1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >【電腦科學】【2018.08】三維點雲處理的拓撲方法



本文為美國明尼蘇達州立大學(作者:William Joseph Beksi)的博士論文,共126頁。








3D point cloud datasets are becoming morecommon due to the availability of low-cost sensors. Light detection and ranging(LIDAR), stereo, structured light, and time-of-flight (ToF) are examples ofsensors that capture a 3D representation of the environment. These sensors areincreasingly found in mobile devices and machines such as smartphones, tablets,robots, and autonomous vehicles. As hardware technology advances, algorithmsand data structures are needed to process the data generated by these sensorsin innovative and meaningful ways.

This dissertation develops and appliesalgebraic topological methods for processing 3D point cloud datasets. The areaof topological data analysis (TDA) has matured in recent years allowingresearchers to analyze point cloud datasets using techniques that take intoaccount the ‘shape’ of the data. This includes topological features such asconnected components, holes, voids, and higher dimensional analogs. These ideashave been successfully applied to datasets which are naturally embedded in ametric space (such as Euclidean space) where distances between points can beused to form a parameterized sequence of spaces. By studying the changingtopology of this sequence we gain information about the underlying data.

In the first part of the thesis, we presenta fast approach to build a 3D Vietoris-Rips complex which allows us to approximatethe topology of a point cloud. The construction of the complex is done in threeparallelized phases: nearest neighbors search, edge list generation, andtriangle list generation. The edge and triangle lists can then be used forpersistent homology computations.

In the second part of the thesis, wepresent approaches to segment 3D point cloud data using ideas from persistenthomology theory. The proposed algorithms first generate a simplicial complexrepresentation of the point cloud dataset. Then, the zeroth homology group ofthe complex which corresponds to the number of connected components iscomputed. Finally, we extract the clusters of each connected component in the dataset.We show that these methods provide a stable segmentation of point cloud data underthe presence of noise and poor sampling conditions, thus providing advantages overcontemporary segmentation procedures.

In the third part of the thesis, we addressan open problem in computational topology by introducing a nearly linear time algorithmfor incrementally computing topologically persistent 1-cycles. Further, wedevelop a second algorithm that utilizes the output of the first to generate aspanning tree upon which non-bounding minimal 1-cycles can be computed. Thesenon-bounding minimal 1-cycles are then used to locate and fill holes in adataset. Experimental results show the efficacy of our algorithms forreconstructing the surface of 3D point clouds produced by noisy sensor data.

In the fourth part of the thesis, wedevelop a global feature descriptor termed Signature of TopologicallyPersistent Points (STPP) that encodes topological invariants (zeroth and firsthomology groups) of 3D point cloud data. STPP is a competitive 3D point clouddescriptor when compared to the state of art and is resilient to noisy sensordata. We demonstrate experimentally that STPP can be used as a distinctive signature,thus allowing for 3D point cloud processing tasks such as object detection andclassification.

This dissertation makes progress towardseffective, efficient, and scalable topological methods for 3D point cloudprocessing along two directions. We present algorithms with an analysis oftheir theoretical performance and proof of correctness. We also demonstrate thefeasibility and applicability of our results with experiments using publicly availabledatasets.

  1. 引言
  2. 數學背景
  3. R3 Vietoris-Rips復形式的快速重建
  4. 點雲分割
  5. 點雲空洞邊界檢測
  6. 點雲簽名
  7. 結論與討論
