1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Groovy In Action 筆記 (8) -- MOP

Groovy In Action 筆記 (8) -- MOP

 * @author :ZackZhou
 * @date :Created in 2020/10/9 2:31 PM
 * @description :
 * All classes that are compiled by Groovy implement the GroovyObject interface
 * Again, you’re free to implement any such methods in your Groovy class to your liking.
 * If you don’t, then the Groovy compiler will insert a default implementation for you.
 * This default implementation is the same as if you’d inherit from GroovyObjectSupport,
 * which basically relays all calls to the metaclass.
 * public abstract class GroovyObjectSupport implements GroovyObject {
 * public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
 * return getMetaClass().invokeMethod(this, name, args);
 * }
 * public Object getProperty(String property) {
 * return getMetaClass().getProperty(this, property);
 * }
 * public void setProperty(String property, Object newValue) {
 * getMetaClass().setProperty(this, property, newValue);* }
 * // more here...
 * }
 * As soon as a class implements GroovyObject, the following rules apply:
 * ■ Every access to a property calls the getProperty() method.6
 * ■ Every modification of a property calls the setProperty() method.
 * ■ Every call to an unknown method calls invokeMethod(). If the method is known,
 * invokeMethod() is only called if the class implements GroovyObject and the
 * marker interface GroovyInterceptable.
 * @modified By:
@version: */ // Groovy中提供的非JDK內建的方法,是通過 org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods 這個類實現的 String myStr = "" myStr.metaClass println(myStr) /* // MOP pseudo code def mopInvoke(Object obj, String method, Object args) { if (obj instanceof GroovyObject) { return groovyObjectInvoke(obj, method, args) } registry.getMetaClass(obj.class).invokeMethod(obj, method, args) } def groovyObjectInvoke(Object obj, String method, Object args){ if (obj instanceof GroovyInterceptable) { return obj.metaClass.invokeMethod(method, args) } if (! obj.metaClass.respondsTo(method, args)) { return obj.metaClass.invokeMethod(method, args) } obj.metaClass.invokeMethod(obj, method, args) } // Default meta class pseudo code def invokeMethod(Object obj, String method, Object args) { if (obj.metaClass.respondsTo(method, args)) { return methodCall(obj, method, args) } if (methodMissingAvailable(obj)) { return obj.metaClass.methodMissing(method, args) } throw new MissingMethodException() }