1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Windows Server 2008 R2下部署OCS 2007 R2 CWA碰到的一些問題和解決辦法

Windows Server 2008 R2下部署OCS 2007 R2 CWA碰到的一些問題和解決辦法

7.6. 可能遇到的錯誤和注意事項 不同於在windows Server 2003和windows Server 2008平臺上部署OCS 2007 R2和OCS CWA R2,Windwos Server 2008 R2和OCS 2007 R2相容性還是差了點,以下收集了些相關的問題,希望朋友們繼續多多完善。 7.6.1. code: 0-1-492 現象: 當您登入到一個 Office Communicator Web Access (CWA) 的網站時出現錯誤訊息:"無法登入,因為您的計算機時鐘設定不正確或您的帳戶無效。(Error code: 0-1-492)" clip_p_w_picpath002 解決方案: 修改CWA伺服器和CWA服務賬戶屬性中的ServicePrintcipaNames的值 微軟KB Error message when you sign in to an Office Communicator Web Access (CWA) website: "Cannot sign in because your computer clock is not set correctly or your account is invalid. (Error code: 0-1-492)" http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968978/en-us?fr=1
其他KB http://hi.baidu.com/windowserver/blog/item/dcd6b851151d062d43a75b72.html 操作方法: 使用setspn或者ADSIEDIT都可以。 clip_p_w_picpath004 clip_p_w_picpath006 7.6.2. Code:0-0-18100-2-0 現象:登入CWA客戶端報錯0-0-18100-2-0 原因:一般是CWA或OCS證書申請的時候有問題。 我在部署CWA時遇到過,原因是CWA01的證書是在OCS01上申請的,沒有在OCS01上刪除,可能OCS01上的OCS服務繫結到了這個新的證書,而不使用它原來的證書了。這種 解決方案: 使用安裝嚮導進入配置證書步驟,重新申請和繫結證書。也可以參考Kb 或OCS部署文件使用LCSCMD.exe申請,相關KB如下。 如果是像我一樣在OCS01上位CWA01申請證書,記得在OCS01上刪除CWA01的證書,並重新啟動下OCS01上的服務。 相關KB 《Your session was ended… Error code:0-0-18100-2-0》
http://ucvug.nl/blogs/joachimfarla/archive/2009/06/02/your-session-was-ended-error-code-0-0-18100-2-0.aspx 7.6.3. CWA不能收訊息 現象: Office communicator R2 可以收到從CWA發來的訊息,但是無法回覆給CWA,提示錯誤ID:504. Office communicator之間通訊都沒有問題。CWA與CWA之間不能收發訊息。 clip_p_w_picpath007 clip_p_w_picpath009 原因和解決方案: Windows Server 2008 R2下存在這個問題,試驗中困擾了我比較久。安裝OCS2007R2-KB967674-x64-ucmaredist.msp(UcmaRedist.msp)可以解決這個問題,另外,我還安裝了KB967674所對應的補丁。在Exchange 2010的OWA和CWA客戶端整合中這個問題也比較普遍。 推薦,安裝OCS 2007 r2相關的所有補比較好,尤其在Windows Server 2008 R2下 。OCS補丁列表:
其他相關KB To allow changes to take effect immediately, stop and restart the OCS front-end services; note that doing so will disconnect any active users. Note: If you install OCS 2007 R2 on Windows 2008 R2, you have to download a hotfix for UcmaRedist.msi; UcmaRedist.msp from the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Hotfix KB 968802. If you don't, everything works except IM communication back to OWA, you would receive an Error id: 504. With UcmaRedist.msp installed, the issue is resolved. {this point added Dec 5, 2009 thanks to input from Jahad Suboh who commented on my blog to add this point of additional accuracy!} http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/47348?page=3 The 501 errors (when the OWA integrated IM can send, but NOT receive) was totally because my OCS 2007 R2 was patched to KB967674, and the bits released earlier in this thread were not. (boo!) Patched, rebooted, and CWA/OWA works! http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchange2010/thread/6ca034a8-1c4f-47f4-966b-1301ca66518e 7.6.4. 其他 If you are planning on deploying Communicator Web Access (CWA) here are 10 important things to know based on experience: http://blog.insideocs.com/2009/11/10/communicator-web-access-top-10/