阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-17
CREATE PROCEDURE finance_reciveDetail(customer_id varchar(20)) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE id_a bigint; DECLARE pre_recv_remain_a decimal(12,2); DECLARE storageId_a varchar(20); DECLARE pre_recv_remain_b decimal(12,2); DECLARE storageId_b varchar(20); DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,pre_recv_remain,storage_id FROM `t_fin_pre_recive` WHERE pre_recv_customer_id = customer_id AND pre_recv_remain>0 ORDER BY create_time ASC; DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT ABS(pre_recv_remain),storage_id FROM `t_fin_pre_recive` WHERE pre_recv_remain<0 AND pre_recv_customer_id=customer_id; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; -- OPEN cur1; OPEN cur2; WHILE done = 0 DO -- 要有不然迴圈一次 FETCH cur2 INTO pre_recv_remain_b,storageId_b; -- 退款的 IF NOT done THEN -- 要有不然迴圈一次 OPEN cur1; WHILE done = 0 DO -- 要有不然迴圈一次 FETCH cur1 INTO id_a, pre_recv_remain_a,storageId_a; IF NOT done THEN -- 要有不然迴圈一次 IF (pre_recv_remain_a < pre_recv_remain_b AND storageId_b=storageId_a) THEN INSERT INTO `t_fin_pre_recive_order` ( pre_recv_id, order_id, order_amount, order_type, create_time ) VALUES (id_a,'',pre_recv_remain_a,2,NOW()); UPDATE `t_fin_pre_recive` set pre_recv_remain ='0' WHERE id=id_a; ELSEIF pre_recv_remain_a = pre_recv_remain_b AND storageId_b=storageId_a THEN INSERT INTO `t_fin_pre_recive_order`( pre_recv_id, order_id, order_amount, order_type, create_time ) VALUES (id_a,'',pre_recv_remain_a,2,NOW()); UPDATE `t_fin_pre_recive` set pre_recv_remain ='0' WHERE id=id_a; ELSEIF pre_recv_remain_a > pre_recv_remain_b AND storageId_b=storageId_a THEN INSERT INTO `t_fin_pre_recive_order` ( pre_recv_id, order_id, order_amount, order_type, create_time ) VALUES (id_a,'',pre_recv_remain_b,2,NOW()); UPDATE `t_fin_pre_recive` set pre_recv_remain =(pre_recv_remain_a-pre_recv_remain_b) WHERE id= id_a; END IF; END IF; END WHILE ; CLOSE cur1; SET done = 0 ; -- 重點設定為0 繼續迴圈不然done=1時直接不迴圈了,外層的也不迴圈了 END IF; END WHILE; CLOSE cur2; END