1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >什麼是不和諧,僅適用於遊戲玩家?


Discord Logo

Discord offers free VoIP, text, and video chat servers, along with unique features for gamers like Twitch integration. It’s also a must-have for doing business in the gaming industry, and it might give other enterprises a unique edge in customer communications.

Discord提供免費的VoIP,文字和視訊聊天伺服器,併為Twitch整合等遊戲玩家提供獨特的功能。 這也是在遊戲行業開展業務的必備條件,它可能會給其他企業帶來與客戶溝通方面的獨特優勢。

Discord提供社群驅動的通訊 (Discord Offers Community-Driven Communications)

Discord is a free communications app, most similar to popular apps like Skype, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and TeamSpeak. It features user-friendly text, voice, and video chat in public or private servers that anyone can quickly set up for free


Discord是一款免費的通訊應用程式,與Skype,Microsoft Teams,Slack和TeamSpeak等流行應用程式最為相似。 它在公共或私人伺服器中提供使用者友好的文字,語音和視訊聊天功能,任何人都可以快速免費免費設定

Discord User Interface

Discord has a similar user interface to Slack and Microsoft Teams, and its servers function similarly to Slack and Teams servers.Yet, Discord’s servers have developed more through user-driven activity like Reddit has with its

subreddits. There’s a Discord server for just about everything.

Discord具有與Slack和Microsoft Teams類似的使用者介面,並且其伺服器的功能類似於Slack和Teams伺服器。 但是,Discord的伺服器通過使用者驅動的活動(如Reddit及其subddit)得到了更大的發展。 有一個Discord伺服器可以滿足所有需求。

Like Reddit, Discord is an online community platform. It’s being used for everything from large corporate platforms and specialized learning hubs, to extremist recruitment and adult content. The official Parent’s Guide to Discord provides useful resources for understanding how these communities function and how you can control the content that flows in and out of your Discord.

與Reddit一樣,Discord是一個線上社群平臺。 從大型公司平臺和專門的學習中心到極端主義的招聘和成人內容,它的用途廣泛。 官方的《不和諧父母指南》提供了有用的資源,用於瞭解這些社群的功能以及如何控制流入和流出不和諧的內容。

The Discord Community Guidelines convey the developer’s intentions of bringing groups of gamers together and explicitly ban harassment, predatory behavior, and harmful content. It also provides you with avenues for getting more help on issues like bullying, suicide, and other issues relevant to today’s digital communities. But like any online tool, that doesn’t necessarily prevent savvy teens from undoing settings or stop evildoers from leveraging social media to spread hate and abuse.

不和諧社群準則》傳達了開發人員將遊戲玩家聚集在一起的意圖,並明確禁止騷擾,掠奪性行為和有害內容。 它還為您提供了途徑,以在諸如欺凌,自殺以及與當今數字社群相關的其他問題上獲得更多幫助。 但是,就像任何線上工具一樣,這不一定能防止精明的青少年撤消設定,也不能阻止邪惡的人利用社交媒體傳播仇恨和虐待。

不和諧適合所有人,不只是遊戲玩家 (Discord Is for Everyone, Not Just Gamers)

Discord is listed in most app stores as “Chat for Gamers,” and its integrationwith gaming platforms like Steam and Twitch has made it extremely popular with 56 million gamers every month.The ubiquitous nature of Microsoft’sSkype (and Skype for Business) has made it a common choice for voice, video, and text among average Windows users.

Discord在大多數應用商店中均被列為“遊戲玩家聊天室”,它與SteamTwitch等遊戲平臺的整合已使其每月受到5600萬遊戲玩家的青睞。 微軟的Skype (以及商務用Skype)的無處不在的特性使其成為普通Windows使用者在語音,視訊和文字上的通用選擇。

Microsoft Teams, which will eventually replace Skype for Business, features a high level of integration with other Microsoft apps, especially SharePoint, which has made it a leader in the business environment. Slack is the most common alternative because it has gone about consuming other popular workplace communicators like Hipchat.

最終將取代Skype for Business的Microsoft Teams具有與其他Microsoft應用程式(尤其是SharePoint)的高度整合,這使其成為了業務環境的領導者。 Slack是最常見的替代方法,因為它已經消耗了Hipchat等其他流行的職場交流

TeamSpeak has always been a major competitor due to its obsessive focus on sound quality, client security, and server reliability. Discord surpassed most of the currently dominant tools used for gaming, including a good amount of TeamSpeak’s market share.

由於對聲音質量,客戶端安全性和伺服器可靠性的痴迷, TeamSpeak一直是主要競爭對手。 Discord超越了目前用於遊戲的大多數主流工具,其中包括大量TeamSpeak的市場份額。

TeamSpeak Beta

Discord features more diverse integrations and services, a more friendly user interface, and free servers, although the new TeamSpeak (currently in closed beta, shown above) could close that gap as it adopts and enhances many of the same features that have allowed Discord to dominate. Other tools like Mumble and Ventrilo are still around, though only in small niches.

