1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >純平顯示器_綠色計算:切換到液晶純平顯示器




I don’t know about you but anytime I have to use a CRT monitor anymore I just cringe. Yes there are still high quality CRT monitors out there, but they are such dinosaurs. CRT’s are so huge, clunky, and in the way. I am a huge fan of saving space in my computing work area and flat screens certainly accomplish that. Not to mention the other important benefit of LCD monitors which is power consumption.

我不瞭解您,但是任何時候我都不得不使用CRT顯示器。 是的,那裡仍然有高品質的CRT顯示器,但是它們是這樣的恐龍。 CRT是如此龐大,笨重,而且方式如此。 我非常熱衷於節省計算工作區中的空間,而純平螢幕肯定可以實現這一目標。 更不用說LCD監視器的另一個重要優點是功耗。

I do not have the specific technical energy consumption facts but generally a LCD’s use 20-50 Watts of power. On the other hand a CRT monitor can use as much as 150 Watts! The amount of power needed between the two is dramatic. I usually advise you looking at half the power consumption with an LCD monitor. With

Energy Star Rated you’re looking at even less. For myself the quality of LCD’s seems better as well. CRT monitors are notorious for “flickering” unless you adjust the refresh rate to a high level.

我沒有具體的技術能耗事實,但液晶顯示器通常使用20至50瓦的功率。 另一方面,CRT監視器可以使用多達150瓦的功率! 兩者之間所需的電量非常大。 我通常建議您用LCD顯示器檢視一半的功耗。 有了“能源之星”評級,

您所付出的努力甚至更少。 對我來說,LCD的質量似乎也更好。 CRT監視器因“閃爍”而臭名昭著,除非您將重新整理率調整到較高水平。


Speaking of Energy Star Ratings, Another advantage of switching to an LCD monitor is additional savings from your power company. The electric cooperative where I work gives customers a $50 credit for every Energy Star Rated appliance they purchase. In a time when everyone is looking to save energy anyway they can switching to an LCD monitor definitely helps. Also remember that you need to dispose of your CRT monitor in an environmentally responsible manner. Check with your local municipal waste facilities, they can help you in disposing of hazardous materials in your old CRT. You can also find more information regarding disposal and recycling services here.

說到能源之星評級,切換到LCD顯示器的另一個優勢是電力公司可以進一步節省成本。 我工作的電力合作社會為客戶購買的每臺Energy Star Rating電器提供$ 50的信用額度。 在每個人都希望節省能源的時代,他們可以切換到LCD顯示器肯定會有所幫助。 還請記住,您需要以對環境負責的方式處置CRT顯示器。 請與當地的市政廢物處理設施聯絡,它們可以幫助您處置舊CRT中的有害物質。 您還可以在此處找到有關處置和回收服務的更多資訊。

Mysticgeek’s Tech Lingo: LCD (liquid Crystal Display) This is a flat panel monitor which uses rod shaped liquid crystals that flow and bend light to create the display.

Mysticgeek的Tech Lingo: LCD(液晶顯示器)這是一種平板顯示器,它使用棒狀液晶來流動和彎曲光以建立顯示器。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79794/green-computing-switch-to-lcd-flat-screen-monitors/
