1. 程式人生 > >Linux shell學習Demo(Linux程式設計第四版)

Linux shell學習Demo(Linux程式設計第四版)

sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
配置每個使用者可以讀寫自己的 home 目錄,在“[homes]”節中,把 “read only = yes” 改為 “read only = no”。
sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo smbpasswd -a pi
使用檔案瀏覽器開啟ip地址\192.1682.105\pi (樹莓派IP建議設定為靜態IP),輸入使用者密碼,則可以訪問樹莓派home目錄。


# Very simple example shell script for managing a CD collection.
# Copyright (C) 1996-99 Wrox Press.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hopes that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # The first thing to do is to ensure that some global variables that we'll be using # throughout the script are set up. We set the title and track files and a temporary file. # We also trap Ctrl-C, so our temporary file is removed if the user interrupts the script. menu_choice="" current_cd="" #CD唱片資訊:CD目錄編號,標題,曲目型別,作曲家 title_file="title.cdb" #曲目資訊:CD目錄編號,曲目編號,曲名 tracks_file="tracks.cdb" #$$當前程序的id號 temp_file=/tmp/cdb.$$ #捕獲Ctrl-C,因此如果使用者中斷指令碼,我們的臨時檔案將被刪除。 trap 'rm -f $temp_file' EXIT echo $temp_file # Now we define our functions, so that the script, executing from the top line, can find # all the function definitions before we attempt to call any of them for the first time. # To avoid rewriting the same code in several places, the first two functions are simple # utilities. get_return() { echo -e "Press return \c" read x return 0 } get_confirm() { echo -e "Are you sure? \c" while true do read x case "$x" in y | yes | Y | Yes | YES ) return 0;; n | no | N | No | NO ) echo echo "Cancelled" return 1;; *) echo "Please enter yes or no" ;; esac done } # Here, we come to the main menu function, set_menu_choice. # The contents of the menu vary dynamically, with extra options being added if a CD entry # has been selected. Note that echo -e may not be portable to some shells. set_menu_choice() { clear echo "Options :-" echo echo " a) Add new CD" echo " f) Find CD" echo " c) Count the CDs and tracks in the catalog" if [ "$cdcatnum" != "" ]; then echo " l) List tracks on $cdtitle" echo " r) Remove $cdtitle" echo " u) Update track information for $cdtitle" fi echo " q) Quit" echo echo -e "Please enter choice then press return \c" read menu_choice return } # Two more very short functions, insert_title and insert_track for adding to the database files. # Though some people hate one-liners like these, they help make other functions clearer # They are followed by the larger add_record_track function that uses them. # This function uses pattern matching to ensure no commas are entered (since we're using commas # as a field separator), and also arithmetic operations to increment the current track number # as tracks are entered. insert_title() { #$*以一個單字串顯示所有向指令碼傳遞的引數 #此處可判斷新增CD目錄編號不可與原來的重複 tmp=$* grep "^${tmp%%,*}," $title_file > $temp_file #搜尋CD目錄編號的行數,執行set之後$*的值已經改變 set $(wc -l $temp_file) linesfound=$1 case "$linesfound" in 0) echo $tmp >> $title_file return 0 ;; *) echo "Sorry, CD is existed." ;; esac return 1 } insert_track() { echo $* >> $tracks_file return } add_record_tracks() { echo "Enter track information for this CD" echo "When no more tracks enter q" cdtrack=1 cdttitle="" while [ "$cdttitle" != "q" ] do echo -e "Track $cdtrack, track title? \c" read tmp #%%,*就是把第一個,號之前的資料拿出來,而%,*就是把最後一個,之前的資料拿出來 cdttitle=${tmp%%,*} if [ "$tmp" != "$cdttitle" ]; then echo "Sorry, no commas allowed" continue fi #當串的長度大於0時為真(串非空) if [ -n "$cdttitle" ] ; then if [ "$cdttitle" != "q" ]; then insert_track $cdcatnum,$cdtrack,$cdttitle fi else cdtrack=$((cdtrack-1)) fi cdtrack=$((cdtrack+1)) done } # The add_records function allows entry of the main CD information for a new CD. add_records() { # Prompt for the initial information echo -e "Enter catalog name \c" read tmp cdcatnum=${tmp%%,*} echo -e "Enter title \c" read tmp cdtitle=${tmp%%,*} echo -e "Enter type \c" read tmp cdtype=${tmp%%,*} echo -e "Enter artist/composer \c" read tmp cdac=${tmp%%,*} # Check that they want to enter the information echo About to add new entry echo "$cdcatnum $cdtitle $cdtype $cdac" # If confirmed then append it to the titles file if get_confirm ; then insert_title $cdcatnum,$cdtitle,$cdtype,$cdac if test $? -eq 0; then add_record_tracks else get_return fi else remove_records fi return } # The find_cd function searches for the catalog name text in the CD title file, using the # grep command. We need to know how many times the string was found, but grep only returns # a value telling us if it matched zero times or many. To get around this, we store the # output in a file, which will have one line per match, then count the lines in the file. # The word count command, wc, has whitespace in its output, separating the number of lines, # words and characters in the file. We use the $(wc -l $temp_file) notation to extract the # first parameter from the