1. 程式人生 > >《他其實沒那麼喜歡你》經典臺詞


——女孩子不會忘記第一個喜歡過的男孩。甚至是尷尬的過去。 A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don’t quite work out. ——但通常會有人來說些安撫神傷的智慧話語。 But usually someone is there to office words of wisdom. ——你知道那小男孩為什麼這麼做這麼說嗎?因為他喜歡你。 …do you know why that Little boy did those things and said those things?it’s because he likes you. ——就是這樣,這就是我們糾結的開端。 And there it is.That’s the beginning of our problem. ——這個小男孩欺負你,是因為他迷上你了。 That Little boy is doing those terrible because he’s got a crush on you. ——你知道這什麼意思?我們都被鼓勵著去……不,是被設定了……去相信這個事實——如果一個男人做點蠢事……就意味著他喜歡你。 Do you know what this means?we’re all encourage…no,programmed …to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk…that means he likes you. ——問題是這樣的:只因他太愛你了。你這麼漂亮又如此迷人。沒錯,他處理不來。 Here’s the problem:he likes you too much。You’re too pretty and too awesome. Yes,he can’t handle it . ——顯然,那個叫phi delt 的喜歡你。我肯定他只是弄丟了你的號碼。 That Phi Delt so obviously liked you 。I’m sure he just lost your number. ——他不敢約你出去,是因為他被你成功的事業嚇到了。 He’s not asking you out because he’s intimidated by your professional success. ——他不約你,是被你豐富的感情經歷嚇到了。 He’s not asking you out ,because he’s scarf you emotional maturity. ——相信我,這只是因為他剛結束一段刻骨銘心的感情。 Trust me,it’s because he’s just getting out of a serious relationship. ——相信我,這是因為他從未有過一段刻骨銘心的感情。 Trust me,it’s because he’s had a serious relationship. ——他可能忘了你住哪間茅舍。或者被獅子吃掉了。 I’m sure he just forget your hut number. Or was eaten by a lion. ——為什麼我們要說這些互相安慰的話?可能是因為我們害怕……也很難開口承認這個明顯的事實……這都寫在大家臉上了。 Why do we say this stuff to each other?is it possible that it’s because we’re too scared…and it’s too hard to say the one obvious truth…that’s staring everyone in the face?