1. 程式人生 > >haproxy在線管理與維護分享


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相比於nginx負載均衡,haproxy有一個很好用的功能,就是可以動態的維護後端的server,而不必重啟整個服務。完成這項功能需要使用到haproxy socket和socat。

1. haproxy sock

開啟haproxy unix socket

  1. 在配置文件的global選項裏添加:
#vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
stats timeout 2m

    maxconn 10000
    chroot /var/lib/haproxy
    uid haproxy
    gid haproxy
    nbproc 1 
    pidfile /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.pid 
    log local3 info
    stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
    stats timeout 2m

    mode http
    log global
    option http-keep-alive
    maxconn 10000
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client  50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

listen stats
    mode http
    stats refresh 30s
    stats enable
    stats uri     /stats 
    stats auth    haproxy:123456

frontend frontend_www_example_com
    mode http
    option httplog
    log global
    default_backend backend_www_example_com

backend backend_www_example_com
    option forwardfor header X-REAL-IP
    option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
    balance roundrobin
    server web-node1 check inter 2000 rise 30 fall 15
    server web-node2 check inter 2000 rise 30 fall 15

systemctl restart haproxy.service
  1. 驗證配置是否生效


[root@haproxy01 ~]# ls -l /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock 
srw------- 1 root root 0 Feb 25 21:13 /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock

2. Socat工具

Socat是一個多功能的網絡工具,名字來由是”Socket CAT”,可以看作是netcat的N倍加強版,socat的官方網站:http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/。 Socat是一個兩個獨立數據通道之間的雙向數據傳輸繼電器,這些數據通道包含文件、管道、設備、插座(Unix,IP4,IP6-raw,UPD,TCP)、SSL、SOCKS4客戶端或代理CONNECT。Socat支持廣播和多播、抽象Unix sockets、Linux tun/tap、GUN readline和PTY。它提供了分叉、記錄和進程通信的不同模式。多個選項可用於調整socket和其渠道,Socket可以作為TCP中繼(一次性或守護進程),做為一個守護進程基於socksifier,作為一個shell Unix套接字接口,作為IP6的繼電器,或面向TCP的程序重定向到一個串行線。 chcket的主要特點就是在兩個數據流之間建立通道,且支持眾多協議和鏈接方式:ip、tcp、udp、ipv6、pipe、exec、system、open、proxy、openssl、socket等。

2.1 安裝socat

yum -y install socat

yum -y install readline-devel openssl-devel tcp_wrappers
cd /usr/local/src
wget http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/download/socat-
tar xf socat-
cd socat-
make install

[root@haproxy02 socat-]# socat -V
socat by Gerhard Rieger - see www.dest-unreach.org
socat version on Feb 25 2019 21:09:25

2.2 查看socat幫助


echo "help"  | socat --stdio /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock

Unknown command. Please enter one of the following commands only :
  clear counters : clear max statistics counters (add ‘all‘ for all counters)
  clear table    : remove an entry from a table
  help           : this message
  prompt         : toggle interactive mode with prompt
  quit           : disconnect
  show info      : report information about the running process
  show pools     : report information about the memory pools usage
  show stat      : report counters for each proxy and server
  show errors    : report last request and response errors for each proxy
  show sess [id] : report the list of current sessions or dump this session
  show table [id]: report table usage stats or dump this table‘s contents
  get weight     : report a server‘s current weight
  set weight     : change a server‘s weight
  set server     : change a server‘s state or weight
  set table [id] : update or create a table entry‘s data
  set timeout    : change a timeout setting
  set maxconn    : change a maxconn setting
  set rate-limit : change a rate limiting value
  disable        : put a server or frontend in maintenance mode
  enable         : re-enable a server or frontend which is in maintenance mode
  shutdown       : kill a session or a frontend (eg:to release listening ports)
  show acl [id]  : report available acls or dump an acl‘s contents
  get acl        : reports the patterns matching a sample for an ACL
  add acl        : add acl entry
  del acl        : delete acl entry
  clear acl <id> : clear the content of this acl
  show map [id]  : report available maps or dump a map‘s contents
  get map        : reports the keys and values matching a sample for a map
  set map        : modify map entry
  add map        : add map entry
  del map        : delete map entry
  clear map <id> : clear the content of this map
  set ssl <stmt> : set statement for ssl

3 常見在線維護操作

3.1 查看haproxy狀態

echo "show info;show stat" | socat stdio /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock


3.2 關閉節點

echo "disable server backend_www_example_com/web-node1" | socat stdio /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock




3.3 啟動節點

echo "enable server backend_www_example_com/web-node1" | socat stdio /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.sock





