1. 程式人生 > >Ubuntu核心原始碼樹的構建與安裝


[email protected]:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32$ make help
Cleaning targets:
  clean           - Remove most generated files but keep the config and
                    enough build support to build external modules
  mrproper        - Remove all generated files + config + various backup files
  distclean       - mrproper + remove editor backup and patch files

Configuration targets:
  config          - Update current config utilising a line-oriented program
  menuconfig      - Update current config utilising a menu based program
  xconfig         - Update current config utilising a QT based front-end
  gconfig         - Update current config utilising a GTK based front-end
  oldconfig       - Update current config utilising a provided .config as base
  localmodconfig  - Update current config disabling modules not loaded
  localyesconfig  - Update current config converting local mods to core
  silentoldconfig - Same as oldconfig, but quietly, additionally update deps
  randconfig      - New config with random answer to all options
  defconfig       - New config with default answer to all options
  allmodconfig    - New config selecting modules when possible
  allyesconfig    - New config where all options are accepted with yes
  allnoconfig     - New config where all options are answered with no

Other generic targets:
  all             - Build all targets marked with [*]
* vmlinux         - Build the bare kernel
* modules         - Build all modules
  modules_install - Install all modules to INSTALL_MOD_PATH (default: /)
  firmware_install- Install all firmware to INSTALL_FW_PATH
                    (default: $(INSTALL_MOD_PATH)/lib/firmware)
  dir/            - Build all files in dir and below
  dir/file.[ois]  - Build specified target only
  dir/file.ko     - Build module including final link
  modules_prepare - Set up for building external modules
  tags/TAGS       - Generate tags file for editors
  cscope          - Generate cscope index
  kernelrelease   - Output the release version string
  kernelversion   - Output the version stored in Makefile
  headers_install - Install sanitised kernel headers to INSTALL_HDR_PATH
                    (default: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32/usr)

Static analysers
  checkstack      - Generate a list of stack hogs
  namespacecheck  - Name space analysis on compiled kernel
  versioncheck    - Sanity check on version.h usage
  includecheck    - Check for duplicate included header files
  export_report   - List the usages of all exported symbols
  headers_check   - Sanity check on exported headers
  headerdep       - Detect inclusion cycles in headers

Kernel packaging:
  rpm-pkg         - Build both source and binary RPM kernel packages
  binrpm-pkg      - Build only the binary kernel package
  deb-pkg         - Build the kernel as an deb package
  tar-pkg         - Build the kernel as an uncompressed tarball
  targz-pkg       - Build the kernel as a gzip compressed tarball
  tarbz2-pkg      - Build the kernel as a bzip2 compressed tarball

Documentation targets:
 Linux kernel internal documentation in different formats:
  htmldocs        - HTML
  pdfdocs         - PDF
  psdocs          - Postscript
  xmldocs         - XML DocBook
  mandocs         - man pages
  installmandocs  - install man pages generated by mandocs
  cleandocs       - clean all generated DocBook files

Architecture specific targets (x86):
* bzImage      - Compressed kernel image (arch/x86/boot/bzImage)
  install      - Install kernel using
                  (your) ~/bin/installkernel or
                  (distribution) /sbin/installkernel or
                  install to $(INSTALL_PATH) and run lilo
  fdimage      - Create 1.4MB boot floppy image (arch/x86/boot/fdimage)
  fdimage144   - Create 1.4MB boot floppy image (arch/x86/boot/fdimage)
  fdimage288   - Create 2.8MB boot floppy image (arch/x86/boot/fdimage)
  isoimage     - Create a boot CD-ROM image (arch/x86/boot/image.iso)
                  bzdisk/fdimage*/isoimage also accept:
                  FDARGS="..."  arguments for the booted kernel
                  FDINITRD=file initrd for the booted kernel

  i386_defconfig           - Build for i386
  x86_64_defconfig         - Build for x86_64

  make V=0|1 [targets] 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build
  make V=2   [targets] 2 => give reason for rebuild of target
  make O=dir [targets] Locate all output files in "dir", including .config
  make C=1   [targets] Check all c source with $CHECK (sparse by default)
  make C=2   [targets] Force check of all c source with $CHECK

Execute "make" or "make all" to build all targets marked with [*] 
For further info see the ./README file
執行編譯工作需要root的許可權。 2.  匯入核心配置檔案



[email protected]:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32$ make help Cleaning targets: clean - Remove most generated files but keep the config and

