1. 程式人生 > >swiper不能手指滑動翻頁的解決辦法


/*當swiper中的slide的裡面放入長度在手機上不能滑動的時候 放入這段程式碼就可以了*/
    var startScroll, touchStart, touchCurrent;
        swiperV.slides.on('touchstart', function (e) {
            startScroll = this.scrollTop;
            touchStart = e.targetTouches[0].pageY;
        }, true);
        swiperV.slides.on('touchmove', function (e) {
            touchCurrent = e.targetTouches[0].pageY;
            var touchesDiff = touchCurrent - touchStart;
            var slide = this;
            var onlyScrolling =
                    ( slide.scrollHeight > slide.offsetHeight ) && //allow only when slide is scrollable
                        ( touchesDiff < 0 && startScroll === 0 ) || //start from top edge to scroll bottom
                        ( touchesDiff > 0 && startScroll === ( slide.scrollHeight - slide.offsetHeight ) ) || //start from bottom edge to scroll top
                        ( startScroll > 0 && startScroll < ( slide.scrollHeight - slide.offsetHeight ) ) //start from the middle
            if (onlyScrolling) {
        }, true);