1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >更改word 預設字型_更改Word 2007中的預設格式

更改word 預設字型_更改Word 2007中的預設格式

更改word 預設字型

更改word 預設字型

In Word 2007 you probably notice that the default formatting is Calibri, line spacing is expanded, and space is added automatically after a paragraph. Today we will show you how to change the default document format into a style of your own.

在Word 2007中,您可能會注意到預設格式為Calibri,行距被擴充套件,並且在段落後自動新增空間。 今天,我們將向您展示如何將預設文件格式更改為您自己的樣式。

The first thing is to access the dialog box launch icon in the Styles section under the Home tab on the Ribbon. That is the little corner and arrow icon in the corner of the Styles section. You can also use the key combination of “Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S”.

第一件事是訪問功能區上“主頁”選項卡下“樣式”部分中的對話方塊啟動圖示。 那是“樣式”部分角落的小角和箭頭圖示。 您也可以使用“ Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S”組合鍵。


At the bottom of the menu click on the Manage Styles icon.



In the Manage Styles dialog box click on the Set Defaults tab and make the changes to the fonts, line and paragraph spacing. To make sure this document and all new created documents will have the changes make sure to select “New documents based on this template” then click OK.

在“管理樣式”對話方塊中,單擊“設定預設值”選項卡,然後對字型,行和段落間距進行更改。 要確保此文件和所有新建立的文件都將進行更改,請確保選擇“基於此模板的新文件”,然後單擊“確定”。


Now all new documents will have your own customized settings as the default format.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/change-default-formatting-in-word-2007/

更改word 預設字型