1. 程式人生 > >讓你提前認識軟體開發(10):字串處理函式及異常保護


第1部分 重新認識C語言




       1. strcatstrncat函式


        char *strcat( char *strDestination, const char *strSource );

        Remarks: The strcat function appends strSource to strDestination and terminates the resulting string with a null character. The initial character of strSource overwrites the terminating null character of strDestination. It returns the destination string (strDestination).





*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別








 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8 szStrDestination[10] = "Hello";

       INT8 szStrSource[10]    = "Hello123";


       printf("The source string is: %s\n", szStrSource);

       printf("The destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);

      strcat(szStrDestination, szStrSource);     //呼叫strcat函式


       printf("The changed destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);

       return 0;





*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別








 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8 szStrDestination[10] = "Hello";

       INT8 szStrSource[10]    = "Hello123";


       printf("The source string is: %s\n", szStrSource);

       printf("The destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);

      //對目的字元陣列的長度進行異常保護 begin

if (sizeof(szStrDestination) - strlen(szStrDestination) < strlen(szStrSource))


printf("The source string is too long!\n");   //列印異常訊息

return 1;                                                      //異常返回


//對目的字元陣列的長度進行異常保護 end

     strcat(szStrDestination, szStrSource);     //呼叫strcat函式


     printf("The changed destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);  

     return 0;




        char *strncat( char *strDest, const char *strSource, size_t count );

         Remarks: The strncat function appends, at most, the first count characters of strSource to strDest. The initial character of strSource overwrites the terminating null character of strDest. If a null character appears in strSource before count characters are appended, strncat appends all characters from strSource, up to the null character. If count is greater than the length of strSource, the length of strSource is used in place of count. The resulting string is terminated with a null character.



*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別








 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8 szStrDestination[10] = "Hello";

       INT8 szStrSource[10]    = "Hello123";


       printf("The source string is: %s\n", szStrSource);

       printf("The destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);


 strncat(szStrDestination, szStrSource,sizeof(szStrDestination)-strlen(szStrDestination));    


       printf("The changed destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);  

       return 0;



         2. strcpystrncpy函式


        char *strcpy( char *strDestination, const char *strSource );

         Remarks: The strcpy function copies strSource, including the terminating null character, to the location specified by strDestination. It returns the destination string.




*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

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*   修改內容:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別








 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8 szStrDestination[5] = {0};            //定義的同時,對變數進行初始化

       INT8 szStrSource[10]   = "Hello1234";


       printf("The source string is: %s\n", szStrSource);

       printf("The destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);

       strcpy(szStrDestination, szStrSource);     //呼叫strcpy函式


       printf("The changed destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);  

       return 0;





*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

*   修改日期:

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*   修改內容:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別





 *返回值:   無



 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8 szStrDestination[5] = {0};            //定義的同時,對變數進行初始化

       INT8 szStrSource[10]     = "Hello1234";


       printf("The source string is: %s\n", szStrSource);

       printf("The destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);

  //對目的字元陣列的長度進行異常保護 begin

if (sizeof(szStrDestination) < strlen(szStrSource))


printf("The source string is too long!\n");   //列印異常訊息

return 1;                              //異常返回


//對目的字元陣列的長度進行異常保護 end

      strcpy(szStrDestination, szStrSource);     //呼叫strcpy函式


      printf("The changed destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);  

       return 0;




       char *strncpy( char *strDest, const char *strSource, size_t count );

        Remarks: The strncpy function copies the initial count characters of strSource to strDest and returns strDest. If count is less than or equal to the length of strSource, a null character is not appended automatically to the copied string. If count is greater than the length of strSource, the destination string is padded with null characters up to length count. It returns strDest.



*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別








 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8 szStrDestination[5] = {0};            //定義的同時,對變數進行初始化

       INT8 szStrSource[10]   = "Hello1234";


       printf("The source string is: %s\n", szStrSource);

       printf("The destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);

      //呼叫strncpy函式,並進行長度判斷 begin

if (sizeof(szStrDestination) < strlen(szStrSource))


strncpy(szStrDestination, szStrSource, sizeof(szStrDestination));




strncpy(szStrDestination, szStrSource, strlen(szStrSource));


//呼叫strncpy函式,並進行長度判斷 end


      printf("The changed destination string is: %s\n", szStrDestination);  

       return 0;



         3. strcmpstrcnmp函式


         int strcmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

         Remarks: The strcmp function compares string1 and string2 lexicographically and returns a value indicating their relationship. If return value < 0, string1 less than string2; if return value = 0, string1 identical to string2; if return value > 0, string1 greater than string2.



*版權所有 (C)2014, Zhou Zhaoxiong









*修改記錄1   //修改歷史記錄,包括修改日期、版本號、修改人及修改內容等

*   修改日期:

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*   修改人:

*   修改內容:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef signed char INT8;                        //重定義資料型別

typedef signed int  INT32;                       //重定義資料型別








 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 20140405            V1.0            周兆熊建立


INT32 main(void)


       INT8  szStrCmp1[10] = "Hello";           

       INT8  szStrCmp2[10] = "Hello";

       INT32 iRetVal       = 0;             //定義的同時,對變數進行初始化


       printf("The first string is: %s\n", szStrCmp1);

       printf("The second string is: %s\n", szStrCmp2);

iRetVal = strcmp(szStrCmp1, szStrCmp2);     //呼叫strcmp函式

       if (iRetVal < 0)


              printf("string1 is less than string2\n");


       else if (iRetVal == 0)                   //注意:是“==”,而不是“=


              printf("string1 is identical to string2\n");




              printf("string1 is greater than string2\n");


       return 0;

