oracle 捕獲select into異常
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-14
SELECT INTO 要求有一條返回資料,所以沒有返回(NO_DATA_FOUND)或者返回多於一條(TOO_MANY_ROWS)都會丟擲異常; select into 語句嵌入begin ... exception ... end中處理 begin select e.employeecode,e.employeename into v_code,v_name from employee e, empgroup eg where e.employeeid = eg.employeeid and c1.orgid = eg.orgid and eg.empgroupid = 100000204; exception when no_data_found then v_code:=null; v_name:=null; when others then v_code:=null; v_name:='存在相同條件的多條記錄啦!'; end; begin select e.employeecode,e.employeename into v_code,v_name from employee e, empgroup eg where e.employeeid = eg.employeeid and c1.orgid = eg.orgid and eg.empgroupid = 100000204 and rownum = 1; exception when others then v_code:=null; v_name:=null; end;