App自動化測試中有兩個很重要的操作,螢幕滑動與繪製手勢密碼。目前很多App在啟動時,都存在啟動時的引導動畫或者載入上下文內容時需要手動上滑或者下滑載入頁面,所以在自動化測試的過程中模擬手的滑動操作看起來就很重要了;第二個比較重要的是模擬手動繪製九宮格完成手勢密碼的設定,這種手勢密碼在我瞭解的範圍內,大多在金融類的app中最常見,還有一些對使用者資訊保密性較好的app中,所以,模擬繪製手勢密碼也是app自動化測試中必須掌握的操作,那麼接下來我們就開始講解兩種操作該如何實現, 在進入正題之前,你還應該知道,手機中橫縱座標的原點是從螢幕的左上角頂點(0, 0)的位置開始的
def swipe(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration=None): """Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration. Args: start_x (int): x-coordinate at which to start start_y (int): y-coordinate at which to start end_x (int): x-coordinate at which to stop end_y (int): y-coordinate at which to stop duration (:obj:`int`, optional): time to take the swipe, in ms. Usage: driver.swipe(100, 100, 100, 400) Returns: `WebElement` """ # `swipe` is something like press-wait-move_to-release, which the server # will translate into the correct action action = TouchAction(self) action \ .press(x=start_x, y=start_y) \ .wait(ms=duration) \ .move_to(x=end_x, y=end_y) \ .release() action.perform() return self
start_x, start_y : 表示開始滑動時的初始座標,也就是從哪裡開始滑動
end_x, end_y : 表示滑動後的座標,也就是滑動到哪裡
duration: : 表示滑動過程的時間間隔,模擬操作時,我們最好設定個時間間隔,避免由於程式碼執行太快,而真機或者模擬器反應比較慢,而操作失敗,單位以毫秒計算
def get_phone_size(self): """獲取螢幕的大小""" width = self.driver.get_window_size()['width'] # 獲取螢幕的寬 height = self.driver.get_window_size()['height'] # 獲取螢幕的高 return width, height
def swipe_left(self, duration=300): """左滑""" width, height = self.get_phone_size
start = width * 0.9, height * 0.5
end = width * 0.1, height * 0.5 return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration) def swipe_right(self, duration=300): """右滑""" width, height = self.get_phone_size
start = width * 0.9, height * 0.5
end = width * 0.1, height * 0.5
return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration)
def swipe_up(self, duration):
width, height = self.get_phone_size
start = width * 0.9, height * 0.5
end = width * 0.1, height * 0.5
return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration)
def swipe_down(self, duration):
width, height = self.get_phone_size
start = width * 0.9, height * 0.5
end = width * 0.1, height * 0.5
return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration)
def skip_welcome_page(self, direction, num=3): """ 滑動頁面跳過引導動畫 :param direction: str 滑動方向,left, right, up, down :param num: 滑動次數 :return: """ direction_dic = { "left": "swipe_left", "right": "swipe_right", "up": "swipe_up", "down": "swipe_down" } time.sleep(3) if hasattr(self, direction_dic[direction]): for _ in range(num): getattr(self, direction_dic[direction])() # 使用反射執行不同的滑動方法 else: raise ValueError("引數{}不存在, direction可以為{}任意一個字串". format(direction, direction_dic.keys()))
press(element, x, y) : 其中element引數是一個元素物件,當element不為空時,x和y必須位None,如果element為None時,x如果不為None,那麼y也不能位None,也就是說在安卓作業系統中,element和(x,y)必要傳遞一個,蘋果系統可以不傳,這裡不做介紹
wait(duration) : duration是時間,以毫秒為單位,這個方法的作用是等待一段時間,和sleep的作用類似,唯一區別sleep不能被TouchAtion物件訪問
release() : 這個方法的作用是結合press等按壓動作使用的,表示擡起動作
上圖中的x軸,y軸是手機的座標表示方式,請區別數學中的二維座標,其中x軸方向表示手機螢幕的寬度width,y軸方向表示螢幕的高度height,原點為(0, 0); 藍色方框代表9宮格手勢操作的整體元素(內部包含9個點),start_x, start_y 代表9宮格元素的起始座標點,start_x也是9宮格起始點距離y軸的距離,start_y也是9宮格起始點距離x軸的距離,請大家一定理解這幾個值的關係,下面我們可以通過WebElement物件的rect方法獲取9宮格元素的寬,高及起始點座標
def get_element_size_location(element): width = element.rect["width"] # 9宮格元素的寬度 height = element.rect["height"] # 9宮格座標的高度 # 9宮格元素的起始座標點 start_x = element.rect["x"] start_y = element.rect["y"] return width, height, start_x, start_y
element.location ->{"x": start_x, "y": start_y}
element.size ->{"width": width, "height": height}
接下來我們通過9宮格元素的width,height,start_x, start_y分別計算每個點的座標, 我們按照上圖,把9宮格元素的width和height分別等分為6等分
前3個點(1, 2, 3)的座標分別是
width, height, start_x, start_y = self.get_element_size_location(element) point_1 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_2 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_3 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)}
中間3個點(4, 5, 6)的座標分別為
point_4 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_5 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_6 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)}
