1. 程式人生 > >20個JAVA人員非常有用的功能程式碼



1. 把Strings轉換成int和把int轉換成String
  1. String a = String.valueOf(2);   //integer to numeric string
  2. int i = Integer.parseInt(a); //numeric string to an int
複製程式碼 2. 向Java檔案中新增文字
  1. Updated: Thanks Simone for pointing to exception. I have 
  2. changed the code.  
  3. BufferedWriter out = null;
  4. try {
  5. out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(”filename”, true));
  6. out.write(”aString”);
  7. } catch (IOException e) {
  8. // error processing code
  9. } finally {
  10. if (out != null) {
  11. out.close();
  12. }
  13. }
複製程式碼 3. 獲取Java現在正呼叫的方法名 
  1. String methodName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName ();
複製程式碼 4. 在Java中將String型轉換成Date型
  1. java.util.Date = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance().parse(date String);  
  2. or 
  3. SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yyyy" );  
  4. Date date = format.parse( myString );
複製程式碼 5. 通過Java JDBC連結Oracle資料庫
  1. public class OracleJdbcTest
  2. {
  3. String driverClass = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
  4. Connection con;
  5. public void init(FileInputStream fs) throws ClassNotFoundException,
  6. SQLException, FileNotFoundException, IOException
  7. {
  8. Properties props = new Properties();
  9. props.load (fs);
  10. String url = props.getProperty ("db.url");
  11. String userName = props.getProperty ("db.user");
  12. String password = props.getProperty ("db.password");
  13. Class.forName(driverClass);
  14. con=DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);
  15. }
  16. public void fetch() throws SQLException, IOException
  17. {
  18. PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("select SYSDATE from
  19. dual");
  20. ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
  21. while (rs.next())
  22. {
  23. // do the thing you do
  24. }
  25. rs.close();
  26. ps.close ();
  27. }
  28. public static void main(String[] args)
  29. {
  30. OracleJdbcTest test = new OracleJdbcTest ();
  31. test.init();
  32. test.fetch();
  33. }
  34. }
複製程式碼 6.將Java中的util.Date轉換成sql.Date
這一片段顯示如何將一個java util Date轉換成sql Date用於資料庫
  1. java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();
  2. java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());
複製程式碼 7. 使用NIO快速複製Java檔案
  1. public static void fileCopy( File in, File out )
  2. throws IOException
  3. {
  4. FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream( in ).getChannel ();
  5. FileChannel outChannel = new FileOutputStream( out ).getChannel();
  6. try
  7. {
  8. //          inChannel.transferTo (0, inChannel.size(), outChannel);      // original
  9. -- apparently has trouble copying large files on Windows
  10. // magic number for Windows, 64Mb - 32Kb)
  11. int maxCount = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024);
  12. long size = inChannel.size ();
  13. long position = 0;
  14. while ( position < size )
  15. {
  16.   position += inChannel.transferTo( position, maxCount, outChannel );
  17. }
  18. }
  19. finally
  20. {
  21. if ( inChannel != null )
  22. {
  23.   inChannel.close ();
  24. }
  25. if ( outChannel != null )
  26. {
  27.    outChannel.close ();
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }
複製程式碼 8. 在Java中建立縮圖
  1. private void createThumbnail(String filename, int thumbWidth, int thumbHeight, int quality, String outFilename)
  2. throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException
  3. {
  4. // load image from filename
  5. Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage (filename);
  6. MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(new Container());
  7. mediaTracker.addImage(image, 0);
  8. mediaTracker.waitForID(0);
  9. // use this to test for errors at this point: System.out.println
  10. (mediaTracker.isErrorAny());
  11. // determine thumbnail size from WIDTH and HEIGHT
  12. double thumbRatio = (double)thumbWidth / (double) thumbHeight;
  13. int imageWidth = image.getWidth (null);
  14. int imageHeight = image.getHeight (null);
  15. double imageRatio = (double)imageWidth / (double) imageHeight;
  16. if (thumbRatio < imageRatio) {
  17. thumbHeight = (int)(thumbWidth / imageRatio);
  18. } else {
  19. thumbWidth = (int) (thumbHeight * imageRatio);
