1. 程式人生 > >WRF模式學習_從linux安裝開始



1 CentOS 5 Linux 安裝圖解

2 PGI 安裝

2.1 將檔案pgilinux86-64-707.tar.gz 下載到/home/yourname/pgi707 目錄下解壓

[yourname @localhost pgi707]$ tar -zxvf pgilinux86-707.tar.gz

[yourname @localhost pgi707]$ ls

common install INSTALL.txt linux86 linux86-64 pgilinux86-707.tar.gz


2.2 編譯並安裝

[yourname @localhost pgi707]$ su root

Do you accept these terms? [accept,decline]


Install the ACML? [y/n]


Installation directory? [/usr/pgi]


Create an evaluation license? [y/n]


Do you want the files in the install directory to be read-only? [y,n]



2.3 用root 使用者把license.dat(在使用期範圍的其他版本的license.dat 也可以用)複製

(cp)到/usr/local/pgi 下

2.4 把以下幾行放到/home/yourname/.bashrc 的最後

export PGI=/usr/local/pgi/linux86/7.0-7

export PATH=$PGI/bin:$PATH


export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/usr/local/pgi/license.dat


[[email protected] pgi707]# source /home/yourname/.bashrc

2.5 測試PGI:

pgf90-Warning-No files to process

以上說明PGI 安裝成功!

3 Netcdf 安裝

3.1 將檔案netcdf.tar.gz 下載到/home/yourname/netcdf 下解壓

[yourname @localhost netcdf]$ tar -zxvf netcdf-4.0.1.tar.gz

[yourname @localhost netcdf]$ ls

netcdf-4.0.1 netcdf-4.0.1.tar.gz

3.2 編譯並安裝

[yourname @localhost netcdf]$ cd netcdf-4.0.1/

[yourname @localhost netcdf-4.0.1]$ su root

[[email protected] netcdf-4.0.1]# mkdir /usr/local/netcdf

[[email protected] netcdf-4.0.1]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/netcdf


[[email protected] netcdf-4.0.1]# make install

3.3 把以下幾行放到/home/yourname/.bashrc 的最後

export NETCDF=/usr/local/netcdf

export PATH=$NETCDF/bin:$PATH


[[email protected] netcdf-3.6.2]# source /home/yourname/.bashrc

這樣NetCDF 安裝成功!

4 NCARG 安裝

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

make all install

版本。本地機器版本可以用uname -m 檢視,gcc 版本用 gcc --version 檢視。我下載的是 NCL 5.1.1 32-bit

binary for i686 chips for LINUX (compiled with gcc 4.1.2)。

4.3. 安裝

將下載的檔案解壓,把裡面的三個子資料夾bin, lib, include 解壓到目標資料夾,即/usr/local/ncarg。




mkidr /usr/local/ncarg

cd /usr/local/ncarg

tar zxvf /home/yourname/ncl_ncarg-5.1.1.Linux_i686_gcc412.tar.gz

cd ~

gedit .bashrc

開啟.bashrc 檔案新增下面幾行:

export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local/ncarg

export PATH=/usr/local/ncarg/bin:$PATH

export DISPLAY=:0.0

export NCARG_LIB=/usr/local/ncarg/lib

export NCARG_INC=/usr/local/ncarg/include


再在~/目錄下,輸入 source .bashrc

4.5. 配置檔案:

在~/ 目錄下建立.hluresfile 檔案, 然後把下面內容複製( 此檔案說明見:


! comments for ".res" files are preceded by a "!"

! remember quotations are not used in .res files

! White background/black foreground

*wkForegroundColor : (/0.,0.,0./)

*wkBackgroundColor : (/1.,1.,1./)

*wkColorMap : rainbow+gray

! Font stuff

*Font : helvetica

! Function Codes [Default is a colon ]

*TextFuncCode : ~

! Make default X11 window larger (adjust as necessary)

*wkWidth : 800

*wkHeight : 800

! Have a favorite colormap that you use for everything? You can

! make it your default here (note the name is NOT in quotes):

! *wkColorMap : temp1

! Increase the default (16mb) contour memory

! If you gave gridded data > 500 x 500, you may need this

*wsMaximumSize: 32556688


然後 cd ~, 分別執行

ng4ex gsun01n ncl gsun01n.ncl

ncargex cpex08, ctrans -d X11 cpex08.ncgm



到此為止,WRF 模式安裝的前期準備已經完成,下面開始正式安裝模式。在正式安裝之前,我們先在我們

自己的使用者目錄下建立一個名為WRF 的資料夾,然後把地形檔案壓縮包geog_v3.1.tar.gz、WRFV3 壓

縮包WRFV3.1.1.TAR.gz、WPSV3 壓縮包WPSV3.1.1.TAR.gz 和ARWpost 壓縮包ARWpost.tar.gz

都複製到WRF 資料夾裡,最後就可以在WRF 資料夾裡進行模式的安裝了。


5 WRFV3 安裝



5.1 WRF 壓縮包可以到以下網頁下載:


5.2 在事前建立的WRF 目錄下,解壓WRFV3 的壓縮包

tar zxvf WRFV3.1.1.TAR.gz

cd WRFV3



註釋:serial means single processor (考慮到大家機器的實際情況,請大家選擇這項)