最後3個點(7, 8, 9)的座標分別為
point_7 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_8 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_9 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)}
TouchAction(driver).press(x=point_1["x"], y=point_1["y"]).wait(300)\ .move_to(x=point_2["x"], y=point_2["y"]).wait(500)\ .move_to(x=point_3["x"], y=point_3["y"]).wait(500)\ .move_to(x=point_6["x"], y=point_6["y"]).wait(500)\ .move_to(x=point_9["x"], y=point_9["y"]).wait(500).release().perform()
""" ------------------------------------ @Time : 2019/8/6 20:22 @Auth : linux超 @File : base.py @IDE : PyCharm @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! @QQ : [email protected] @GROUP: 878565760 ------------------------------------ """ from appium.webdriver import WebElement from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction from appium.webdriver.webdriver import WebDriver from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException class Base(object): def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver): self.driver = driver @staticmethod def get_element_size_location(element): width = element.rect["width"] height = element.rect["height"] start_x = element.rect["x"] start_y = element.rect["y"] return width, height, start_x, start_y def gesture_password(self, element: WebElement): width, height, start_x, start_y = self.get_element_size_location(element) point_1 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_2 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_3 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_4 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_5 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_6 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_7 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_8 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_9 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} TouchAction(self.driver).press(x=point_1["x"], y=point_1["y"]).wait(300) \ .move_to(x=point_2["x"], y=point_2["y"]).wait(500) \ .move_to(x=point_3["x"], y=point_3["y"]).wait(500) \ .move_to(x=point_6["x"], y=point_6["y"]).wait(500) \ .move_to(x=point_9["x"], y=point_9["y"]).wait(500).release().perform() def find_element(self, locator: tuple, timeout=30) -> WebElement: wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout) try: element = wait.until(lambda driver: driver.find_element(*locator)) return element except (NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException): print('no found element {} by {}', format(locator[1], locator[0])) if __name__ == '__main__': pass
import time import unittest from appium import webdriver from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy from base import Base class TestGesture(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): desired = { "automationName": "uiautomator1", "platformName": "Android", "platformVersion": '5.1.1', "deviceName": "", "appPackage": "com.xxzb.fenwoo", "appActivity": "com.xxzb.fenwoo.activity.addition.WelcomeActivity", "app": r"D:\AppAutoTest\appPackage\Future-release-2018.apk", "unicodeKeyboard": True, # 遮蔽鍵盤 "resetKeyboard": True } self.driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor="", desired_capabilities=desired) self.base = Base(self.driver) def test_gesture_password(self): # 直接切換到手勢密碼頁面 self.driver.start_activity(app_package="com.xxzb.fenwoo", app_activity=".activity.user.CreateGesturePwdActivity") commit_btn = (MobileBy.ID, 'com.xxzb.fenwoo:id/right_btn') password_gesture = (MobileBy.ID, 'com.xxzb.fenwoo:id/gesturepwd_create_lockview') element_commit = self.base.find_element(commit_btn) element_commit.click() # 9宮格元素 password_element = self.base.find_element(password_gesture) self.base.gesture_password(password_element) time.sleep(5) # 為了看效果 def tearDown(self): self.driver.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
以上就是完整的模擬手勢密碼操作的程式碼, 但是問題來了 , 我這裡執行的時候不成功,很尷尬,但是我確實看到過別人通過這種獲取每個點的座標,從一個點的座標移動到另一個點的座標的方式成功畫線了,當然你可以先試試能不能成功再往下看!
