1. 程式人生 > >centos7 安裝配置openstack-ceilometer (官網openstack-juno版)

centos7 安裝配置openstack-ceilometer (官網openstack-juno版)

b In the [default] section, configure RabbitMQmessage broker access:


rpc_backend = rabbit

rabbit_host=  controller

rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS

Replace ra^bbit_pa^SS with the password youchose for the guestaccount in RabbitMQ.

a.        In the [DEFAULT] and [keystone_authtoken]sections, configure Identity service access:


auth_strategy = keystone 


auth_uri = http://

identity_uri =

admin_tenant_name = service

admin_user = ceilometer

admin_password = CEILOMETER_PASS

Replace CEILOmeter_pass with thepassword you chose for the celiometer user in theIdentity service.


Comment out any auth_host, auth_port, and auth_protocoloptions because the identity_uri option replaces them.

b.       In the [service_credentials] section, configure service credentials:


os_auth_url = http:// controller:5000/v2.

os_username = ceilometer os_tenant_name = service

os_password = CEIL〇METER_PASS

Replace CEIL〇meter_pass with thepassword you chose for the ceilometer user in theIdentity service.

c.        In the [publisher] section, configure the metering secret:


metering_secret= METERING_SECRET(填寫上邊生成的隨機值)

Replace metering_Secret with therandom value that you generated in a pre­vious step.