專案實踐: 銀行儲蓄系統的設計和實現
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-20
8.14 銀行儲蓄系統的設計和實現
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> int i=0; int n=-1; int k; int id1; FILE *p; struct score{ int num; char name[20]; int secret; int money; int state; }rec[20]; void open()//開戶 { n=n+1; printf(" please input your name: \n"); scanf("%s",rec[n].name); rec[n].num=n; printf("please input your secret: \n"); scanf("%d",&rec[n].secret); printf("how much do you want to saving?\n"); scanf("%d",&rec[n].money); rec[n].state=0; printf("Open account successful,your account is %d!",n); system("pause"); } void savings()//存款 { int id; int dl; printf("input num \n"); scanf("%d",&id); printf("input your money\n"); scanf("%d",&dl); if(rec[id].state==0) { rec[id].money+=dl; printf("Saving money successful!\n"); //用於測試 // printf("%d %s %d %d %d\n",rec[id].num,rec[id].name,rec[id].secret,rec[id].money,rec[id].state); } else { printf("your account is report you can't saving money\n"); } system("pause"); } void draw()//取款 { int id1; int dl; int k; int i=0; printf("input num \n"); scanf("%d",&id1); //驗證密碼,有三次機會 do { printf("input your key\n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id1].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id1].secret) { printf("How much do you want to draw\n"); scanf("%d",&dl); if(rec[id1].state==0) { //如果總錢數超過了餘額會提示重新輸入 if(dl>rec[id1].money) { do { printf("your money is only %d,you can't tansfer,please resume load: \n",rec[id1].money); scanf("%d",&dl); } while(dl>rec[id1].money); rec[id1].money=rec[id1].money-dl; printf("Draw money successful!\n"); } else { rec[id1].money=rec[id1].money-dl; printf("Draw money successful!\n"); } } else { printf("your account is report\n"); } } else{printf("your key is wrong you can't do account\n");} system("pause"); } void refer()//查詢 { int id; int k; int i=0; printf("Input your num:\n"); scanf("%d",&id); //驗證密碼,有三次機會 do { printf("input your key\n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id].secret) { printf("Your account information:\n"); if(rec[id].state==0) { printf("name:%5s\n money:%5d\n your account is normal\n",rec[id].name,rec[id].money); } else if(rec[id].state==0){ printf("name:%5s\n money:%5d\n your account is report\n",rec[id].name,rec[id].money); } else { printf("name:%5s\n money:%5d\n your account is closed\n",rec[id].name,rec[id].money); } } else{printf("your key is wrong you can't do account\n");} system("pause"); } void transfer()//轉賬 { int id1; int id2; int s; int k; int i=0; printf("what is your account?\n"); scanf("%d",&id1); printf("which account do you want to transfer?\n"); scanf("%d",&id2); do { printf("Please input your key: \n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id1].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id1].secret) { if(rec[id1].state==1||rec[id1].state==1) { printf("your can't transfer\n"); } else { printf("how much do you want to tansfer?\n"); scanf("%d",&s); if(s>rec[id1].money) { do { printf("your money is only %d,you can't tansfer,please resume load\n",rec[id1].money); scanf("%d",&s); }while(s>rec[id1].money); rec[id1].money=rec[id1].money-s; rec[id2].money=rec[id2].money+s; printf("transfer success!\n"); } else { rec[id1].money=rec[id1].money-s; rec[id2].money=rec[id2].money+s; printf("transfer success!\n"); } } } else{printf("your key is wrong you can't do account\n");} system("pause"); } void report()//掛失 { int i=0; int k; int id1; printf("what is your account?\n"); scanf("%d",&id1); do { printf("Please input your key: \n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id1].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id1].secret) { if(rec[id1].state==0) { rec[id1].state=1; printf("Report successful!\n"); } else { printf("The account already reported,you needn't repetition report\n"); } } else{ printf("your key is wrong you can't do account"); } system("pause"); } void cancel_report()//解掛 { int id1; int i=0; int k; printf("what is your account?\n"); scanf("%d",&id1); do { printf("Please input your key: \n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id1].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id1].secret) { if(rec[id1].state==1) { rec[id1].state=0; printf("Cancel report successful!\n"); } else { printf("The account is not report,you can't cancel report\n"); } } else{ printf("your key is wrong you can't do account"); } system("pause"); } void cancel_account()//銷戶 { int id1; int i=0; int k; printf("what is your account?\n"); scanf("%d",&id1); do { printf("Please input your key: \n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id1].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id1].secret) { rec[id1].state=2; printf("We will draw all the money in your account\n"); printf("Give you your money %d yuan\n",rec[id1].money); rec[id1].money=0; printf("Close account successful!\n"); } else{ printf("your key is wrong you can't do account"); } system("pause"); } void change_security()//改密 { int s; int i=0; int k; int id1; int k1,k2; printf("what is your account?\n"); scanf("%d",&id1); do { printf("Please input your key: \n"); scanf("%d",&k); i++; }while((k!=rec[id1].secret)&&(i<=2)); if(k==rec[id1].secret) { printf("what key do you want to change to?"); scanf("%d",&k1); printf("Input your key one more time"); scanf("%d",&k2); if(k1==k2) { rec[id1].secret=k1; printf("Change security successful!\n"); } else {printf("Change security FAIL,the two key isn't same!\n");} } else{ printf("your key is wrong you can't do account"); } system("pause"); } void readDate() { int i=0; FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen("date.txt","r+"))==NULL) { printf("Can't open the date\n"); exit(0); } while(fscanf(fp,"%d %s %d %d %d\n",&rec[i].num,rec[i].name,&rec[i].secret,&rec[i].money,&rec[i].state ) != EOF) { i++; n++; } fclose(fp); } void writeDate() { int i; FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen("date.txt","r+"))==NULL) { printf("Can't open the date\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"%d %s %d %d %d\n",rec[i].num,rec[i].name,rec[i].secret,rec[i].money,rec[i].state); } fclose(fp); printf("saving date successful!\n"); system("pause"); } int main() { int s; readDate(); while(1) { system("cls"); printf("******************************MENU*********************************************\n\n"); printf(" 0:Open a new account\n"); printf(" 1:Savings money\n"); printf(" 2:Draw money \n"); printf(" 3:Refer account\n"); printf(" 4:Transfer account\n"); printf(" 5:Report account\n"); printf(" 6:Cancel report\n"); printf(" 7:cancel_account\n"); printf(" 8:change_security\n"); printf(" 9:Save date\n"); printf(" 10:Quit\n"); printf("*******************************************************************************\n\n"); do{ printf("\n Input your choice(0 ~ 10):"); scanf("%d",&s); }while(s<0||s>10); system("cls"); switch(s) { case 0:open();break; case 1:savings();break; case 2:draw();break; case 3:refer();break; case 4:transfer();break; case 5:report();break; case 6:cancel_report();break; case 7:cancel_account();break; case 8:change_security();break; case 9:writeDate();break; case 10:exit(0); } } return 0; }
0 king 1 1 0
1 ding 1 1 0
2 vkj 1 1 0
3 k 1 1 0
4 j 1 2 0
第一列到第五列分別對應這使用者的:卡號、姓名、密碼、餘額、狀態。 測試的時候可以用這個檔案來測試。