Ubuntu Docker 版本的更新安裝

data faq 企業 自己 .com entos 有關 截圖 rtu 突然發現自己的docker 版本特別的低,目前是1.9.1 屬於古董級別的了,想更新一下最新版本,這樣最新的一下命令就可以被支持。研究了半天都沒有更新成功,更新後的版本始終都是1.9.1 ;蒙圈了,找了


1、構建treePlotter.py #coding:utf-8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 定義決策樹決策結果的屬性,用字典來定義 # 下面的字典定義也可寫作 decisionNode={boxstyle:'sawtooth'



原:PHP核心原始碼分析:isset empty

PHP核心函式裡面有提供了兩個函式用來檢測 變數 isset和empty 這兩個有什麼區別? 我們用PHP程式碼來檢測一下 [php]<?php//第一種var_dump(empty($a)); //true 為空var_dump(isset($a)); //false 未設定//第二種


下載:        下載地址:https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.9/5.9.0/ 安裝:       chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.9.0.run       sudo ./

CentOS 7核心配置、編譯安裝

簡介 大部分時候,使用者並不需要編譯核心。編譯核心的一般目的:新功能的需求、原本的核心太過臃腫、不硬體搭配的穩定性、其他需求(如嵌入式系統)。 本文主要介紹瞭如何在CentOS 7環境下進行Linux核心的配置、編譯與安裝。 編譯前的準備 要成功建立一個核心,需要安裝下列元


準備工作 apt-get install qt3-apps-dev build-essential kernel-package vim apt-get install libncurses5-dev  (meke menuconfig要呼叫的) Step1 下載原始碼並

deepin15.5 建立核心原始碼

簡要說明 系統環境: deepin-15.5-amd64 deepin在安裝系統時,已經有有核心原始碼樹可直接使用: # cd /lib/modules/4.9.0-deepin13-amd64


log 結束 實的 變量 開啟 web 路徑 har ont 1:Vmware虛擬軟件裏面安裝好Ubuntu操作系統之後使用ifconfig命令查看一下ip; 2:使用Xsheel軟件遠程鏈接自己的虛擬機,方便操作。輸入自己ubuntu操作系統的賬號密碼之後就鏈接成


top get 服務 god div image nbsp .com 卸載 一 安裝 1 sudo apt-get install mongodb 2 mongo -version 輸出版本信息,表明安裝成功。 3 service mongodb start 啟動

(譯)綜合指南:通過Ubuntu 16.04上從Source構建安裝支持GPU的Caffe2

疑問 選項 靈活性 vid 克隆 .profile rop prope 特定 (譯)綜合指南:通過Ubuntu 16.04上從Source構建來安裝支持GPU的Caffe2 譯者註: 原文來自:https://tech.amikelive.com/node-706/comp

安裝Ubuntu Server18.04(附CentOS占用體積和Python版本的對比)

blog 版本 自帶 17. 安裝 系統 inux 8.0 png 這邊只演示一下最新系統的安裝過程,設置之類的和以前講的Kali以及CentOS大同小異:https://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/4822808.html#linux


原文連結:http://blog.csdn.net/sonicling/article/details/6702031     上半年一直在做有關GCC和LD的專案,到現在還沒做完。最近幾天程式設計的那臺電腦壞了,所以趁此間隙寫一點相關的分析和

資料結構 筆記-8 哈夫曼構建儲存

講述哈夫曼樹的構建過程(按照程式碼的思路): 程式碼: #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> typedef struct{ int weight; int parent


作者: 李佶澳   轉載請保留:原文地址   釋出時間:2018/11/18 14:26:00   說明 編譯方法 make peer make release 和 make r


Ogre原始碼編譯與安裝 這學期的課程需要分析Ogre原始碼,所以打算編譯Ogre原始碼來滿足課程要求; Ogre版本我這裡使用的是1.10.11 需要提前安裝 Visual Studio (我使用的是VS2017) CMake https://cmake


1.下載ubuntu16系統。https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?version=16.04.3&architecture=amd64https://msdn.itellyou.cn/ 選擇Not now, take


下載:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DqeZDF-MOAQ6hlNx2fq3JA 《精通Python網路爬蟲:核心技術、框架與專案實戰》中文PDF+原始碼PDF,306頁,帶書籤目錄。配套原始碼。 系統介紹Python網路爬蟲,注重實戰,涵蓋網路爬蟲原理、如何手寫Python網路爬蟲、


Linux核心編譯、安裝流程 本部落格屬於原創,轉載請註明來源 此處只講linux核心編譯步驟至於安裝虛擬機器,安裝ubuntu作業系統請自行百度 環境資訊: Linux作業系統:ubuntu16.04 核心版本:4.15.0-29-generic 需要編譯和安裝的核心原始碼