1. 程式人生 > >vim插件cscope使用方法


att don ace 查找 linu 某個文件 cas 搜索 管理



sudo apt-get install cscope


這裏選擇的是Vundle來管理vim插件,所以只需要在.vimrc中添加Plugin ‘brookhong/cscope.vim‘,然後執行:PluginInstall就搞定了。



[email protected]:~/work_space/KStoreCode/Kstore> cscope --help
Usage: cscope [
-bcCdehklLqRTuUvV] [-f file] [-F file] [-i file] [-I dir] [-s dir] [-p number] [-P path] [-[0-8] pattern] [source files] -b Build the cross-reference only. -C Ignore letter case when searching. -c Use only ASCII characters in the cross-ref file (dont compress). -d Do not update the cross-reference.
-e Suppress the <Ctrl>-e command prompt between files. -F symfile Read symbol reference lines from symfile. -f reffile Use reffile as cross-ref file name instead of cscope.out. -h This help screen. -I incdir Look in incdir for any #include files. -i namefile Browse through files listed in
namefile, instead of cscope.files -k Kernel Mode - dont use /usr/include for #include files. -L Do a single search with line-oriented output. -l Line-oriented interface. -num pattern Go to input field num (counting from 0) and find pattern. -P path Prepend path to relative file names in pre-built cross-ref file. -p n Display the last n file path components. -q Build an inverted index for quick symbol searching. -R Recurse directories for files. -s dir Look in dir for additional source files. -T Use only the first eight characters to match against C symbols. -U Check file time stamps. -u Unconditionally build the cross-reference file. -v Be more verbose in line mode. -V Print the version number. Please see the manpage for more information.

參數比較多,但一般來說cscope -Rbq就夠用了,R表示遞歸,默認cscope會進入搜索頁面,b可以不進入這個頁面,q會生成索引,加快查找速度。


cscope -Rbq


上面執行過後會生成三個文件,cscope.out就是生成的數據庫,cscope.in.out和cscope.po.out是q控制對應的索引。使用vim打開項目中某個文件,然後cscope add cscope.out就能夠識別該數據庫,方便後續使用。


使用cscope find s xxx來進行cscope的使用即可。s是參數,其他參數及意義如下:

s: 查找C語言符號,即查找函數名、宏、枚舉值等出現的地方
g: 查找函數、宏、枚舉等定義的位置,類似ctags所提供的功能
d: 查找本函數調用的函數
c: 查找調用本函數的函數
t: 查找指定的字符串
e: 查找egrep模式,相當於egrep功能,但查找速度快多了
f: 查找並打開文件,類似vim的find功能
i: 查找
