Weekly Contest 101
比賽的時候跌跌撞撞才拿下來第一題,也是水得可以。賽後補題發現901貌似不好做啊,然而902卻很快有了思路,最終也是獨立解決了902,沒能攻下901。本來想吐槽標籤不太正確,但轉念一想,題目的難度本來就因人而異,只在乎掌握程度罷了。不過,比賽時因標籤為‘難’就不敢碰倒是最值得反思的:在過去的7周比賽中,其實我能解決的問題一般是2道,偶爾是3道,但除了第一次比賽外,都不能在場上發揮出自己的水平,很多時候的確是因為陷入前兩道題中某道的坑中無法自拔,而leetcode weekly contest是個特別講究速度的比賽,必須時刻保持思維清晰、迅速反應,否則難以取得理想成績。leetcode的題目難度顯然並沒有達到令人髮指的地步,實在不會做的看solution還是能夠做出來的,但是還是得加強內功的修煉,將學到的反覆練習,否則只能在1000+的排名中找到自己的名字啦QAQ
LeetCode之Weekly Contest 101
學會放棄 編碼 連續 大數 第一題 簡單 size 再次 apple 前一段時間比較忙,而且做這個對於我來說挺耗時間的,已經間隔了幾期的沒做總結了,後面有機會補齊。而且本來做這個的目的就是為了防止長時間不做把編程拉下,不在追求獨立作出所有題了。以後完賽後稍微嘗試下,做不
Weekly Contest 101
PS: 比賽的時候跌跌撞撞才拿下來第一題,也是水得可以。賽後補題發現901貌似不好做啊,然而902卻很快有了思路,最終也是獨立解決了902,沒能攻下901。本來想吐槽標籤不太正確,但轉念一想,題目的難度本來就因人而異,只在乎掌握程度罷了。不過,比賽時因標籤為
835. Image Overlap —— weekly contest 84
mil ice nat erl 模擬 clu ssi vector 暴力 Image Overlap Two images A and B are given, represented as binary, square matrices of the same size
841. Keys and Rooms —— weekly contest 86
ted blank order IV sig for set div and 題目鏈接:https://leetcode.com/problems/keys-and-rooms/description/ 簡單DFS time:9ms 1 class Solution {
840. Magic Squares In Grid ——weekly contest 86
AS IV SQ div color att scu turn sin 題目鏈接:https://leetcode.com/problems/magic-squares-in-grid/description attention:註意給定的數字不一定是1-9。 time:5
843. Guess the Word —— weekly contest 86
tar TP 題目 guess 學習 weekly blank -m scu 題目鏈接:https://leetcode.com/problems/guess-the-word/description/ 占坑 據說要用啟發式算法,可參考下述答案進行學習:https://le
LeetCode之Weekly Contest 93
rar ase tar top val amp ilo pda 分鐘 第一題:二進制間距 問題: 給定一個正整數 N,找到並返回 N 的二進制表示中兩個連續的 1 之間的最長距離。 如果沒有兩個連續的 1,返回 0 。 示例 1: 輸入:22 輸出:2 解釋: 22
【leetcode】Weekly Contest 94
先序 class mine man cci false 節點 技術分享 分享圖片 題目不難,被第二題卡了半個多小時QAQ,另一個就是以後能用Hashmap和Hashset的絕不遍歷。 1. Leaf-Similar Trees dfs、層次遍歷把葉子節點遍歷然
AtCoder Regular Contest 101
ont 二分 結構 數據結構 reg lar pan font coder C題是個傻逼題, 一定是先向右,然後停了或者向左走到某一個點(左邊同理)模擬就可以了 D題想了一會才想出來 和tjoi那道排序挺像的 二分答案變0/1來做 剛開始寫的時候還把自己作為另外一
AtCoder Regular Contest 101 D - Median of Medians
分答 ios pos 組合 name contest clu include ons 二分答案 然後前綴和+樹狀數組來判斷這個答案是否大於等於數 如果我們對於一個查詢,如果小於這個數令為1,大於這個數領為-1 將所有前綴和放在樹狀數組中,就可以查詢所有sum_{l} <
[Swift Weekly Contest 108]LeetCode929. 獨特的電子郵件地址 | Unique Email Addresses
you nts 例如 nbsp uniq 兩個 quest 使用 main Every email consists of a local name and a domain name, separated by the @ sign. For example, in
[Swift Weekly Contest 108]LeetCode931. 下降路徑最小和 | Minimum Falling Path Sum
put one 元素 tput 輸出 給定 想要 rev ... Given a square array of integers A, we want the minimum sum of a falling path through A. A falling path
[Swift Weekly Contest 108]LeetCode932. 漂亮數組 | Beautiful Array
eat 示例 clas 訪問 -o 分支 -i it is perm For some fixed N, an array A is beautiful if it is a permutation of the integers 1, 2, ..., N, such th
[Swift Weekly Contest 109]LeetCode933. 最近的請求次數 | Number of Recent Calls
Write a class RecentCounter to count recent requests. It has only one method: ping(int t), where t represents some time in milliseconds. R
[Swift Weekly Contest 109]LeetCode935. 騎士撥號器 | Knight Dialer
A chess knight can move as indicated in the chess diagram below: . This time, we place our c
[Swift Weekly Contest 109]LeetCode934. 最短的橋 | Shortest Bridge
In a given 2D binary array A, there are two islands. (An island is a 4-directionally connected group of 1s not connected to any other 1s.)
109th LeetCode Weekly Contest Number of Recent Calls
Write a class RecentCounter to count recent requests. It has only one method: ping(int t), where t represents some time in milliseconds. R
[Swift Weekly Contest 110]LeetCode939. 最小面積矩形 | Minimum Area Rectangle
Given a set of points in the xy-plane, determine the minimum area of a rectangle formed from these points, with sides parallel to the x and y axes. If the
Weekly Contest 78-------->811. Subdomain Visit Count (split string with space and hash map)
A website domain like "discuss.leetcode.com" consists of various subdomains. At the top level, we have "com", at the next level, we have "leetcode.com", an
Weekly Contest 78-------->808. Soup Servings
There are two types of soup: type A and type B. Initially we have N ml of each type of soup. There are four kinds of operations: Serve 1