smpar means Symmetric Multi-Processing/Shared Memory Parallel (OpenMP)

dmpar means Distributed Memory Parallel (MPI)

dm+sm means Distributed Memory with Shared Memory (for example, MPI across

nodes with OpenMP within a node)

the second option is for nesting: 0 = no nesting, 1 = standard static nesting,

2 = nesting with a prescribed set of moves, 3 = nesting that allows a domain

to follow a vortex (typhoon tracking)

注意:選擇linux with pgi 編譯器(serial)的選項,回車以後,出現compile for nesting?


5.3 開始編譯

./compile em_real

ls -ls main/*.exe

註釋:you should see ndown.exe, real.exe, and wrf.exe 。代表WRFV3 安裝成功。

5.4 如果編譯失敗,請先回到WRFV3 目錄下,輸入./clean –a ,再重新查詢問題,重新安裝。

6 WPSV3 安裝

6.1 獲取WPS 的原始檔 WPSV3.TAR.gz

6.2 進入WRF 目錄,並解壓:

cd WRF

tar -zxvf WPSV3.1.1.TAR.gz

解壓後,進入WPS 目錄

cd WPS

6.3 配置:



o choose one of the options

o usually, option "1" and option “2” are for serial builds, that is the best

for an initial test

o WPS requires that you build for the appropriate Grib decoding, select an

option that suitable for the data you will use with the ungrib program

o If you select a Grib2 option, you must have those libraries prepared and

built in advance

6.4 編譯:


ls -ls *.exe


o you should see geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, and metgrid.exe (if you are missing

both geogrid.exe and metgrid.exe, you probably need to fix where the path to

WRF is pointing in the configure.wps file; if you are missing ungrib.exe, try

a Grib1-only build to further isolate the problem)

ls -ls util/*.exe


o you should see a number of utility executables: avg_tsfc.exe,

calc_ecmwf_p.exe, g1print.exe, g2print.exe, mod_levs.exe, plotfmt.exe,

plotgrids.exe, and rd_intermediate.exe (files requiring NCAR Graphics are

plotfmt.exe and plotgrids.exe)

• if geogrid.exe and metgrid.exe executables are missing, probably the path

to the WRFV3 directory structure is incorrect (found inside the configure.wps


• if the ungrib.exe is missing, probably the Grib2 libraries are not linked

or built correctly

• if the plotfmt.exe or the plotgrids.exe programs are missing, probably the

NCAR Graphics path is set incorrectly

6.5 如果編譯失敗,請先回到WPS 目錄下,輸入./clean –a ,再重新查詢問題,重新安裝。

7 ARWpost 安裝

ARWpost 是一個把WRF 結果轉為GrADS 或Vis5D 可以辨識的資料格式的軟體。


tar zxvf ARWpost.tar.gz

cd ARWpost




如果你的WRF 目錄路徑不是在"../WRFV3" ,則要編輯configure.arwp,檔案,設定“WRF_DIR“變

量為你的WRFV3 路徑


生成 ARWpost.exe,表明安裝成功,


然後執行 ./ARWpost.exe

這就會生成 output_root_name.dat & output_root_name.ctl 或output_root_name.v5d

然後就可以通過 GrADS 或Vis5D 畫圖。

8 GrADS 安裝


8.1.選擇安裝路徑.一般選擇裝在 /usr/local/bin/ 目錄(也可自行選擇其他)

[[email protected] ~]$ su 轉入根使用者,以便訪問/usr/local/bin

[[email protected] yourname]# cd /usr/local/bin



[[email protected] grads-2.0.a7.1]# mkdir dat

[[email protected] grads-2.0.a7.1] # cd dat

[[email protected] bin]# tar zxvf /home/yourname/data.tar.Z


轉到普通使用者(Ctrl+D),開啟 ~./.bashrc,


export GADDIR=/usr/local/bin/grads-2.0.a7.1/dat

export GASCRP=/usr/local/bin/grads-2.0.a7.1/lib

export PATH=/usr/local/bin/grads-2.0.a7.1/bin:$PATH

alias grads=/usr/local/bin/grads-2.0.a7.1/bin/grads




本文作者為中山大學楊超鋒同學,特此感謝。 1 CentOS 5 Linux 安裝圖解 2 PGI 安裝 2.1 將檔案pgilinux86-64-707.tar.gz 下載到/home/yourname/pgi707 目錄下解壓 [yourname @lo

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