1. 程式人生 > >能動手絕不多說:開源評論系統remark42上手指南


# 能動手絕不多說:開源評論系統 remark42 上手指南 ## 前言 寫部落格嘛, 誰不喜歡自己倒騰一下呢。 從自建系統到 Github Page, 從 [Jekyll](http://jekyllcn.com/) 到 [Hexo](https://hexo.io/zh-cn/index.html), 年輕的時候誰不喜歡多折騰折騰呢。 年紀稍稍長了一下之後, 最後我自己還是選了 Hexo 直接做靜態部落格生成, 結合一下 Gitlab CI 推程式碼之後自動構建之後更新到自己的伺服器了。 後來又基於“多說”直接支援了部落格內容評論, 再後來,多說倒下了,評論功能就一直沒有維護了。 前陣子因為某些需求,對市面上部分評論系統做了一次調研, 這時候發現其實大家都做了好多輪子了,近期空出來了終於可以再玩玩了。 ## 開源評論系統調研 調研前提: - 開源,協議友好,可商用 - 專案程式碼“正常”(實在不太想看 Ruby/PHP),維護積極 - 部署簡單,二開方便 下面直接扔了上次的調研結果出來。 ### vkuznecovas/mouthful - Mouthful is a self-hosted alternative to Disqus https://mouthful.dizzy.zone/ - Golang 編寫,支援 MySQL、PG、SQLIte,支援評論稽核 - 維護狀態:2018 年之後沒看到更新了 Features - Multiple database support(sqlite, mysql, postgres, dynamodb) - Moderation with an administration panel - Server side caching to prevent excessive database calls - Rate limiting - Honeypot feature, to prevent bots from posting comments - Migrations from existing commenting engines(isso, disqus) - Configuration - most of the features can be turned on or off, as well as customized to your preferences. - Admin login through third parties such as facebook and twitter, and 35 more. - Dumping comments out, and importing an old dump. ### schn4ck/schnack - Simple self-hosted node app for Disqus-like drop-in commenting on static websites https://schnack.cool/ - Node js 編寫, SQLite, 沒看到其他資料庫的支援 - 維護狀態:最後一次更新是 15 個月前 Features - Tiny! It takes only ~8 KB!!! to embed Schnack. - Open source and self-hosted. - Ad-free and Tracking-free. Schnack will not disturb your users. - It's simpy to moderate, with a minimal and slick UI to allow/reject comments or trust/block users. - webpush protocol to notify the site owner about new comments awaiting for moderation. - Third party providers for authentication like Github, Twitter, Google and Facebook. Users are not required to register a new account on your system and you don't need to manage a user management system. ### adtac/commento - A fast, bloat-free comments platform (Github mirror) https://commento.io - golang 編寫,支援 PG - 維護狀態:兩個月還在更新,支援本地部署 - https://docs.commento.io/ What features does Commento have? Commento comes with a lot of useful features out-of-the-box: rich text support, upvotes and downvotes, automatic spam detection, moderation tools, sticky comments, thread locking, OAuth login, email notifications, and more! ### posativ/isso - a Disqus alternative https://posativ.org/isso/ - Python,SQLIte,引入了 ORM 元件但是暫時沒看到其他資料庫的支援 - Admin panel to moderate comments - 維護狀態:活躍,幾天前還在更新 Isso – Ich schrei sonst – is a lightweight commenting server written in Python and JavaScript. It aims to be a drop-in replacement for Disqus. ### umputun/remark42 - comment engine https://remark42.com - Golang + SQLIte + 支援 Admin - 維護狀態:活躍,幾天前還在更新 Remark42 is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) comment engine, which doesn't spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments. - Social login via Google, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub and Yandex - Login via email - Optional anonymous access - Multi-level nested comments with both tree and plain presentations - Import from Disqus and WordPress - Markdown support with friendly formatter toolbar - Moderator can remove comments and block users - Voting, pinning and verification system - Sortable comments - Images upload with drag-and-drop - Extractor for recent comments, cross-post - RSS for all comments and each post - Telegram and email notifications - Export data to json with automatic backups - No external databases, everything embedded in a single data file - Fully dockerized and can be deployed in a single command - Self-contained executable can be deployed directly to Linux, Windows and MacOS - Clean, lightweight and customizable UI with white and dark themes - Multi-site mode from a single instance - Integration with automatic ssl (direct and via nginx-le) - Privacy focused ### jacobwb/hashover - Free and Open Source PHP Comment System http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover - PHP - 維護狀態:九個月前 ## 開始實踐 調研搞完之後,停了一陣子,最近把專案扔給同事做進一步 demo 搭建, 同事花了點時候搭了一下 demo 和看了程式碼,最後在 commento 和 remark42 中“猶豫了” 最後比較了程式碼結構和二次開發成本, 選擇了 remark42 所以,我這邊最後也使用 remark42 直接搭了自己的評論系統。 ## 開始“搞事” [remark42](https://github.com/umputun/remark42) 由於文件寫得實在太好了,部署也沒遇到什麼奇怪問題, 部署服務端這一步真的跳過了,有奇怪的問題需要的朋友自行提問吧。 ## Hexo next 整合 remark42 這一段是需要寫寫的。 看完了文件的朋友應該知道, 在某個頁面整合評論只需要加下面這些程式碼。 ### 頁面插入 script ```html ``` ### 頁面插入評論框 ```html ``` 那麼問題來了,在 hexo 的 next 主題裡面怎麼做呢? 答案是: 肯定是抄程式碼啊!!! ### hexo next 主題 首先知道(鬼知道啊),next 主題一般在專案 themes/next 路徑, themes/next/layout 這個資料夾存放了佈局檔案,其中\_layout.swig 是一個重要的全域性佈局檔案。 所以,明顯是修改\_layout.swig 引入上面的 script 程式碼啦。 看了一眼\_layout.swig 的程式碼, 底部基本是 include 引入同級的 swig 檔案。 ``` {% include '_scripts/boostrap.swig' %} {% include 'remark42.swig' %} {% include '_third-party/comments/index.swig' %} {% include '_third-party/search/index.swig' %} ``` 明顯,我們也可以加一個 swig,然後在上面引入一下。 ### 新建 remark42.swig,貼入 script 程式碼 ```HTML ``` ### layout.swig 新增 remark42.swig 引用 ``` {% include '_scripts/boostrap.swig' %} {% include 'remark42.swig' %} {% include '_third-party/comments/index.swig' %} {% include '_third-party/search/index.swig' %} ``` 搞完這個,全域性指令碼引用已經搞掂了。 下面就是每個文章頁面需要新增 remark42 評論框了 ### 明顯,應該是 post.swig 觀察一下 themes/next/layout 目錄不難發現, 每個文章的的樣式模板都在 post.swig, 明顯評論框也應該直接在 post.swig。 開啟一看,感覺應該加在 下面 於是: ```html {{ post_template.render(page) }} {% if theme.jiathis %} {% include '_partials/share/jiathis.swig' %} {% elseif theme.baidushare %} {% include '_partials/share/baidushare.swig' %} {% elseif theme.add_this_id %} {% include '_partials/share/add-this.swig' %} {% elseif theme.duoshuo_shortname and theme.duoshuo_share %} {% include '_partials/share/duoshuo_share.swig' %} {% endif %} ``` 完事... ## 最後效果 ![remark42](http://qiniudns.woyaozufang.live/remark42-demo.png) ## 歡迎評論來玩!!