poj 1149 PIGS(最大流+經典構圖)
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-14
All data concerning customers planning to visit the farm on that particular day are available to Mirko early in the morning so that he can make a sales-plan in order to maximize the number of pigs sold.
More precisely, the procedure is as following: the customer arrives, opens all pig-houses to which he has the key, Mirko sells a certain number of pigs from all the unlocked pig-houses to him, and, if Mirko wants, he can redistribute the remaining pigs across the unlocked pig-houses.
An unlimited number of pigs can be placed in every pig-house.
Write a program that will find the maximum number of pigs that he can sell on that day.
The first line of input contains two integers M and N, 1 <= M <= 1000, 1 <= N <= 100, number of pighouses and number of customers. Pig houses are numbered from 1 to M and customers are numbered from 1 to N.
The next line contains M integeres, for each pig-house initial number of pigs. The number of pigs in each pig-house is greater or equal to 0 and less or equal to 1000.
The next N lines contains records about the customers in the following form ( record about the i-th customer is written in the (i+2)-th line):
A K1 K2 ... KA B It means that this customer has key to the pig-houses marked with the numbers K1, K2, ..., KA (sorted nondecreasingly ) and that he wants to buy B pigs. Numbers A and B can be equal to 0.
The first and only line of the output should contain the number of sold pigs.
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K |
Total Submissions: 14578 | Accepted: 6479 |
Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come to the farm one after another. Each of them has keys to some pig-houses and wants to buy a certain number of pigs.All data concerning customers planning to visit the farm on that particular day are available to Mirko early in the morning so that he can make a sales-plan in order to maximize the number of pigs sold.
More precisely, the procedure is as following: the customer arrives, opens all pig-houses to which he has the key, Mirko sells a certain number of pigs from all the unlocked pig-houses to him, and, if Mirko wants, he can redistribute the remaining pigs across the unlocked pig-houses.
An unlimited number of pigs can be placed in every pig-house.
Write a program that will find the maximum number of pigs that he can sell on that day.
The next line contains M integeres, for each pig-house initial number of pigs. The number of pigs in each pig-house is greater or equal to 0 and less or equal to 1000.
The next N lines contains records about the customers in the following form ( record about the i-th customer is written in the (i+2)-th line):
A K1 K2 ... KA B It means that this customer has key to the pig-houses marked with the numbers K1, K2, ..., KA (sorted nondecreasingly ) and that he wants to buy B pigs. Numbers A and B can be equal to 0.
Sample Input
3 3 3 1 10 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 6
Sample Output
【題意】:有 M 個豬圈(M ≤ 1000),每個豬圈裡初始時有若干頭豬。開始所有豬圈都是關閉的。依次來了 N 個顧客(N ≤ 100),每個顧客分別會開啟指定的幾個豬圈,從中買若干頭豬。每個顧客分別都有他能夠買的數量的上限。每個顧客走後,他開啟的那些豬圈中的豬,都可以被任意地調換到其它開著的豬圈裡,然後所有豬圈重新關上。 問總共最多能賣出多少頭豬。 【題解】:舉個例子來說。有 3 個豬圈,初始時分別有 3、 1 和 10 頭豬。依次來了 3 個顧客,第一個開啟 1 號 和 2 號豬圈,最多買 2 頭;第二個開啟 1 號 和 3 號豬圈,最多買 3 頭;第三個開啟 2 號豬圈,最多買 6 頭。那麼,最好的可能性之一就是第一個顧客從 1 號圈買 2 頭,然後把 1 號圈剩下的 1 頭放到 2 號圈;第二個顧客從 3 號圈買 3 頭;第三個顧客從 2 號圈買 2 頭。總共賣出 2 + 3 + 2 = 7 頭。□ 不難想像,這個問題的網路模型可以很直觀地構造出來。就拿上面的例子來說,可以構造出圖1所示的模型(圖中凡是沒有標數字的邊,容量都是 +∞):
- 三個顧客,就有三輪交易,每一輪分別都有 3 個豬圈和 1 個顧客的節點。
- 從源點到第一輪的各個豬圈各有一條邊,容量就是各個豬圈裡的豬的初始數量。
- 從各個顧客到匯點各有一條邊,容量就是各個顧客能買的數量上限。
- 在某一輪中,從該顧客開啟的所有豬圈都有一條邊連向該顧客,容量都是 +∞。
- 最後一輪除外,從每一輪的 i 號豬圈都有一條邊連向下一輪的 i 號豬圈,容量都是 +∞,表示這一輪剩下的豬可以留到下一輪。
- 最後一輪除外,從每一輪被開啟的所有豬圈,到下一輪的同樣這些豬圈,兩兩之間都要連一條邊,表示它們之間可以任意流通。
接著,根據,圖3中的藍色節點、2 號豬圈和 1 號顧客這三點可以合併成一個;圖3中的兩個 3 號豬圈和 2 號顧客也可以合併成一個點。當然,如果兩點之間有多條同向的邊,則這些邊可以合併成一條,容量相加,這個道理很簡單,就不用我多說了。最終,上例中的網路模型被簡化成了圖4 的樣子。
圖 4 讓我們從圖4中重新總結一下構造這個網路模型的規則:- 每個顧客分別用一個節點來表示。
- 對於每個豬圈的第一個顧客,從源點向他連一條邊,容量就是該豬圈裡的豬的初始數量。如果從源點到一名顧客有多條邊,則可以把它們合併成一條,容量相加。
- 對於每個豬圈,假設有 n 個顧客開啟過它,則對所有整數 i ∈ [1, n),從該豬圈的第 i 個顧客向第 i + 1 個顧客連一條邊,容量為 +∞。
- 從各個顧客到匯點各有一條邊,容量是各個顧客能買的數量上限。
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#define L(rt) (rt<<1)
#define R(rt) (rt<<1|1)
#define ll long long
#define eps 1e-6
using namespace std;
const int INF=1000000000;
const int maxn=1100;
struct Edge{
int u,v,cap,flow,next;
int low[maxn],cnt[maxn],dis[maxn],cur[maxn],pre[maxn],eh[maxn];
int hcap[maxn];
bool vis[maxn];
int n,m,s,t,num;
void init(){
num = 0;
void add(int u,int v,int cap,int flow){
Edge e = {u,v,cap,flow,eh[u]};
et[num] = e;
eh[u] = num ++;
void addedge(int u,int v,int cap){
int isap(int s,int t,int nv)
int u,v,now,flow = 0;
for(u = 0; u <= nv; u ++) cur[u] = eh[u];
low[s] = INF, cnt[0] = nv, u = s;
for(now = cur[u]; now != -1; now = et[now].next)
if(et[now].cap-et[now].flow&&dis[u] == dis[v = et[now].v]+1) break;
if(now != -1)
cur[u] = pre[v] = now;
low[v] = min(et[now].cap-et[now].flow,low[u]);
u = v;
if(u == t)
for(;u != s; u = et[pre[u]].u)
et[pre[u]].flow += low[t];
et[pre[u]^1].flow -= low[t];
flow += low[t];
low[s] = INF;
if(--cnt[dis[u]] == 0) break;
dis[u] = nv, cur[u] = eh[u];
for(now = eh[u]; now != -1; now = et[now].next)
if(et[now].cap-et[now].flow&&dis[u] > dis[et[now].v]+1)
dis[u] = dis[et[now].v]+1;
cnt[dis[u]] ++;
if(u != s) u = et[pre[u]].u;
return flow;
int main()
int nkey,h,cap;
for(int i = 1; i <= m; i ++)
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
while(nkey --)
else addedge(pre[h],i,INF);
return 0;