output to set the linesfound variable. If we wanted another, # later parameter we would use the set command to set the shell's parameter variables to # the command output. # We change the IFS (Internal Field Separator) to a , (comma), so we can separate the # comma-delimited fields. An alternative command is cut. find_cd() { if [ "$1" = "n" ]; then asklist=n else asklist=y fi cdcatnum="" echo -e "Enter a string to search for in the CD titles \c" read searchstr #$searchstr為空,則""賦值給該變數 if [ "$searchstr" = "" ]; then return 0 fi grep "$searchstr" $title_file > $temp_file #搜尋包括欄位的行數 set $(wc -l $temp_file) linesfound=$1 case "$linesfound" in 0) echo "Sorry, nothing found" get_return return 0 ;; 1) ;; 2) echo "Sorry, not unique." echo "Found the following" cat $temp_file get_return return 0 esac #linesfound等於1時顯示 IFS="," read cdcatnum cdtitle cdtype cdac < $temp_file IFS=" " if [ -z "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "Sorry, could not extract catalog field from $temp_file" get_return return 0 fi echo echo Catalog number: $cdcatnum echo Title: $cdtitle echo Type: $cdtype echo Artist/Composer: $cdac echo get_return #顯示對應CD的曲目資訊 if [ "$asklist" = "y" ]; then echo -e "View tracks for this CD? \c" read x if [ "$x" = "y" ]; then echo list_tracks echo fi fi return 1 } # update_cd allows us to re-enter information for a CD. Notice that we search (grep) # for lines that start (^) with the $cdcatnum followed by a ,, and that we need to wrap # the expansion of $cdcatnum in {} so we can search for a , with no whitespace between # it and the catalogue number. This function also uses {} to enclose multiple statements # to be executed if get_confirm returns true. update_cd() { if [ -z "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "You must select a CD first" find_cd n fi if [ -n "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "Current tracks are :-" list_tracks echo echo "This will re-enter the tracks for $cdtitle" get_confirm && { grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $tracks_file > $temp_file mv $temp_file $tracks_file echo add_record_tracks } fi return } # count_cds gives us a quick count of the contents of our database. count_cds() { set $(wc -l $title_file) num_titles=$1 set $(wc -l $tracks_file) num_tracks=$1 echo found $num_titles CDs, with a total of $num_tracks tracks get_return return } # remove_records strips entries from the database files, using grep -v to remove all # matching strings. Notice we must use a temporary file. # If we tried to do this, # grep -v "^$cdcatnum" > $title_file # the $title_file would be set to empty by the > output redirection before the grep # had chance to execute, so grep would read from an empty file. remove_records() { #當串的長度為0時為真(空串) if [ -z "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo You must select a CD first find_cd n fi #當串的長度大於0時為真(串非空) if [ -n "$cdcatnum" ]; then echo "You are about to delete $cdtitle" get_confirm && { #查詢檔名中包含"開頭CD目錄編號"的檔案中不包含"開頭CD目錄編號"的行 grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $title_file > $temp_file #把臨時檔名修改成原來檔名 mv $temp_file $title_file grep -v "^${cdcatnum}," $tracks_file > $temp_file mv $temp_file $tracks_file cdcatnum="" echo Entry removed } get_return fi return } # List_tracks again uses grep to extract the lines we want, cut to access the fields # we want and then more to provide a paginated output. If you consider how many lines # of C code it would take to re-implement these 20-odd lines of code, you'll appreciate # how powerful a tool the shell can be. list_tracks() { if [ "$cdcatnum" = "" ]; then echo no CD selected yet return else grep "^${cdcatnum}," $tracks_file > $temp_file num_tracks=$(wc -l $temp_file) if [ "$num_tracks" = "0" ]; then echo no tracks found for $cdtitle else { echo echo "$cdtitle :-" echo #顯示欄位2之後的所有欄位,以,分隔號 cut -f 2- -d , $temp_file echo } | ${PAGER:-more} # 如果當前螢幕頁面設定已被定義則執行當前頁面設定,如限制了輸出內容。不然的話,就將啟用more這個命令來定義螢幕顯示結果 fi fi get_return return } # Now all the functions have been defined, we can enter the main routine. # The first few lines simply get the files into a known state, then we call the menu # function, set_menu_choice, and act on the output. # When quit is selected, we delete the temporary file, write a message and exit # with a successful completion condition. rm -f $temp_file if [ ! -f $title_file ]; then touch $title_file fi if [ ! -f $tracks_file ]; then touch $tracks_file fi # Now the application proper clear echo echo echo "Mini CD manager" sleep 1 quit=n while [ "$quit" != "y" ]; do set_menu_choice case "$menu_choice" in a) add_records;; r) remove_records;; f) find_cd y;; u) update_cd;; c) count_cds;; l) list_tracks;; b) echo more $title_file echo get_return;; q | Q ) quit=y;; *) echo "Sorry, choice not recognized";; esac done # Tidy up and leave rm -f $temp_file echo "Finished" exit 0