  20. }
  21. // draw original image to thumbnail image object and
  22. // scale it to the new size on-the- fly
  23. BufferedImage thumbImage = new BufferedImage(thumbWidth,
  24. thumbHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
  25. Graphics2D graphics2D = thumbImage.createGraphics();
  26. graphics2D.setRenderingHint (RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION,
  28. graphics2D.drawImag e(image, 0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, null);
  29. // save thumbnail image to outFilename
  30. BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new
  31. FileOutputStream(outFilename));
  32. JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
  33. JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam
  34. (thumbImage);
  35. quality = Math.max(0, Math.min(quality, 100));
  36. param.setQuality((float)quality / 100.0f, false);
  37. encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam (param);
  38. encoder.encode(thumbImage);
  39. out.close ();
  40. }
複製程式碼 9. 在Java中建立JSON資料
  1. Read this article for more details.
  2. Download JAR file json
  3. -rpc-1.0.jar (75 kb)
  4. import org.json.JSONObject;
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
  8. json.put("city", "Mumbai");
  9. json.put("country", "India");
  10. ...
  11. String output = json.toString();
  12. ...
複製程式碼 10. 在Java中使用iText JAR開啟PDF
  1. Read this article for more details.
  2. import java.io.File;
  3. import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  4. import java.io.OutputStream;
  5. import java.util.Date;
  6. import com.lowagie.text.Document;
  7. import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
  8. import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
  9. public class GeneratePDF {
  10. public static void main(String[] args) {
  11. try {
  12. OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\Test.pdf"));
  13. Document document = new Document ();
  14. PdfWriter.getInstance(document, file);
  15. document.open ();
  16. document.add(new Paragraph("Hello Kiran"));
  17. document.add(new Paragraph(new Date().toString()));
  18. document.close ();
  19. file.close();
  20. } catch (Exception e) {
  21. e.printStackTrace();
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }
複製程式碼 11. 在Java上的HTTP代理設定 
  1. System.getProperties().put("http.proxyHost", "someProxyURL");
  2. System.getProperties().put("http.proxyPort", "someProxyPort");
  3. System.getProperties().put("http.proxyUser", "someUserName");
  4. System.getProperties().put("http.proxyPassword", "somePassword");
複製程式碼 12. Java Singleton 例子
  1. Read this article for more
  2. details.
  3. Update: Thanks Markus for the comment. I have updated the code and
  4. changed it to
  5. more robust implementation.
  6. public class SimpleSingleton {
  7. private static SimpleSingleton singleInstance =  new SimpleSingleton();
  8. //Marking default constructor private
  9. //to avoid direct instantiation.
  10. private SimpleSingleton() {
  11. }
  12. //Get instance for class SimpleSingleton
  13. public static SimpleSingleton getInstance() {
  14. return singleInstance;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. One more implementation of Singleton class. Thanks to Ralph and Lukasz Zielinski
  18. for pointing this out.
  19. public enum SimpleSingleton {
  21. public void doSomething() {
  22. }
  23. }
  24. //Call the method from Singleton:
  25. 相關推薦


    本文將為大家介紹20人員非常有用的Java功能程式碼。這20段程式碼,可以成為大家在今後的開發過程中,Java程式設計手冊的重要部分。 1. 把Strings轉換成int和把int轉換成String String a = String.valueO


    String a = String.valueOf(2); //integer to numeric string int i = Integer.parseInt(a); //numeric string to an int 2、 向檔案末尾新增


    如果你需要準備面試,可以看一下這篇部落格中20個為Java開發人員準備的面試投行的問題。 大量的Java開發人員面試例如巴克萊銀行(Barclays)、瑞士信貸集團(Credit Suisse)、花旗銀行(Citibank)這樣的投行的Java開發崗位,但是大多數人都不知道會被問什麼問題。


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    private void createThumbnail(String filename, int thumbWidth, int thumbHeight, int quality, String outFilename)         throws InterruptedException, FileN


    最近有粉絲私信我說,能不能分享一些技術型的乾貨,方便開發,於是我抽時間總結了一些經常會用帶的程式碼片段,分享給大家! 下面是10個非常有用的Java程式片段,希望能對你有用。 字串有整型的相互轉換 向檔案末尾新增內容 轉字串到日期 4.使用JDBC連結O


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