1. 程式人生 > >EM Agent Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup

EM Agent Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup

EM 不定期異常宕機,問題重複出現,之前幾次因為忙於其它事,無力兼顧,等回頭處理時,發現EM已恢復正常。


1. 重新啟動EM失敗,報錯:

/u01/oracle/agent/core/ status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running

[email protected] ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/agent/core/ start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting agent ........................................... failed.
Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup
Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup
Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup
EMAgent is Thrashing. Exiting watchdog
Consult emctl.log and emagent.nohup in: /u01/oracle/agent/agent_inst/sysman/log
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:37 2017::AgentLifeCycle.pm:Watch dog processs id: 51692 exited with an exit code of 56
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:37 2017::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Exited loop retryCount=80 with retCode=1
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:37 2017::AgentLifeCycle.pm: StartCEMD Querying for the real status of the agent
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::AgentLifeCycle.pm: StartCEMD live status of the agent is 1 after 0 retries.
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Check agent status retCode=1
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::TZ: EmctlLogAvailabilityMarker Operation=start Diag=failed
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::Calling releaselobalLock
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::AgentCommandLock:released lock on emctl lockfile
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::Released agent command lock
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::Cleaning up agent command lock
51537 :: Tue Nov 14 15:16:38 2017::AgentCommandLock:closed file handle of emctl lockfile


 [1:main] ERROR - agent main threw an error
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Arrays.java:3209)
        at java.lang.String.<init>(String.java:215)
        at java.lang.StringBuffer.toString(StringBuffer.java:585)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.state.StateMgr.loadValue(StateMgr.java:622)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.state.StateMgr.initStateMgr(StateMgr.java:691)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.state.StateMgr.tmNotifier(StateMgr.java:1215)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.invokeNotifier(TMComponentSvc.java:1009)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.invokeInitializationStep(TMComponentSvc.java:1094)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.doInitializationStep(TMComponentSvc.java:927)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.notifierDriver(TMComponentSvc.java:823)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.TMMain.startup(TMMain.java:264)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.TMMain.agentMain(TMMain.java:565)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.TMMain.main(TMMain.java:554)
[1:main] ERROR - Critical error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Arrays.java:3209)
        at java.lang.String.<init>(String.java:215)
        at java.lang.StringBuffer.toString(StringBuffer.java:585)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.state.StateMgr.loadValue(StateMgr.java:622)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.state.StateMgr.initStateMgr(StateMgr.java:691)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.state.StateMgr.tmNotifier(StateMgr.java:1215)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.invokeNotifier(TMComponentSvc.java:1009)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.invokeInitializationStep(TMComponentSvc.java:1094)
        at oracle.sysman.gcagent.tmmain.lifecycle.TMComponentSvc.doInitializationStep(TMComponentSvc.java:927)

該異常應是java虛機記憶體不足導致,故調整EM 記憶體設定:


# To enable the metric browser, uncomment the following line
# This is a reloadable parameter

# These are the optional Java flags for the agent
agentJavaDefines=-Xmx520M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M


# To enable the metric browser, uncomment the following line
# This is a reloadable parameter

# These are the optional Java flags for the agent
agentJavaDefines=-Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M



EM Agent Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup

EM 不定期異常宕機,問題重複出現,之前幾次因為忙於其它事,無力兼顧,等回頭處理時,發現EM已恢復正常。 這次問題又重現,準備徹底解決,過程如下: 1. 重新啟動EM失敗,報錯: /u01/oracle/agent/core/ sta

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