Discord具有更多樣化的整合和服務,更友好的使用者介面以及免費伺服器,儘管新的TeamSpeak (目前處於封閉測試版,如上圖所示)可以在採用和增強許多使Discord能夠使用的相同功能時縮小差距。支配。 諸如Mumble和Ventrilo之類的其他工具仍然存在,儘管只是很小的領域。

Discord versus Slack

In reality, Discord shares most of the features and integrations that its competitors do. Discord and Slack, shown above on the left and right, respectively, share almost identical interfaces. This means the choice of which app to use is mostly decided by the personal preferences of you and your group.

實際上,Discord具有競爭對手所具有的大多數功能和整合。 左上方和右上方分別顯示了Discord和Slack,它們共享幾乎相同的介面。 這意味著使用哪種應用程式的選擇主要取決於您和您的小組的個人喜好。

Discord對使用者免費,對Pros仍然便宜 (Discord Is Free for Users, Still Cheap for Pros)

A large company could use Discord as its major communicationplatform, assuming the business does a good job of setting up permissions, enhancing security, and increasing the limits imposed by the free version by paying just $99.99 for 12 months of Discord Nitro.

一家大型公司可以將Discord用作其主要的通訊平臺,前提是該公司可以很好地完成設定許可權,增強安全性以及通過免費版本12個月的Discord Nitro支付99.99美元來提高免費版所施加的限制的作用。

You can cut the price in half by opting for Discord Nitro Classic ($49.99/year). Classic doesn’t include the server boosting feature, which lets you give special perks to a server; it’s useful if you’re a streamer, developer, or community leader curating a space for interacting with followers.

您可以通過選擇Discord Nitro Classic(每年49.99美元)將價格降低一半。 Classic不包含伺服器提升功能,該功能可讓您為伺服器提供特殊待遇; 如果您是主持人,開發人員或社群負責人,那麼它會為與追隨者互動的空間提供幫助。

Discord Nitro

Both paid premium services (Nitro and Nitro Classic) cater mostly to gamers with features like higher-quality streaming, custom tagging, and more.Free or paid, Discord’s extensive documentation will walk you through everything you can do with Discord. Build bots that help make your server unique, develop applications, or take advantage of its open-source tools to create a Rich Presence for a game or app that you can sell directly to consumers through your own Discord server. By only taking a 10 percent cut, Discord offers developers an even better deal than Epic’s 12 percent or Steam’s 30 percent.

兩種付費高階服務(Nitro和Nitro Classic)主要迎合具有更高質量的流媒體,自定義標記等功能的遊戲玩家。 免費或付費,Discord廣泛的文件將引導您完成使用Discord可以進行的所有操作。 構建可幫助您使伺服器變得獨一無二的機器人,開發應用程式,或利用其開源工具為您可以通過自己的Discord伺服器直接出售給消費者的遊戲或應用程式建立豐富狀態。 通過僅削減10%,Discord為開發人員提供了比Epic的12%或Steam的30%更好的交易。

Given Discord’s integration with countless gaming and media apps, paired with a customizable overlay, it’s no surprise that most Discord users have it running in the background while at their computer. In fact, Spotify’s desktop music player accounts for more than twice the next highest activityfor people on Discord, making it clear that most people have Discord running in the background while they browse, create, play, or work. The tenth most popular application for Discord users is Visual Studio Code, showing how useful the application can be for professional collaboration.

鑑於Discord與無數遊戲和媒體應用程式的整合以及可自定義的覆蓋層,大多數Discord使用者將其在計算機中在後臺執行也就不足為奇了。 實際上,Spotify的桌面音樂播放器佔Discord使用者下一個最高活動的兩倍以上,這清楚地表明,大多數人在瀏覽,建立,播放或工作時,在後臺執行Discord。 對於Discord使用者而言,第十大最受歡迎的應用程式是Visual Studio Code,它顯示了該應用程式對專業協作的實用性。

Discord Activity

Discord is primarily aimed at people who play, stream, discuss, develop, or sell games, but it is beginning to evolve beyond that into a community-focused platform for tech-savvy business operators. Whether you want to coordinate with coworkers, friends, or followers, it’s becoming a popular solution for everyone through its simple interface packed with powerful features.

Discord主要針對玩,流,討論,開發或出售遊戲的人們,但它已經開始超越此範圍,演變為面向技術精通的業務運營商的社群平臺。 無論您是想與同事,朋友還是追隨者進行協調,它都通過其簡單的介面和強大的功能而成為每個人的流行解決方案。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659237/what-is-discord-and-is-it-only-for-gamers/