1. 程式人生 > >[Tools]獲取域環境內所有使用者登入資訊(附原始碼及程式)





@echo off
cd %~dp0
wevtutil qe security /format:text /q:"Event[System[(EventID=4624 or EventID=4634)]]" > EvtLogon.dat
EventLogonStat.exe EvtLogon.dat
del /F EvtLogon.dat


# -- coding:utf-8 --
# Python v2.7.10
# EventLogonStat.py
# Written by Gaearrow

import sys

# Logon Type Dictionary
logontypedic = {
    0 :'Unknown 0',
    1 :'Unknown 1',
    2 :'Interactive',
    3 :'Network',
    4 :'Batch',
    5 :'Service',
    6 :'Unknown 6',
    7 :'Unlock'
, 8 :'NetworkCleartext', 9 :'NewCredentials', 10:'RemoteInteractive', 11:'CachedInteractive', } # Logon ID Set logonidset = set() # Process Input if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: ' print 'wevtutil qe security /format:text /q:"Event[System[(EventID=4624 or EventID=4634)]]" > EvtLogon.dat'
print '%s EvtLogon.dat' % sys.argv[0].split('\\')[-1] sys.exit(1) evt = sys.argv[1] fevt = open(evt,'r') flogon = open('LogonStat.csv','w') print >>flogon,'Event No.; Task; Date; Account Name; Account Domain; Logon ID; Logon Type; Logon Address' try: # Perform the Statistics numevent = 0 numlogon = 0 numlogoff = 0 # For Eliminate redundancies lastdate = 'lastdate' lasttask = 'lasttask' for eachline in fevt: if eachline.find('Event[') > -1: # Reset evtno = '' task = '' date = '' accname = '' accdomain = '' logonid = '' logontype = '' logonaddr = '' skip = 0 evtno = eachline.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] numevent = numevent + 1 elif eachline.find('Date:') > -1: date = eachline[(eachline.find(':')+1):].strip() elif eachline.find('Task:') > -1: task = eachline.split(':')[1].strip() if (date == lastdate) and (task == lasttask): ## reduce skip = 1 else: lastdate = date lasttask = task elif eachline.find('Logon Type:') > -1: ltnum = int(eachline.split(':')[1]) logontype = logontypedic[ltnum] if ltnum in [0,1,5,6]: ## reduce skip = 1 elif eachline.find('Account Name:') > -1: accname = eachline.split(':')[1].strip() if (task == 'Logon') and (accname.find('$') > -1): ## reduce skip = 1 elif eachline.find('Account Domain:') > -1: accdomain = eachline.split(':')[1].strip() elif eachline.find('Logon ID:') > -1: logonid = eachline.split(':')[1].strip() if (skip == 0) and (task == 'Logoff') and (logonid in logonidset): print >>flogon,evtno+';'+task+';'+date+';'+accname+';'+accdomain+';'+logonid+';'+logontype+';'+logonaddr numlogoff = numlogoff + 1 logonidset.remove(logonid) elif eachline.find('Source Network Address:') > -1: logonaddr = eachline[(eachline.find(':')+1):].strip() if logonaddr == '-': ## reduce skip = 1 if (skip == 0) and (task == 'Logon'): print >>flogon,evtno+';'+task+';'+date+';'+accname+';'+accdomain+';'+logonid+';'+logontype+';'+logonaddr numlogon = numlogon + 1 logonidset.add(logonid) # Print Summary Infomation print >>flogon,'=============================' print >>flogon,'Summary Information' print >>flogon,'Logon Event : ',numlogon print >>flogon,'Logoff Event : ',numlogoff print >>flogon,'Total Event : ',numevent print >>flogon,'=============================' print 'Event Statistics Success to LogonStat.csv' except Exception as e: print 'Error: %s' % e sys.exit(1) fevt.close() flogon.close()


Event No.; Task; Date; Account Name; Account Domain; Logon ID; Logon Type; Logon Address
Summary Information
Logon  Event :  142
Logoff Event :  133
Total  Event :  99908