如果上邊的方式你也不成功,那麼就試試下面的方法吧,原理是一樣的,主要不同點在,move_to方法傳遞的不是每個點的座標,而是相對點的座標,也就是從一個點移動到另一個點的距離座標,例如點1的座標為(360, 579), 點2的座標為(580, 579), 那麼移動的距離應該是橫向220,縱向為0, 傳遞的引數應該是這樣的move_to(x=220, y=0)(這裡傳遞的引數叫做相對位置座標,但是move_to的原始碼就是按照我之前的寫法傳參的,具體為啥,我也不得而知了),修改部分程式碼如下
TouchAction(self.driver).press(x=point_1["x"], y=point_1["y"]).wait(300) \ .move_to(x=point_2["x"]-point_1["x"], y=point_2["y"]-point_1["y"]).wait(500) \ .move_to(x=point_3["x"]-point_2["x"], y=point_3["y"]-point_2["y"]).wait(500) \ .move_to(x=point_6["x"]-point_3["x"], y=point_6["y"]-point_3["y"]).wait(500) \ .move_to(x=point_9["x"]-point_6["x"], y=point_9["y"]-point_6["y"]).wait(500).release().perform()
上述程式碼你會發現, 每次繪製的只能是同一個密碼,如果我想繪製不同的密碼,那麼就必須修改繪製時傳遞的座標,作為一枚優秀的程式設計師怎麼可以這樣訥?衝這句話,我就必須得想辦法做到繪製任何密碼組合的情況。我的需求是,當我給繪製函式getsture_password()傳遞不同密碼時(例如這樣的方式getsture_password(1, 2, 3, 6, 9))那麼程式應該幫我把1-2-3-6-9連結起來,所以我想到了使用字典,把每個數字分別對應每一個座標點,像下面這樣
def get_password_location(self, element: WebElement) -> dict: width, height, start_x, start_y = self.get_element_size_location(element) point_1 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_2 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_3 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_4 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_5 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_6 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_7 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_8 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_9 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} keys = { 1: point_1, 2: point_2, 3: point_3, 4: point_4, 5: point_5, 6: point_6, 7: point_7, 8: point_8, 9: point_9 } return keys
def gesture_password(self, element: WebElement, *pwd): # pwd是個元組,pwd[0]表示第一個密碼 """手勢密碼: 直接輸入需要連結的點對應的數字,最多9位 pwd: 傳你想連線的點構成的密碼,如:1, 2, 3, 6, 9 """ if len(pwd) > 9: raise ValueError("需要設定的密碼不能超過9位!") keys_dict = self.get_password_location(element) # 9個點的座標組成的字典 start_point = "TouchAction(self.driver).press(x={0}, y={1}).wait(200)".\ # keys_dict[pwd[0]] 得到第一位密碼數字對應的座標的字典 format(keys_dict[pwd[0]]["x"], keys_dict[pwd[0]]["y"]) # 起始點的座標 for index in range(len(pwd)-1): # 0,1,2,3 follow_point = ".move_to(x={0}, y={1}).wait(200)".\ format(keys_dict[pwd[index+1]]["x"] - keys_dict[pwd[index]]["x"], keys_dict[pwd[index+1]]["y"] - keys_dict[pwd[index]]["y"]) # 後續的點座標 start_point = start_point + follow_point # 把起始點的表示式和後續連結的點表示式連結在一起組成一個模擬連線的完整過程 full_point = start_point + ".release().perform()" # 完整的過程通過.release().perform()使其生效 return eval(full_point) # 執行一串表示式
""" ------------------------------------ @Time : 2019/8/6 20:45 @Auth : linux超 @File : base.py @IDE : PyCharm @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! @QQ : [email protected] @GROUP: 878565760 ------------------------------------ """ import time from appium.webdriver import WebElement from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction from appium.webdriver.webdriver import WebDriver from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException class Base(object): def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver): self.driver = driver @property def get_phone_size(self): """獲取螢幕的大小""" width = self.driver.get_window_size()['width'] height = self.driver.get_window_size()['height'] return width, height def swipe_left(self, duration=300): """左滑""" width, height = self.get_phone_size start = width * 0.9, height * 0.5 end = width * 0.1, height * 0.5 return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration) def swipe_right(self, duration=300): """右滑""" width, height = self.get_phone_size start = width * 0.1, height * 0.5 end = width * 0.9, height * 0.5 return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration) def swipe_up(self, duration): """上滑""" width, height = self.get_phone_size start = width * 0.5, height * 0.9 end = width * 0.5, height * 0.1 return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration) def swipe_down(self, duration): """下滑""" width, height = self.get_phone_size start = width * 0.5, height * 0.1 end = width * 0.5, height * 0.9 return self.driver.swipe(*start, *end, duration) def skip_welcome_page(self, direction, num=3): """ 