1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >【電腦科學】【2020.03】非傳統領域的深度學習



本文為美國加州理工學院(作者:Milan Cvitkovic)的博士論文,共128頁。


Machine learning methods have dramaticallyimproved in recent years thanks to advances in deep learning (LeCun, Bengio,and Hinton, 2015), a set of methods for training high-dimensional,highly-parameterized, nonlinear functions. Yet deep learning progress has beenconcentrated in the domains of computer vision, visionbased reinforcementlearning, and natural language processing. This dissertation is an attempt toextend deep learning into domains where it has thus far had little impact orhas never been applied. It presents new deep learning algorithms andstate-of-the-art results on tasks in the domains of source-code analysis,relational databases, and tabular data.

  1. 引言
  2. 東非科技界對機器學習研究的幾點要求
  3. 基於圖結構快取的原始碼開放式詞彙學習
  4. 基於圖神經網路的關係資料庫有監督學習(1)
  5. 表格資料深度學習的優缺點
  6. 最小可實現的充分統計學習:解決資訊瓶頸問題
  7. 基於圖神經網路的關係資料庫有監督學習(2)
