1. 程式人生 > >lumen 5.6 設置APP_KEY為32位長的隨機字符串

lumen 5.6 設置APP_KEY為32位長的隨機字符串

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在 App\Console\Commands下 添加以下內容的KeyGenerateCommand.php文件


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class KeyGenerateCommand extends Command
	 * The name and signature of the console command.
	 * @var string
	protected $signature = ‘key:generate‘;

	 * The console command description.
	 * @var string
	protected $description = ‘Set the application key‘;

	 * Execute the console command.
	 * @return void
	public function handle()
		$key = $this->generateRandomKey();

		file_put_contents(base_path(‘.env‘), preg_replace(

		$this->info("Application key [$key] set successfully.");

	 * Generate a random key for the application.
	 * @return string
	protected function generateRandomKey()
		return str_random(32);


修改App\Console 下的Kernel.php 文件

protected $commands = [

復制.env.example 為.env文件

現在可以使用 php artisan key:generate 指令 修改 .env中的APP_KEY 的值

lumen 5.6 設置APP_KEY為32位長的隨機字符串