
FLAVOR = debug


ifndef PDIR # {
GEN_IMAGES= eagle.app.v6.out
GEN_BINS= eagle.app.v6.bin

# 子目錄,如果你在app裡新建了一個原始檔目錄,需要新增到這裡
# 否則不會編譯未新增的目錄的原始檔!
    user    \

# 比如添加了一個 network 資料夾,則:
#SUBDIRS=    \
#   user    \
#   driver  \
#   network

endif # } PDIR

LDDIR = ../ld


    -nostdlib       \
    -Wl,-EL         \
    --longcalls     \

# 根據 FLAVOR 變數選擇優化等級
# -O0不優化,-O2中級優化
ifeq ($(FLAVOR),debug)
    TARGET_LDFLAGS += -g -O2

ifeq ($(FLAVOR),release)
    TARGET_LDFLAGS += -g -O0

# 新增靜態連結庫,對應前面 SUBDIRS 變數設定的目錄
# 每一個資料夾裡的原始碼先編譯成對應的靜態庫,然後在進行連結
# 所以如果新增新的原始碼資料夾,也需要在這裡新增對應的靜態庫!
COMPONENTS_eagle.app.v6 =   \
    user/libuser.a          \

# 比如新增network:
#COMPONENTS_eagle.app.v6 =   \
#   user/libuser.a          \
#   driver/libdriver.a  \
#   network/libnetwork.a

# 連結引數
# 參考lib資料夾裡的靜態連結庫
# 比如,如果需要使用smartconfig介面
# 只需要新增 -lsmartconfig 即可。
LINKFLAGS_eagle.app.v6 =    \
    -L../lib                \
    -nostdlib               \
    -T$(LD_FILE)            \
    -Wl,--no-check-sections \
    -Wl,--gc-sections       \
    -u call_user_start      \
    -Wl,-static             \
    -Wl,--start-group       \
    -lc                     \
    -lgcc                   \
    -lhal                   \
    -lphy                   \
    -lpp                    \
    -lnet80211              \
    -llwip                  \ # lwip靜態庫,可見ESP8266使用的是lwip協議棧
    -lwpa                   \
    -lcrypto                \
    -lmain                  \ # main靜態庫
    -ljson                  \ # JSON靜態庫
    -lupgrade               \ # OTP線上升級相關庫
    -lssl                   \ # 安全連結SSL靜態庫
    -lpwm                   \ # 有關PWM的靜態庫
    -lsmartconfig           \ # 快速連線smartconfig

DEPENDS_eagle.app.v6 = \
                $(LD_FILE) \

# Configuration i.e. compile options etc.
# Target specific stuff (defines etc.) goes in here!
# Generally values applying to a tree are captured in the
#   makefile at its root level - these are then overridden
#   for a subtree within the makefile rooted therein


# Other potential configuration flags include:

DEFINES +=              \

DDEFINES +=             \

# Recursion Magic - Don't touch this!!
# Each subtree potentially has an include directory
#   corresponding to the common APIs applicable to modules
#   rooted at that subtree. Accordingly, the INCLUDE PATH
#   of a module can only contain the include directories up
#   its parent path, and not its siblings
# Required for each makefile to inherit from the parent

# 把當前目錄下的 include 資料夾包含進來

# 把子目錄包含進來
PDIR := ../$(PDIR)

# 把子目錄下的Makefile加進來
# sinclude:以忽略錯誤的方式執行
sinclude $(PDIR)Makefile





# Required variables for each makefile
# Discard this section from all parent makefiles
# Expected variables (with automatic defaults):
#   CSRCS (all "C" files in the dir)
#   SUBDIRS (all subdirs with a Makefile)
#   GEN_LIBS - list of libs to be generated ()
#   GEN_IMAGES - list of images to be generated ()
#   COMPONENTS_xxx - a list of libs/objs in the form
#     subdir/lib to be extracted and rolled up into
#     a generated lib/image xxx.a ()

