1. 程式人生 > >Informix資料庫日常維護指令碼


檢查各個dbspaces的空間使用狀況: select name dbspace,sum(chksize) allocated,sum(nfree) free,round(((sum(chksize)-sum(nfree))/sum(chksize))*100)||"%" pcused form sysdbspaces d,syschunks c where d.dbsnum=c.dbsnum group by name order by 4 desc 剩餘空間肯定是越大越好了 顯示各個dbspaces的I/O狀況: select d.name,fname path_name,sum(pagesread) diskreads,sum(pageswritten) diskwrites from syschkio c,syschunks k,sysdbspaces d where d.dbsnum=k.dbsnum and k.chknum=c.chunknum group by 1,2 order by 3 desc 根據各個dbspaces的I/O來調整表的佈局,使整個系統I/O均衡 檢查哪個表具有最多的磁碟I/0: select dbsname, tabname, (isreads + pagreads) diskreads, (iswrites + pagwrites) diskwrites from sysptprof order by 3 desc,4 desc 同上。 檢查表的extent的分佈狀況: select t.tabname, count(*) num_ext from sysextents e, npmdb:systables t where e.tabname=t.tabname and dbsname = "npmdb" and t.tabname not like "sys%" group by 1 having count(*) > 1 order by 2 desc 表的extent建議最大不超過30個,如果太大,就需要重建表修改extent size的大小從而修改extent的數量 檢查表中索引的層數(越少越好): select idxname, levels from sysindexes order by 2 desc 檢查命中率不高的索引(nrows和unique越接近越好): select tabname, idxname, nrows, nunique from systables t, sysindexes I where t.tabid =i.tabid and t.tabid > 99 and nrows > 0 and nunique > 0 當索引的效率不高的時候,需要根據實際情況修改 看資料庫裡面那些表的碎片比較多(碎片小比較好) select dbsname , tabname ,count(*), sum(size) from sysextents group by 1,2 order by 3 desc; 表和索引的讀寫情況,(考查那個資料庫實體讀寫比較多) select dbsname, tabname, (isreads + pagreads) diskreads, (iswrites + pagwrites) diskwrites from sysptprof order by 3 desc, 4 desc 那些表的鎖競爭比較厲害(越小越好) select a.tabname,nrows,lockwts,deadlks from sysmaster:sysptprof a,systables b where a.tabname=b.tabname and lockwts>0 and a.dbsname = name and b.tabid >= 100 order by tabname; 表的順序掃描數(OLTP系統的話,大表的順序掃描數越小越好) select a.tabname,nrows,seqscans from sysmaster:sysptprof a,systables b where a.tabname=b.tabname and seqscans>0 and a.dbsname = '庫名' and b.tabid>=100 order by tabname; 檢視informix資料庫表佔用空間大小情況: 在sysmaster資料庫中查詢表systabnames,sysptnext。其中systabnames.partnum=sysptnext.pe_partnum.執行以下sql: select tabname,sum(pe_size) from systabnames,sysptnext where partnum=pe_partnum and tabname='table_name'--(table_name為要查詢的表名) group by tabname (注:查詢結果中pe_size的值,單位IBM是4k,HP-UX是2k) 用onstat查是那個執行緒在乾的,然後再分析。 我是用onstat -u檢視到鎖數的。 用onstat -g ses 找出session id 再用onstat -g sql session id檢視它在做什麼。 update statistics for table temp_user;