It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase.
It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase.
用如下方法解決:rm -rf .git/rebase-apply
It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase.
It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase. 用如下方法解決:rm -rf .git/rebase-apply 如果採用的是sourcetree,執行控制檯命令中執行上述語句即可。
windows7安裝docker異常:looks like something went wrong in step ‘looking for vboxmanage.exe’
一、背景 最近準備抽點時間研究下docker,選擇在家中的windows系統上安裝。 我的系統是windows7,首先安裝Docker Toolbox,Docker Toolbox是一個工具集,主要包含如下內容: Docker CLI 客戶端,用來執行docker引擎建立映象和容器 Docker
Hadoop javaAPI執行append時報錯 lease recovery is in progress 處理辦法
如叢集節點少於3個在執行時就會拋異常;解決方案修改【dfs.client.block.write.replace-datanode-on-failure.policy=NEVER】 Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("dfs
VMware Tools installation cannot be started manually while Easy Install is in progress.
出現此錯誤提示主要是由於虛擬機器設定裡面 CD/DVD 和 Floppy 選項被佔用導致 VMware Tools 虛擬光碟機無法載入導致,因此設定如下: VM –> Settings –> Hardware –> CD/DVD &&
ionic出錯:Looks like @ionic/app-scripts isn't installed in this project..............................
像這種奇怪的錯誤,去專案的資料夾中刪除node_modules整個檔案。再在vscode中輸入命令npm install,會重新生成node_modules資料夾。再在vscode終端中輸入 ionic serve 即可執行該專案。 重點就是刪node_modules
Is there something like instanceOf(Class c) in Java?
When using instanceof, you need to know the class of B at compile time. When using isAssignableFrom() it can be dynamic and change during runtime. instan
Statue of Satoshi Nakamoto: This is What He Looks Like
Statue of Satoshi Nakamoto: This is What He Looks LikeSEPTEMBER 30, 2018 BY LESIA DUBENKOKiev, the capital of Ukraine, which is a well-known Eastern Europe
What's it like to work (dev) in the US as a European?
I am considering moving from Europe (England) to the US. I am a Developer with just under 7 years of experience. I am looking for first hand experiences fr
Ask HN: Is it better to start a business in society or on the frontier?
I mean figuratively, of course.By "society" I mean how once something is invented legisliation gets put up all around it making it more difficult for upsta
This is what it’s like to fail your interviews at Google.
The entire interview process was to take about a month, and if all went well, would encompass a series of five interviews for the role. Google’s courtship
git Key is already in use
在遠端建立倉庫之後,新增SSH-key時,出現問題,說 Key is already in use 大致的意思就是這個key已經被佔用。 我這時有一個疑惑,建立一個倉庫需要一個key嗎? 經過看官方文件發現了,這麼一句話: Error: Key alread
cvs update: move away ; it is in the way[解決方法]
If you encounter this issue, please just delete your local files or folders first (rm命令即可) then update it again. the issue will be f
Future is in your hands, believe it!!
WEB標準是什麼?呵呵,說是WEB標準,不過我這裡主要是對XHTML1.1 和 CSS2.1的一些經驗總結。因為WEB含蓋的內容實在是太多了,“WEB標準”是一系列標準的總稱,包括HTML4.0、XHTML1.1、CSS2.1、XML1.0、RSS2.0、ECMAScript
報錯: Name node is in safe mode
code 修改 safemode 分布 是否 用戶 分布式文件 node 數據 將本地文件拷貝到hdfs上去,結果上錯誤:Name node is in safe mode 這是因為在分布式文件系統啟動的時候,開始的時候會有安全模式,當分布式文件系統處於安全模式的情況下,文
oracle 11g錯誤ora-01033:oracle initialization or shutdown in progress解決辦法
想要 文件 area .net total rop shutdown 一個 pro 原文出自: 一、首先:問題的產生原因,先前我在f:/llh/目錄創建的一個book
解決SoapFault (looks like we got no XML document)問題
服務器 quest ray ood apach app cati apache eba 今天在調試項目的時候出現下面的錯誤信息: SoapFault looks like we got no XML document (D:\phpStudy\WWW\
git更新失敗Probably the path to Git executable is not valid
alt size 路徑 cut val img 修改路徑 目錄 http git更新代碼失敗 檢查setting配置,發現路徑配置錯誤 找對git的安裝目錄,修改路徑後保存即可 git更新失敗Probably the path to Git executable
angularJS報錯$apply already in progress的原因和解決方法
$apply eap module 關註 當前 typeof else ply 沒有 如果我們使用了AngularJS中的$scope.$apply()或者$scope.$digest(),我們很可能會遇到類似下面的錯誤,雖然這個錯誤沒有太大影響,但是在日誌中看起來還是很不
$digest / $apply digest in progress報錯
lar $watch watch $digest bsp 數據 out span $$ 有的時候出於某種原因,如jq操作了model、或者$watch、setTimeout等函數改變了model,導致最後沒有臟數據檢測。所以我沒就手動調用了$apply( )等。但是第一次運
kali 2016:mount ntfs 分區只讀 --Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state.
start ack umount part fas mnt fast pan fsp mount ntfs 分區 mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/d 提示: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).Metad