1. 程式人生 > >SAP Marketing Cloud裡的contact main facet是什麼意思

SAP Marketing Cloud裡的contact main facet是什麼意思


Basically, contact data for SAP Hybris Marketing can be loaded from various sources, such as an ERP system, a web shop, social media and many more. Contact資料來源可以來自各個渠道,例如ERP系統,電商,社交媒體賬號等等。 每個渠道都可以成為Marketing Cloud系統裡最終完整contact例項的一塊拼圖,這個完整的contact例項也稱為Golden record。 Each source may contribute to the building of the Golden Record, which represents the most valuable contact master data stored in one single record per contact. 而資料來源渠道自身也被稱為Main facets,用於提供常規意義上的contact資訊,以及額外資訊,例如地址資訊,電子郵箱地址,信用卡號,手機號等等。這些額外資訊也稱為additional facet。 Therefore, the sources themselves are considered as Main Facets, which might provide general contact data, such as address data or data for customer-specific fields. A Main Facet might also have data, for example, a loyalty card number, an email address, a phone, a mobile or a fax number. Because of their identifyingnature, we consider these attributes as Additional Facets.

上圖中的藍色圓環代表main facets,而黃色圓環代表additional facets。



SAP Marketing Cloudcontact main facet是什麼意思

介面如下: Basically, contact data for SAP Hybris Marketing can be lo

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使用CDS view開發SAP Marketing contactfacet追溯工具

這篇SAP社群部落格裡,我的一位同事介紹了SAP Marketing裡contact facet資料模型的儲存表: https:/

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