滑動頁面跳過引導動畫 :param direction: str 滑動方向,left, right, up, down :param num: 滑動次數 :return: """ direction_dic = { "left": "swipe_left", "right": "swipe_right", "up": "swipe_up", "down": "swipe_down" } time.sleep(3) if hasattr(self, direction_dic[direction]): for _ in range(num): getattr(self, direction_dic[direction])() # 使用反射執行不同的滑動方法 else: raise ValueError("引數{}不存在, direction可以為{}任意一個字串". format(direction, direction_dic.keys())) @staticmethod def get_element_size_location(element): width = element.rect["width"] height = element.rect["height"] start_x = element.rect["x"] start_y = element.rect["y"] return width, height, start_x, start_y def get_password_location(self, element: WebElement) -> dict: width, height, start_x, start_y = self.get_element_size_location(element) point_1 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_2 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_3 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_4 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_5 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_6 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_7 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_8 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_9 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} keys = { 1: point_1, 2: point_2, 3: point_3, 4: point_4, 5: point_5, 6: point_6, 7: point_7, 8: point_8, 9: point_9 } return keys def gesture_password(self, element: WebElement, *pwd): """手勢密碼: 直接輸入需要連結的點對應的數字,最多9位 pwd: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 """ if len(pwd) > 9: raise ValueError("需要設定的密碼不能超過9位!") keys_dict = self.get_password_location(element) start_point = "TouchAction(self.driver).press(x={0}, y={1}).wait(200)". \ format(keys_dict[pwd[0]]["x"], keys_dict[pwd[0]]["y"]) for index in range(len(pwd) - 1): # 0,1,2,3 follow_point = ".move_to(x={0}, y={1}).wait(200)". \ format(keys_dict[pwd[index + 1]]["x"] - keys_dict[pwd[index]]["x"], keys_dict[pwd[index + 1]]["y"] - keys_dict[pwd[index]]["y"]) start_point = start_point + follow_point full_point = start_point + ".release().perform()" return eval(full_point) def find_element(self, locator: tuple, timeout=30) -> WebElement: wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout) try: element = wait.until(lambda driver: driver.find_element(*locator)) return element except (NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException): print('no found element {} by {}', format(locator[1], locator[0])) if __name__ == '__main__': passbase.py
""" ------------------------------------ @Time : 2019/8/6 20:47 @Auth : linux超 @File : test.py @IDE : PyCharm @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! @QQ : [email protected] @GROUP: 878565760 ------------------------------------ """ import time import unittest from appium import webdriver from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy from base import Base class TestGesture(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): desired = { "automationName": "uiautomator1", "platformName": "Android", "platformVersion": '5.1.1', "deviceName": "", "appPackage": "com.xxzb.fenwoo", "appActivity": "com.xxzb.fenwoo.activity.addition.WelcomeActivity", "app": r"D:\AppAutoTest\appPackage\Future-release-2018.apk", "unicodeKeyboard": True, # 遮蔽鍵盤 "resetKeyboard": True } self.driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor="", desired_capabilities=desired) self.base = Base(self.driver) def test_gesture_password(self): self.base.skip_welcome_page('left', 3) # 滑動螢幕 time.sleep(3) # 為了看滑屏的效果 self.driver.start_activity(app_package="com.xxzb.fenwoo", app_activity=".activity.user.CreateGesturePwdActivity") commit_btn = (MobileBy.ID, 'com.xxzb.fenwoo:id/right_btn') password_gesture = (MobileBy.ID, 'com.xxzb.fenwoo:id/gesturepwd_create_lockview') element_commit = self.base.find_element(commit_btn) element_commit.click() password_element = self.base.find_element(password_gesture) self.base.gesture_password(password_element, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9) time.sleep(5) # 看效果 def tearDown(self): self.driver.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()test.py