nulls first & nulls last 對索引影響
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-16
-- 當我們需要排序欄位時,比如order by name,如果name欄位定義時沒有not null時,就有可能涉及到null值的排序 -- 如果不注意,可能會造成隱藏的bug,pg預設null是無窮大,在升序時排在最後面,當然在排序時也可以指定 nulls first 或 nulls last -- 具體使用方法在此不在複述,本文主要是講的是在建立索引時指定 nulls first 或 nulls last 對查詢的影響 -- 基礎建立索引語法如下 CREATE INDEX [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] -- 在升序或降序時的預設值 -- NULLS FIRST Specifies that nulls sort before non-nulls. This is the default when DESC is specified. -- NULLS LAST Specifies that nulls sort after non-nulls. This is the default when DESC is not specified. --建立測試表 create table t as select n id ,'rudy'||n as name ,n||'password' as password,now() + (n||' second')::interval as create_date from generate_seies(1,1000000) n; postgres=# update t set name = null where mod(id,2)=0; UPDATE 500000 -- 構造隨機的null值,本次測試取對半 postgres=# create table t1 as select * from t; SELECT 1000000 postgres=# create index on t(name); CREATE INDEX postgres=# create index on t1(name nulls first); CREATE INDEX -- 在不指定 null first 時,由於pg預設null無限大,故當排序為升序時,t表能夠使用索引,t1表卻是使用全表掃描 postgres=# explain verbose select * from t where id>1000 order by name limit 10; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.42..1.26 rows=10 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date -> Index Scan using idx_t_name on public.t (cost=0.42..83387.28 rows=999027 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date Filter: ( > 1000) (5 rows) postgres=# explain verbose select * from t1 where id>1000 order by name limit 10; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=40949.92..40949.94 rows=10 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date -> Sort (cost=40949.92..43447.52 rows=999041 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date Sort Key: -> Seq Scan on public.t1 (cost=0.00..19361.00 rows=999041 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date Filter: ( > 1000) (8 rows) -- 在指定 nulls first 時,由於t1表建立索引時null值放在最前面,而且排序欄位為升序,所以t1表使用索引,t表使用全表掃描 postgres=# explain verbose select * from t where id>1000 order by name nulls first limit 10; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limit (cost=46095.61..46095.64 rows=10 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date -> Sort (cost=46095.61..48593.18 rows=999027 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date Sort Key: NULLS FIRST -> Seq Scan on public.t (cost=0.00..24507.00 rows=999027 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date Filter: ( > 1000) (8 rows) postgres=# explain verbose select * from t1 where id>1000 order by name nulls first limit 10; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.42..0.98 rows=10 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date -> Index Scan using t1_name_idx on public.t1 (cost=0.42..55921.45 rows=999041 width=33) Output: id, name, password, create_date Filter: ( > 1000) (5 rows) -- 綜上,為什麼會出現這樣的結果,因為我們預設建立的btree索引,其葉子結點的資料是有序排列的,當建立索引不指定nulls first時,pgl預設把null值放在葉子節點的最後 -- 如果排序時只是order by name,未指定nulls first,pg只需要根據索引順序的返回需要的資料則可,否則,如果order by name nulls last,pg如果使用索引, -- 其可能先在葉子未尾節點返回null值的資料,再在葉子起始節點開始返回資料(假設需要返回10條資料,null值為5條,非null值有5條),其明顯此時使用索引不是高效的