# 仔細閱讀上面英文即可知道是什麼意思了
# 下面語句即是生成 libuser.a 
ifndef PDIR
GEN_LIBS = libuser.a

# Configuration i.e. compile options etc.
# Target specific stuff (defines etc.) goes in here!
# Generally values applying to a tree are captured in the
#   makefile at its root level - these are then overridden
#   for a subtree within the makefile rooted therein

# Recursion Magic - Don't touch this!!
# Each subtree potentially has an include directory
#   corresponding to the common APIs applicable to modules
#   rooted at that subtree. Accordingly, the INCLUDE PATH
#   of a module can only contain the include directories up
#   its parent path, and not its siblings
# Required for each makefile to inherit from the parent

# 查詢標頭檔案時,進入當前資料夾的 include 資料夾進行查詢(如果有)

# 在當前資料夾的進行查詢

# 在主目錄下的 include/ets/ 資料夾進行查詢
# (實際上本人都沒有找到 include/ets/ 資料夾)
INCLUDES += -I ../../include/ets

PDIR := ../$(PDIR)
sinclude $(PDIR)Makefile


  1. app/目錄下新建一個資料夾,比如叫network
  2. 然後把app/user/Makefile檔案拷貝過去,修改下面語句:

    ifndef PDIR
    GEN_LIBS = libuser.a


    ifndef PDIR
    GEN_LIBS = libnetwork.a
  3. 然後編輯app/Makefile,給SUBDIRS變數和COMPONENTS_eagle.app.v6新增對應的檔名稱即可(app/Makefile程式碼分析小節已經有說明);

    # ...
    SUBDIRS=    \
        user    \
    # ...
    COMPONENTS_eagle.app.v6 =   \
    user/libuser.a          \


    ESP8266 SDK學習筆記Makefile分析

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    核心模組1、__builtin__模組:一、數學運算類abs(x) 求絕對值 1、引數可以是整型,也可以是複數 2、若引數是複數,則返回複數的模 complex([real[, imag]]) 建立一個複數 divmod(a, b) 分別取商和餘數 注意:整型

    各種音視訊編解碼學習詳解之 編解碼學習筆記Mpeg系列——Mpeg 4



    OpenCV中還可以在影象上進行繪圖操作,由於資料都比較完善,所以附上鍊接,自行參悟。 好了,進入正題。在一張影象,在資料儲存或傳輸的過程中,或多或少都會引入噪聲,常見的影象噪聲如高斯噪聲、瑞利噪聲、椒鹽噪聲等,可參加連結:數字影象噪聲 為了避免噪聲對影象資訊進行干擾或


    簡介 官網:http://baomidou.oschina.io/mybatis-plus-doc/ 平時業務程式碼不復雜的時候我們寫什麼程式碼寫的最多,就是我們的SQL語句啊,配置那麼多的Mapper.xml,還要配置什麼resultMap這些東西,還要去管理paramtype


    常用器件特性 記憶體: SRAM 靜態記憶體 特點就是容量小、價格高,優點是不需要軟體初始化直接上電就能用 DRAM 動態記憶體 特點就是容量大、價格低,缺點就是上電後不能直接使用,需要軟體初始化後才可以使用。 微


    文章目錄 1 運算子&函式 1.1 運算子 1.1.1 算數運算子 1.1.2 關係運算符 1.1.3 邏輯運算子 1.2 函式 1.2.

    PE檔案學習筆記重定位表Relocation Table解析

    1、重定位表的作用 重定位表(Relocation Table)用於在程式載入到記憶體中時,進行記憶體地址的修正。為什麼要進行記憶體地址的修正?我們舉個例子來說:test.exe可執行程式需要三個動態連結庫dll(a.dll,b.dll,c.dll),假設te


    在struts2的action中有時會需要訪問request,session以及applicationContext等web資源,這裡我總結了四種可行的方法,供讀者參考。 (1)使用ActionContext <pre name="code" class="java


    一、動態語言相關概念 1.1 動態語言 在執行時程式碼可以根據某些條件改變自身結構 可以在執行時引進新的函式、物件、甚至程式碼,可以刪除已有的函式等其他結構上的變化 常見的動態語言:Object-C、C#、JavaScript、PHP、Python、Erlang 1.2 動態型別語言 在執行期間檢查資料