1. 程式人生 > >教你如何製作dns反向解析



1) 首先您要知道這個IP的反向域名解析是由哪臺DNS伺服器負責的。您可以用這個網頁查詢反向域名解析資訊 http://www.dnsstuff.com

在第三個查詢框,也就是Reverse DNS lookup 這個下面輸入你的ip地址,這裡以61.241.93.59 作例子,點選查詢,出來的是一個結果頁面,檢視最後面的Details這段話:
dns.zjhz.cnuninet.net. (an authoritative nameserver for 93.241.61.in-addr.arpa., which is in charge of the reverse DNS for
says that there are no PTR records for

To get reverse DNS set up for, you need to speak to your Internet provider.  You could also
check with [email protected]., who is in charge of the 93.241.61.in-addr.arpa. zone.

Note that all Internet accessible hosts are expected to have a reverse DNS entry (per RFC1912 2.1),
and many mailservers (such as AOL) will likely block E-mail from mailservers with no reverse DNS entry.
To see the reverse DNS traversal, to make sure that all DNS servers are reporting the correct results, you can Click Here.

大概意思是您需要跟dns.zjhz.cnuninet.net聯絡,作61.241.93.59 這個地址的反向域名解析。

2) 然後您可以要求您的IP提供商,也就是您的主機託管商,給您的這個IP加上反向域名解析記錄,一般將這個IP反向解析成您的郵件伺服器對應的mx記錄。