1. 程式人生 > >python判斷unicode是否是漢字,數字,英文,或者其他字元


下面這個小工具包含了 判斷unicode是否是漢字,數字,英文,或者其他字元。 全形符號轉半形符號。 unicode字串歸一化等工作。

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding:GBK -*- 




def is_chinese(uchar):


        if uchar >= u'u4e00' and uchar<=u'u9fa5':

                return True


                return False

def is_number(uchar):


        if uchar >= u'u0030' and uchar<=u'u0039':

                return True


                return False

def is_alphabet(uchar):


        if (uchar >= u'u0041' and uchar<=u'u005a') or (uchar >= u'u0061' and uchar<=u'u007a'):

                return True


                return False

def is_other(uchar):


        if not (is_chinese(uchar) or is_number(uchar) or is_alphabet(uchar)):

                return True


                return False

def B2Q(uchar):



        if inside_code<0x0020 or inside_code>0x7e:      #不是半形字元就返回原來的字元

                return uchar

        if inside_code==0x0020: #除了空格其他的全形半形的公式為:半形=全形-0xfee0




        return unichr(inside_code)

def Q2B(uchar):



        if inside_code==0x3000:




        if inside_code<0x0020 or inside_code>0x7e:      #轉完之後不是半形字元返回原來的字元

                return uchar

        return unichr(inside_code)

def stringQ2B(ustring):


        return "".join([Q2B(uchar) for uchar in ustring])

def uniform(ustring):


        return stringQ2B(ustring).lower()

def string2List(ustring):




        for uchar in ustring:

                if is_other(uchar):

                        if len(utmp)==0:







        if len(utmp)!=0:


        return retList

if __name__=="__main__":

        #test Q2B and B2Q

        for i in range(0x0020,0x007F):

                print Q2B(B2Q(unichr(i))),B2Q(unichr(i))

        #test uniform

        ustring=u'中國 人名a高頻A'



        print ret