1. 程式人生 > >android service bindService onServiceConnected沒有呼叫

android service bindService onServiceConnected沒有呼叫



public void onCreate(Bundle b){
  Intent i=new Intent();
  booleanisret=this.getApplicationContext().bindService(i, conn,Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
  Log.i(TAG, "BIND ...");
   Toast.makeText(this,"myServiceis null ",Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
  }else {
   Toast.makeText(this,"myServiceis not null  ",Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
  }else {
   Log.i(TAG,"UNbind  ...");


This is the designed behavior of all of these methods. For example,in the bindService(Intentservice, ServiceConnection conn, intflags) method accordingto thedocumentation, the service will only run as long as the callingcontext exists:

The service will be considered required by the system only for aslong as the calling context exists. For example, if this Context isan Activity that is stopped, the service will not be required tocontinue running until the Activity is resumed.

Disconnect from an application service. You will no longer receivecalls as the service is restarted, and the service is now allowedto stop at any time.

Using startService() overridesthe default service lifetime that is managed bybindService(Intent,ServiceConnection, int): it requires the service to remainrunning until stopService(Intent)

 iscalled, regardless of whether any clients are connected to it. Notethat calls to startService() arenot nesting: no matter how many times you callstartService(),a single call to stopService(Intent) willstop it.

也就是說:在繫結的的時候Context 不可以為空,在OnCreate中繫結,當然contexe沒有完成啊!


private ServiceConnection conn=new ServiceConnection(){
  public voidonServiceConnected(ComponentName arg0, IBinder arg1) {
   Log.i(TAG,"onServiceConnected : myServie is set to  objectfrom getPosService");